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There was traduction Portugais

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There was a fire fight.
Houve um tiroteio.
You said there was no alarm.
- Disse não haver alarme!
I know, I-I just wish there was a better way.
Eu sei, só queria que houvesse outra maneira.
Later that day, I went to return a book and there was this woman that I didn't recognize sitting at the desk and she's like,
Mais tarde naquele dia, eu fui devolver um livro e havia uma mulher que eu não reconheci sentada à mesa e ela é tipo,
There was a haartal...
Houve um haartal...
And then there was a third voice.
E havia uma terceira voz.
Um, okay. There was a tannery fire about six months ago.
Houve um incêndio num curtume há 6 meses atrás.
Once upon a time, there was a king named George.
Era uma vez um rei chamado Jorge.
And then there was a farmer named Robert... poor as dirt... yet he had two sons.
Havia também um agricultor chamado Robert. Muito pobre. Mas tinha dois filhos.
And, well... we sort of fought about it, and then... there was a kiss.
Tivemos uma pequena discussão e depois, beijámo-nos.
There was a reason for this lifetime of grooming?
Havia uma razão para uma vida inteira a preparares-me?
When we went to Geonosis, there was nothing.
Quando fomos a Geonosis, não havia nada.
But there was no side deal,'cause I did it for free.
Mas não houve acordo lateral, porque o fiz totalmente de graça.
Maybe there was water, and karma took it away from you.
Talvez houvesse, mas o carma levou-a.
There was a meeting... at Hamilton.
Houve uma reunião no Hamilton.
There was no dead drop, was there?
Nunca existiu local de transferência, não é assim?
And then there was the cookout at the cabin.
E depois, houve o churrasco na cabana.
The only other person that knew our history there was you.
A única pessoa que estava a par da nossa história lá, era você.
One is there was a string from the kite going down to the something called a Leyden jar.
A primeira é que havia um fio que descia do papagaio de papel para algo que se chamava garrafa de Leida.
There was just, uh... there was a little bomb in her purse that kind of exploded, destroying said proof and a bunch of buildings around it, and everybody thinks that we did it.
Só havia uma... uma pequena bomba na sua bolsa que explodiu e que destruiu as ditas provas e um monte de edifícios à volta. E todos pensam que fomos nós.
I was hoping there wasn't gonna be as many in the park.
Esperava que no parque houvesse menos.
I didn't know there was a bomb there, not until I got there.
Não sabia que havia uma bomba, não até chegar lá.
A waiter... gave me the phone, and there was a man on the phone, and he told me, get the purse from the planter box, carry it down the street, and then when I see someone follow me,
Um empregado de mesa... deu-me um telefone, e estava um homem ao telefone, e disse-me para pegar na mala e transportá-la pela rua. Depois quando visse alguém a seguir-me, deixá-la cair e fugir.
I was over there.
Eu estive lá.
Your trainee wasn't telling the whole truth back there, was he?
O teu estagiário não disse toda a verdade, pois não?
I was there.
Eu estava lá.
We were busting your balls over there, but listen, your old man was a good cop, Kyle, one of the best.
Estávamos a gozar consigo, ali, mas ouça, o seu velhote era um bom policial, Kyle, um dos melhores.
Your dad was dead when I got there.
O seu pai estava morto quando lá cheguei.
When I got there, Rourke was with him.
Quando lá cheguei, Rourke estava com ele.
Frank was there with my dad when he died?
O Frank estava lá, com o meu pai, quando ele morreu?
That Frank was there at the scene the night my dad was killed.
Que o Frank estava no local, na noite em que o meu pai foi morto.
Maybe it was there all along, but you were hiding it from the world.
Talvez lá tenha estado sempre, mas você andava a escondê-lo do mundo.
Your dad was dead when I got there.
O teu pai já estava morto.
It was right there in front of me.
Esteve sempre à minha frente.
This is a geologically active area ; 20 miles away, there are sulfur hot Springs that I saw when I was mapping out the route.
A área é geologicamente activa. A 30 km daqui há fontes termais de enxofre, vi quando mapeei a rota.
It was so sunny out there.
- Está tão quente lá fora.
I was laying there on the floor of the show room, they...
Eu estava deitado lá no chão da sala de exposições, eles...
He's in there telling my boss right now this whole thing was your plan.
Ele está a dizer ao meu chefe que foi tudo um plano seu.
I'll bet he was imagining your little face when you opened the front door and found him standing there, sober, victorious, with your brother in his arms.
Aposto que estava a imaginar a tua cara quando abrisses a porta e o visses ali, sóbrio, vitorioso, com o teu irmão nos braços.
I thought that Ash was gonna kick Marla out of the band that night after the gig, so I went down there to see how it went down.
Eu pensei que o Ash ia expulsar a Marla da banda naquela noite após o concerto, por isso fui até lá para ver como aquilo acabava.
- Yeah, the sentiment was there.
- Eu faço um discurso.
Was there any point in the last 30 minutes or so where I seemed gay to you?
Houve algum momento nos últimos 30 minutos em que te pareci gay?
Relax, it... it... there was a cancellation.
But if there is a mole, then how did he know where Nikki's lockbox was?
Mas se há um espião, então como é que ele sabia onde o cofre estava?
That was some freaky, dark side, Snowden stuff right there.
Isto foi um pouco bizarro e lúgubre. À Snowden.
I happened to walk in this little convenience store and there she was.
Por acaso, entrei naquela pequena loja de conveniência e lá estava ela.
All right, well, everything was cool when we got there...
Tudo estava porreiro quando chegámos lá...
Never seen the man there in the picture, but the man driving that truck, he was sitting in that booth a little while ago.
Nunca vi o homem dessa fotografia, mas o que conduz a camioneta, estava sentado naquela mesa há pouco.
- I swiped it off of Billy when I was pissing him off out there.
- Tirei-o do Billy quando estava a chagar-lhe a cabeça.
That was a pretty cool move right there.
Isto foi mesmo bem jogado.
On my best days, I've saved hundreds of lives, and no one even knew I was there.
Nos melhores dias, salvei centenas de vidas, e ninguém soube que estive lá.

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