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There was blood everywhere traduction Portugais

116 traduction parallèle
There was blood everywhere.
Estava coberto de sangue.
There was blood everywhere.
Tinha sangue por toda parte.
I just woke up there, and there was blood everywhere.
Eu só acordei ali, e havia sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere and that.
Havia sangue por todo o lado, e isso aí.
There was blood everywhere... and then later... Mrs. Frawley...
Havia sangue por todo o lado... e depois... a Sra. Frawley...
There was blood everywhere.
Havia sangue por todos os lados.
There was blood everywhere.
Havia sangue por todo o lado.
Then there was blood everywhere.
Depois havia sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere!
Havia sangue, por todos os lados!
There was blood everywhere.
Havia sangue em todo o lado.
It was time to clean the scat from the pens so I had the buckets and the shovels. And then there was blood everywhere in the snow.
Era hora de limpar as jaulas, eu peguei o balde e as pás... e vi sangue por toda parte, na neve.
The tent was ripped to shreds and there was blood everywhere!
A barraca estava arranhada e havia sangue por todo o lado!
There was blood everywhere.
Havia sangue por todo o lado!
- There was blood everywhere.
- Havia sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere.
E havia sangue por todo o lado.
And there was blood everywhere and people were dying.
havia sangue por todo o lado e as pessoas morriam.
There was blood everywhere that scorching summer.
Havia sangue por todo o lado, naquele Verão abrasador. - Matou quem?
Then I fired 4 shots through the pillow, there was blood everywhere.
Então eu disparei 4 vezes, com a minha arma, através... de uma almofada Havia sangue por toda a parte
There was blood everywhere!
Havia sangue por todo o lado!
Yeah, from that spinning blade, there was blood everywhere.
Sim, com aquela serra rotativa, havia sangue por todo o lado.
The next thing I remember there was blood everywhere.
Só me lembro de haver sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere!
Estava todo coberto de sangue.
I walked into the house, and, um... there was blood everywhere.
Voltei para casa e vi sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere.
Sangue por todo o lado.
The last thing I remember, I was pulling an eight-inch knife out of my gut, and there was blood everywhere.
A última coisa de que me lembro é de tirar uma faca de 20cm do meu intestino. E havia sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere.
Havia sangue por todo lado.
Well, there was blood Everywhere.
- Havia sangue por todo o lado.
The nurse i spoke to said there was blood everywhere.
A enfermeira com quem falei disse que havia sangue por todo o lado.
And there was blood everywhere.
Havia sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere... but what hurt me was that she was right.
Tinha sangue em todos lados... mas o que mais me chateou, foi que ela tinha razão.
There was blood everywhere, but, jimmy, he didn't even know he was hurt.
Tinha sangue por todo o lado. Mas nem chegou a saber que estava ferido.
She was dead and there was blood everywhere.
Ela estava morta e havia sangue por todo o lado.
All our guys were getting chopped up all around us, and there was blood everywhere.
Os nossos rapazes ficaram feitos em pedaços havia sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood everywhere, and I just screamed.
Havia sangue por todo o lado e eu gritei.
There was blood everywhere...
Tinha sangue por todo o lado...
There was so much blood everywhere.
Havia muito sangue por todo o lado.
Blood everywhere, the nurse came out... the place was in chaos, his girlfriend was freaking out... and you just sat there and read. You never even looked up.
Nem sequer olhaste para cima.
There was blood, guts everywhere.
Havia sangue, tripas por todos os lados.
This giant mumpet turned up with a machine gun and started blasting away until there was nothing but blood and guts and bits of body everywhere.
Apareceu um boneco gigante, com uma metralhadora... e ele começou a atirar até só restar... sangue e partes do corpo em todo lugar.
I mean... blood everywhere like there was a struggle.
Há sangue por todo lado, como se tivesse havido uma luta.
There was... Blood everywhere.
Havia... sangue por todo o lado.
There was blood and body parts, and pieces of flesh everywhere.
Havia sangue, partes do corpo e carne por todo o lado.
There was blood e-everywhere.
Havia sangue por todo o lado.
There was glass, blood, feathers, everywhere, man.
Havia vidro, sangue, penas, pra todo lado, cara.
There was, uh, blood... everywhere.
Havia sangue por todo o lado.
I already told t local boys - - There was blood... everywhere.
Já disse aos polícias locais... Tinha sangue por todo o lado.
There was a lot of blood So much blood ; it was everywhere
Havia muito sangue. Tanto sangue, estava por todo o lado.
Suddenly, there was a sharp pain and, bang, I wake up, there's blood everywhere and I'm shot in the arm, and Claire's dead.
De repente, senti uma dor aguda, acordei e havia sangue por todo o lado. Tinha sido alvejado, a Claire estava morta. Entrei em pânico.
He grabbed the ant's antennae, and broke his hind leg there was a terrible fight, with blood flowing everywhere.
Agarrou a formiga pelas antenas e partiu-lhe uma pata. Houve uma luta terrível, com sangue por todo o lado.
There was just blood everywhere.
" Havia sangue por todo o lado.
I was on top of him and I was punching him and punching him and his face was caving in there was blood going everywhere and I could actually taste it.
Atirei-me a ele e comecei a esmurrá-lo até ficar com a cara num bolo. Havia sangue por toda a parte e até lhe senti o sabor.

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