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There was a man traduction Portugais

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I know I'm looking in the wrong place, but when I despair I shall remember there was a man who looked into my soul.
Sei que ando a procurar no lugar errado, mas, quando desesperar, lembrar-me-ei de que houve um homem que viu a minha alma.
There was a man I was very close to, and she took him away from me.
Havia um homem de quem eu era muito próxima... E ela tirou-mo.
There was a man shot over there in a black Seville.
Um homem foi alvejado num Seville preto.
There was a man.
Estava ali um homem.
You know, there was a man that lived here once... that had a prize fighting kangaroo.
Sabes, um dia viveu cá um homem que tinha um canguru lutador.
One time... I arrived at this car early in the morning, And there was a man trapped inside -
Uma vez, cheguei a um carro de manhã cedo e vi um homem fechado lá dentro, um velhote.
There was a man I loved.
Houve um homem que amei.
There was a man here.
Esteve aqui um homem.
There was a man in Canton, Ohio who once rolled a ball of string over 6 metres in diameter.
Uma vez, um homem em Canton, no Ohio, enrolou uma bola de cordel com seis metros de diâmetro.
There was a man who used to work for me.
Havia um homem que trabalhava para mim.
I spoke to him earlier today and I told him that there was a man who called me.
Falei com ele hoje e disse-lhe... que um homem me tinha ligado.
Now, as with most Texas legends, there was a man who thought oil was right beneath his feet.
Como quase todas as lendas do Texas havia um homem que pensou que havia petróleo debaixo dos seus pés.
A priest was there, a solemn man, who had remained to care for the sick.
Estava lá um padre grave que se deixara ficar em companhia de alguns enfermos.
Well, she was there talking to her friend... that Gloria Other-piece-of-trash, old man Holmes's youngest girl... the one with them two illegitimate mulatto kids... and they were staring at me, pointing', talking all hush-hush.
Bem, ela estava lá conversando com seu namorado... aquela Gloria não-sei-o-quê, a garota mais nova do velho Holmes... aquela com seus dois filhos mulatos adotados... e estavam me encarando, apontando, cochichando.
Well, there was an opening, but they gave it to a deaf-mute black man.
Bem, havia uma vaga, mas deram-na a um preto surdo-mudo.
I was the one who had to sit there and watch my wife cavorting in the arms of another man.
Eu é que tive de ficar ali a ver a minha mulher nos braços de outro homem!
and Rotten asked me if I wanted to join the - - there was this big hoo-ha, and Malcolm said, "lt's all a big secret, man," you know...
Fiquei espantado e ele disse que era um grande segredo...
[Man] I was fortunate enough, or unfortunate, whichever way you want to look at it, to lead the greatest air combat battle of World War II. There was eight of us.
Eu tive a sorte, ou o azar, seja de que forma se olhe para isso, de liderar o maior combate aéreo da Segunda Guerra Mundial.
There was a little man.
Havia um homem pequeno.
The man over there said that he was brought in a few minutes ago.
O homem que ali está disse que ele chegou há alguns minutos.
You know how there was a drought, man?
Sabes a seca que havia?
When my uncle was a young man... there was this girl who lived across the street from him... and he was completely in love with her.
Quando o meu tio era jovem, havia uma menina que vivia do outro lado da rua... e ele era louco por ela. Mas nunca falava com ela.
'There was...'a man on top of me.
Tinha um homem em cima de mim.
Look, I told the man he could run his unit any way he wanted, as long as the violence was kept down. You know, since Querns took over, there's been no significant nonsense in Em City. Okay?
Disse-lhe ao homem que poderia dirigir sua unidade como quisesse, em tanto a violência mantivera-se ao mínimo.
I mean, I had no money, no overcoat, it was cold out there, but man, oh man, I was so happy, I stopped in the middle of the street and did a little dance.
Digo, não tinha dinheiro nem casaco e fazia frio, mas céus, era tão feliz que parei no meio da rua e fiz um bailecito.
I met an interesting man there, and for a while, I almost forgot he was a hologram.
Eu conheci um homem interessante lá, e por um momento, eu quase esqueci que ele era um holograma.
Elliot was a good man... and there wasn't too many good men at the Bureau.
O Norville era um bom homem. Estamos a perder muitos bons homens na Corporação.
There was a regrettable loss of life, but in the view of this administration, this man deserves, without question, to be called a hero.
Houve perda lamentável de vida, mas na visão desta administração, este homem merece, sem dúvida, ser chamado herói.
The man was selfish, a coward. He hated himself so deeply, so utterly, there wasn't even time for forgiveness.
