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There was something else traduction Portugais

320 traduction parallèle
And there was something else... something I've never known in my whole life.
e havia mais alguma coisa... algo que nunca sube em toda a minha vida.
He seemed to think there was something else in the bottle.
Ele pareceu pensar que havia algo mais na garrafa.
There was something else.
Havia algo mais.
There was something else going on below.
Estava algo mais a acontecer lá em baixo.
There was something else in that wagon.
Havia mais qualquer coisa nesse carro.
There is no doubt about it, there was something else out here, too.
Não há dúvida nenhuma, alguma coisa esteve aqui.
Aldo, there was something else we should have discussed last night.
Aldo, devíamos ter falado sobre outra coisa a noite passada.
Yes, there was something else but I forgot.
Dizia mais qualquer coisa, mas esqueci-me.
Well, there was something else I wanted to tell you... however I'm sure you'll misunderstand my motives in mentioning it.
Há mais uma coisa que queria lhe dizer. Contudo, não entenda mal meus motivos para mencioná-la.
I wish there was something else I could do.
Gostava que houvesse algoe que pudesse fazer.
There was something else all the time, wasn't there?
Havia algo mais, não?
I thought for a moment there was something else, but I guess I was wrong.
Pensei, por um momento, que havia mais, mas parece que me enganei.
And I was wondering if there was something else - you could correct for me, sir.
Pode explicar-me outra coisa?
- There was something else.
- Foi outra coisa.
There was something else. People left our factories without even knowing what our demands were.
Porque desde que o PC existe, depois... da guerra, talvez antes,... seus militantes se acostumaram a refletir... segundo o que sua direção decidia.
I wish there was something else I could do to thank you and KITT.
Gostava que houvesse algo mais para lhe agradecer e ao KITT.
- Besides, there was something else.
- Além disso, havia outra coisa.
But there was something else about those letters.
Mas havia algo mais :
i knew that there was something else going on with those guys.
Eu sabia que há outras coisas com esses sujeitos.
Oh, uh, and there was something else.
Oh, uh, existe outra coisa que queria falar.
There was something else there.
Havia algo mais.
Bem, tinha mais uma coisa.
I just wish there was something else I could do.
Só queria ter uma alternativa.
Sabe, houve uma outra coisa que disse nas aulas...
There was something else going on in Jedi.
Sempre existiu algo que me incomodou nos Jedi!
There was something else, Captain.
Mais alguma coisa, Capitão.
First I thought she was being abused, but after some sessions with her parents I became convinced there was something else behind Michelle's anxiety.
Pensei que era vítima de maus tratos, mas depois de umas sessões com os pais, convenci-me de que havia outra coisa por trás da ansiedade da Michelle.
Are you saying there was something else in there?
Estás a dizer que estava algo?
There was something else in that room.
Havia algo mais naquele quarto.
Oh, I wish there was something else I could do.
Quem me dera poder fazer mais.
Maybe there was something else going on, though.
Talvez houvesse mais qualquer coisa a meio do caminho.
So it'II be replaced by something that's neither here nor there, on the contrary, it will never be what it once was, to be something else that we don't want it.
Para em seu lugar se erguer uma coisa que não é nem deixa de ser e antes pelo contrário, não será mais aquilo que foi, para ser outra coisa que a gente não quer que seja. Tenho dito.
Was there something else you wanted, Mr...
Queria mais alguma coisa, Senhor..
Now, was there something else?
Deseja mais alguma coisa?
- Was there something else?
- Aconteceu mais alguma coisa?
- Was there something else?
Há, sim.
Over at your house there the other day, when I was climbing that ladder, I had a thought. Something else occurred to me that's been keeping me awake at night.
Quando estive em sua casa em cima daquele escadote, ocorreu-me outra coisa que não me tem deixado dormir.
Something else was in there.
- Esteve algo aqui dentro.
Was there something else, Miss Chapel?
Mais alguma coisa, Srta. Chapel?
- There was something else.
Houve mais uma coisa.
He was an enormous, enormous success, and this success largely changed his whole life, I think,'cause he found out there was something that he could do well, do practically better than anyone else.
Teve muito êxito, e acho que aquele êxito mudou totalmente sua vida, porque percebeu que sabia fazer algo bom, praticamente melhor que ninguém.
- Was there something else?
Mais alguma coisa? - Não sei como dizer.
There's something else I noticed that was real curious.
Reparei noutra coisa estranha.
Was there something else?
Mais alguma coisa?
Was there something else?
Era mais alguma coisa? Não, não senhor.
Sunad's hatred for John was evident, but there is something else.
O ódio do Sunad pelo John é evidente, mas há mais alguma coisa.
There was something else here.
Havia algo mais.
Now, Firmani was hiding something else. I can't describe the feeling but there was an old woman who I took to be his mother.
O Firmani estava escondendo mais alguma coisa, não sei descrever, mas havia uma velha que presumi ser mãe dele.
Was there something else?
Deseja mais alguma coisa?
Was there something else you wanted to talk about?
Há algo mais que me queira dizer?
Was there something else?
Houve algo mais?

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