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There was nothing there traduction Portugais

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No, there was nothing there.
Não, não havia nada.
I had a search warrant for that house, but by the time I got to use it, there was nothing there, because your people took whatever there was to find. Hello, David.
Eu tinha um mandado de busca para a casa, mas quando cheguei lá, não havia nada, porque o teu pessoal chegou lá primeiro.
There was nothing you could do.
Não havia nada que se pudesse fazer.
There are many who say the plague was nothing but a pestilence that finally broke like the passing of a fever
Muitos dizem que a peste foi apenas uma epidemia que surgiu. Como a passagem de uma febre.
There was nothing out there today.
Não há nada por aí hoje.
- There was nothing here.
- Não havia nada aqui.
I always knew there was nothing here for you, except pain and tragedy.
Sempre soube que Gotham só podia oferecer-lhe dor e tragédia.
Your criminal record Diego, the drugs and all the rest, there was nothing I could do.
A tua ficha criminal Diego, com as drogas e tudo o mais, não houve nada que eu pudesse fazer.
There was nothing wrong with [ he defense Hillary Van Wetter got in court!
Não há nada de errado com a defesa que o Hillary Van Wetter teve em tribunal!
I thought there was nothing more to drink?
Eu pensei que não havia mais nada para beber?
Once upon a time, there was nothing here.
Era uma vez... em que não existia aqui nada.
There was nothing, nobody, and there was no way to get into that apartment, unless you go in through the front door.
Então, dei uma olhada em volta e não havia nada, não havia ninguém. Não havia maneira de alguém entrar naquele apartamento a não ser pela porta da frente.
There was nothing you could do.
E não podias fazer nada.
And there was nothing you could do.
E não podias fazer nada.
I was drunk, and you resembled someone else... so there's nothing like it.
Estava bêbedo e confundi-te com outra pessoa. Não foi nada de especial.
I mean, there was nothing you could do.
Não havia nada que pudesses fazer.
There was nothing.
Não houve nada.
There was simply nothing to be done.
Ok? Não havia nada a ser feito.
# Pages were folded then there was nothing at all
Páginas foram dobradas, até não restar nada
When we returned to the surface there was nothing.
Quando regressámos à superfície... não havia nada.
I am sorry, but there was nothing I can do.
Desculpa, mas não havia nada que pudesse fazer.
There was nothing.
Não era nada.
There was nothing left.
Não sobrou nada.
First, there was nothing.
Primeiro, não havia nada.
But there was nothing to realize.
Mas não havia nada para compreender.
There was no green screen. There was no nothing to say... that they didn't actually do it.
Não há uma tela verde, não há nada a dizer... que eles sejam umas farsas na verdade.
There was nothing in any database that ever connected you to them.
Não havia nada em nenhum banco de dados que lhe ligava a eles.
There was nothing he could do.
Não houve nada que ele pudesse fazer.
His child was dying... and there was nothing he could do.
A sua filha estava a morrer... e não havia nada que ele pudesse fazer.
There was nothing wrong with that case when you took it out of the purser's office.
Não havia nada de errado com a caixinha quando a foste levantar ao cofre central.
There was nothing wrong with that case when you took it out of the Purser's office.
Não havia nada de errado com a caixinha quando a foste levantar ao cofre central.
If there was someone out there, operating independently of my client, attempting to bring harm to Mr. Coleman, incarcerating my client will do nothing to prevent that.
Se existe alguém lá fora a operar independentemente do meu cliente, a tentar trazer prejuízos para o Sr. Coleman, prender o meu cliente não vai impedir isso.
You ever worry we was wrong all those years, and there ain't no Heaven and there ain't no nothing?
Alguma vez te preocupas que estivéssemos errados tanto tempo e que não exista céu nenhum e que não exista coisa nenhuma?
No, but there was a dog, Henry, leaving footprints, scaring witnesses, but nothing more than an ordinary dog.
Havia um cão, Henry. Deixava pegadas e assustava, mas era apenas um cão normal.
There was nothing they could do, you know.
Não havia nada que pudessem fazer, sabes.
There was nothing wrong.
Ele estava bem.
There was nothing else down there?
Não havia mais nada lá em baixo?
There was nothing official about it.
Não existe nada oficial sobre isso.
There was nothing I could do to stop it.
Não consegui fazer nada para evitar.
I just had a tickle there was a reason nothing was popping out at us, so I set up a program to run possibilities for six numbers, seven, eight.
E tive um palpite que é razão suficiente para que nada nos estivesse a aparecer Por isso fiz um programa para gerar probabilidades para 6 números, 7, 8...
There was nothing going on, if that's what you mean.
Não se passava nada, se é isso que quer dizer.
Well, Pete, I'm sure there was nothing you could've done.
Bem... eu tenho a certeza que não havia mais nada que pudesses fazer.
There was nothing encrypted.
Nada encriptado.
There was nothing else I could do. You missed the fucking boat, Jimmy.
Não podia fazer nada Jimmy Tu é que perdeste o barco.
There was nothing else I could do.
Não havia nada a fazer.
That docter in Denton confirmed that there was nothing in her system at all
Esse doutor em Denton confirmou, que não tem nada no seu sistema.
Before you, there was like, there was like nothing.
Antes de ti não existe nada.
I can't. There was nothing you could do.
Não podias fazer nada.
Every night I would make sure there was nothing on the floor.
Todas as noites, assegurava-me que não havia nada no chão.
And, of course, there was nothing to it.
E claro, não havia nada.
Tell her that I'm canceling the lunch that was supposed to prove there's nothing more important than Catherine because something more important than Catherine has come up.
Que vou anular o almoço que iria provar que nada é mais importante do que a Catherine, porque surgiu uma coisa mais importante.

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