Aquele homem egoísta e cobarde desprezou-se tão profundamente
But there was one man who was not laughing at all.
Mas havia um homem que não se estava a rir!
Another example. When I began my work there was a lot of talk about social mobility, in the United States "in one generation, you have self-made men", and so on.
E so coisas que... por exemplo, quando comecei a trabalhar, dizíamos a mobilidade social, os EUa, é o país da mobilidade, estamos numa geraço de self-made man, etc.
Is there any news of the man who was hanging around outside?
Há alguma novidade sobre o homem que andou a rondar lá fora?
Yes there was a young man disturbing me.
Sim havia um homem jovem me perturbando.
I didn't even see- - The man was in a camouflage tent and I didn't see him. Then I saw an arm stuck out of that tent and one of those potato-masher grenades you know, with a stick come out of there.
Não vi ninguém, o tipo estava numa tenda camuflada Só vi o braço a sair da tenda com uma daquelas granadas tipo "esmagador de batatas" daquelas que têm uma pega comprida.
I was really happy from the bottom of my heart. There is a person who welcomes a man like me. I have a place to come back to.
Este homem encontrou a sua companheira um lugar ao qual regressar o qual antes só me recebia a mim.
Well, you know a man was frozen alive in there?
Mas foi só isso.
I'm telling you, man, as soon as I met the wife, I knew there was more to this.
Assim que conheci a mulher, vi que havia mais qualquer coisa.
From the beginning, for those paying attention, there was something ominously distant about this small man on a big horse, too lofty to bother with a coronation procession.
Desde o início, os que prestaram atenção viram que havia algo ominosamente distante neste homenzinho, sobre um grande cavalo, muito orgulhoso como para de ter o inconveniente de uma procissão de coroação.
There was one young man, who'd been sweating it out as a company clerk, for whom the drum roll of battle was an irresistible serenade.
Havia um jovem que suava as estopinhas enquanto secretário da Companhia, para quem os tambores da batalha eram uma serenata irresistível.
( man ) It was generally understood that the combat tour was 25 missions because it was anticipated you'd be dead by the end of that time, so there wasn't any point in asking you to stay around any longer.
Uma comissão de combate tinha 25 missões. Calculavam que todos estariam mortos até ao fim da comissão, portanto não valia a pena pedirem-lhes para ficar mais tempo.
( man ) There was quite a lot of money made in the factories, but without a shadow of doubt or fear of contradiction, a lot of people made a lot of money out of the war.
Fazia-se muito dinheiro nas fábricas, mas sem dúvidas e sem medo de contradições, muita gente ganhou muito dinheiro com a guerra.
( man ) My own viewpoint was that the war for me had been a complete failure because there were 60 million square-headed bastards still living.
Para mim, a guerra fora um falhanço total, porque ainda havia 60 milhões de sacanas alemães ainda vivos.
( man ) It was a terrible waste of human life and money, but it had to be done and there was no way we could have avoided it.
Foi um desperdício terrível de vidas e de dinheiro, mas tinha de ser feito e era impossível de evitar.
That's right, when Johnny boy busted this place out and took it over, and old man Satriale put a bullet in his own head, there was a lot of sadness on the block.
A tristeza espalhou-se pelo bairro.
I hope you're not suggesting that what this car hit was a man, because there's no way.
Espero que não esteja a sugerir que o carro embateu num homem. Isso seria impossível.
- Well, there's an exec here from the oil company... who says that he was contacted by a man in our offiice.
Está cá um dirigente da petrolífera que diz que foi contactado pelo nosso gabinete.
Detention at our school... meant helping the janitor clean the building... and that meant that there was only one man... standing in our way.
Castigo na nossa escola... quis dizer ajudar o contínuo a limpa o edifício... e isso quis dizer que havia apenas um homem... a meter-se no nosso caminho.
" There once was a man from Bandoo Who fell asleep in a canoe
"Havia uma vez um homem de Bandoo que adormeceu numa canoa"
When people ask me if Michael Sullivan was a good man or if there was just no good in him at all I always give the same answer.
Quando me perguntam se Michael Sullivan era um bom homem ou se ele não tinha nada de bom dou sempre a mesma resposta.
Chacon was in the cafe in a secret meeting, and this man was there.
O Chacon estava no café numa reuniäo secreta e este homem estava lá.
You was gone a long while there, you know, taking on the big man, like you should, you know...
Estiveste fora um bom bocado, sabes, a falar sobre o grande homem, tal como devias, sabes...

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