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There was a girl traduction Portugais

797 traduction parallèle
There was a girl named Roksana among them...
Havia então uma garota chamada Roksana.
One day, back in 1896, I was crossing over to Jersey on the ferry and as we pulled out, there was another ferry pulling in and on it there was a girl waiting to get off.
Um dia, em 1896, eu estava indo para Jersey de balsa... e, quando saímos, outra balsa atracou... e nela havia uma garota esperando para descer.
- There was a girl?
Havia uma garota?
There was a girl.
Eu era estudante em Genebra.
There was a girl, madame.
Havia uma rapariga, madame.
And there was a girl.
E havia uma rapariga.
There was a girl with them.
Estava uma rapariga com eles.
Now, there was a girl assistant.
Mas tinha uma assistente feminina.
There was a girl not much older than that boy in there.
Havia uma moça, não muito mais velha que aquele rapaz lá dentro.
- There was a girl.
- Havia uma moça.
Listen, Ron, there was a girl.
Escuta, Ron, estava lá uma rapariga...
He wanted to know if there was a girl in your apartment.
-... mas a sua esposa vai usar? - Oh, Max,..
There was a girl once... back in Texas.
Havia uma rapariga... no Texas.
There was a girl at the feast tonight.
- Havia uma rapariga hoje na festa.
Sorry, miss, but you do know that there was a girl killed in the park tonight?
Lamento Srta, mas já sabem da menina morta no parque, esta noite?
Yeah, I got this giant knife and I went to this girl's house and was gonna find her, but she wasn't there, so I just slashed her tires.
Bem, eu agarrei num facalhão e fui a casa dessa rapariga para a procurar e ela não estava lá. Por isso cortei-lhe os pneus.
We-well, you see, he, uh... tried to keep awake one night... when he was gonna catch a stage to a nearby town and he... he had a girl over there he was courtin'and...
Bom, houve uma noite em que ele tentou ficar acordado para apanhar uma diligência até uma cidade vizinha. Havia lá uma moça que ele andava a cortejar.
"Now, it happened that in Bagdad at this time, there was a dancing girl named Sherazade... whose skill and beauty... had made her the idol of the people."
"Mas ocorre que em Bagdá, nessa época... havia uma dançarina chamada Sherazade... cujo talento e beleza a transformou em ídolo do povo."
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who was afraid.
Era uma vez, uma garotinha que tinha medo.
There were times she was miles away, but I still felt, wherever she was she was my girl.
Houve épocas em que ela estava muito longe de mim... mas mesmo assim, eu sabia que onde quer que ela estivesse... ela era a minha menina.
There was a dance going on, or something but Lochinvar rode into the patio, or whatever they have in Scotland and swept the girl off her feet, onto his horse and rode off with her.
Havia um baile, ou algo mas o Lochinvar entrou no patio, ou Ia o que é na Escocia pegou na rapariga e desapareceram a galope.
Waldo saw a girl standing there, and he assumed it was you.
Waldo viu ali uma rapariga, e supôs que era você.
Long ago, there was a mummy like you say and he take a girl in the swamp.
Porque ninguém é tão louco para lá trabalhar, e sabe porquê. Não, Aquiles.
All right, there's no harm telling. It was for Joe Brody's girl.
Pronto, até posso dizer que o fiz para a miúda do Brody.
You know about the night the kid bumped Brody? The young Sternwood girl was there. Only Marlowe didn't tell the cops that.
Na noite em que o miúdo arrumou o Brody, a tipa Sternwood estava presente, mas o Marlowe não disse à Polícia.
There was a little cantina... and the most beautiful girl named Josefina, that played the guitar.
Havia uma cantina pequena... e uma bela miúda, a Josefina, que tocava viola.
Let's root him out. Speaking of dames, there was a little girl...
Vamos tirá-lo dali.
And there was such a girl named Jennie who sat for it. So much is true.
E existiu uma jovem chamada Jennie... que posou para que a retratassem.
There was a light-haired girl last time who was unusually pretty, if a bit gauche.
Havia uma miúda de cabelo claro, da última vez, que era mesmo muito bonita.
When you were on the lake with that poor girl, and the boat capsized and there was a moment when you might have saved her.
Quando estavas no lago com a pobre moça e o barco se virou e houve um momento em que a poderias ter salvo.
I'm trying to tell you, he rode up and there was the girl looking...
Estou a tentar dizer-te que ele foi lá e a rapariga olhou...
So, do you tell the boys that once back in Bermuda there was a moon like this one a girl you'd only known for a week, et cetera, et cetera?
Essa é a história que você diga soldados? Bermuda, a menina à luz da lua, a menina que nunca tinha visto, etc., etc...
As you see, there was no mystery no matter what the girl said at the time or any other time.
Como vê, näo há mistério nenhum diga a rapariga o que disser.
Once, in a cabaret like this one, there was a beautiful girl she had long legs like that one.
Estive lá duas vezes. Uma vez entrei num cabaré, tipo este. Havia uma linda rapariga, de perna comprida como aquela.
And I looked up and there on the stairway was this thin, dark, wild, young girl with her hand pressed against her mouth and her big brimming eyes staring at me.
Olhei para cima e na escada havia uma rapariga fina, morena, jovem, furiosa. ... a tapar a boca com força, com os olhos muito abertos. E com os seus grandes olhos cheios a olhar para mim.
You promised I was gonna be the Miller Wax girl and now Mr. Miller says there ain't even gonna be one!
Eu devia ser a rapariga da cera Miller, e agora o Sr. Miller diz que não vai haver nenhuma!
That girl up there was always coming back with strange ideas.
Aquela rapariga estava sempre a voltar com ideias estranhas.
Once upon a time... down in Shreveport, Louisiana... there was this bad little girl named Melba Nyle.
Era uma vez... ... em Shreveport, Louisiana... ... uma rapariga malandra chamada Melba Nyle.
Did you ever hear of an artilleryman winning a bet, or a girl... or a war when there was cavalry about?
Já viu um artilheiro ganhar um aposta, uma rapariga, ou uma guerra, com a cavalaria por perto?
There was a film like that with Michel Simon, where he fell for this girl -
vi um filme assim com o Michel Simon, deixava-se possuir por uma rapariga.
I was looking at that cute little Dutch girl over there.
Estava a observar aquela bonita rapariga holandesa.
There's nobody- - ( gasps ) 99, this is the girl I was telling you about- - the girl who poisoned me.
Não há ninguém... 99, esta é a fulana que lhe falei.
Jacqueline never was there, she is a highly respectable girl.
A Jacqueline jamais morou ali. É a moça mais honesta do mundo. - Não!
Now there was a lovely girl.
Era uma rapariga amorosa.
And now the girl was gone, she figured there was nothin'to stop her.
E agora que a rapariga tinha ido embora, não havia nada que a impedisse.
Said there was a little boy, a pretty girl, a nigger and a Mississippi swamp rat.
Disse que era um rapazinho, uma miúda bonita, um negro e uma ratazana do pântano do Mississipi.
Well, Mr. Durk, when you were maybe in the third or fourth grade, and there was a pretty redheaded girl in the front row, and you couldn't get her attention, um...
Sr. Durk, quando andávamos na quarta classe, havia uma ruiva gira na fila da frente que não nos ligava nenhuma.
She was just a girl when they took her away because she was possessed. There was a rumour going around at the time...
Quando era rapariga, levaram-na ao Francesco, por estar possuída pelo demónio.
And on that bed there was a girl
E sobre essa cama havia uma jovem
And on that girl there was a man
E sobre essa jovem havia um homem
There was a little girl murdered over in the park tonight.
- Mataram uma menina esta noite no parque.

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