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There was a break traduction Portugais

160 traduction parallèle
There was a break-in last night, and some money taken.
Entraram e roubaram dinheiro.
So there was a break-in!
Então houve um assalto!
There was a break-in a few months back.
Houve um assalto... ... há uns meses.
There was a break-in.
Houve um arrombamento.
There was a break in training for personal time and I decided to take mine here to help you move back home and ensure your safe arrival.
Houve uma folga nos treinos para termos tempo pessoal... e eu decidi gastar o meu vindo para aqui para ajudar na sua mudança para casa... e assegurar a sua chegada em segurança.
- So... there was a break-in last night.
- Então... Houve um roubo na última noite.
Say there was a break-in at that museum this week.
Suponhamos que havia um assalto a esse museu, esta semana.
Last year there was a... there was a break-in down the street, and Mr. Teal bought a gun for protection.
No ano passado houve um assalto a uma casa no final da rua, e o Sr. Teal comprou uma arma para protecção.
Did you hear there was a break-in at Mrs. Frome's?
Soubeste que houve uma invasão em casa da Sra. Fromeoutro outro dia? Sim.
And then, on top of everything else, I discovered there was a break-in at the office on the day of the funeral.
Além disso, descobri que assaltaram o meu escritório no dia do funeral.
Heard there was a break in the case.
Ouvi dizer que tiveste uma aberta no caso.
There was a break-in on this street.
Houve um assalto nesta rua.
There was a break-in last week.
Houve um assalto na semana passada.
There was a break-in at a Miami glass company a few hours ago.
Houve uma invasão à Companhia de Vidros de Miami algumas horas atrás.
Oh, well, there was a break in the marathon on TV, so I did some of your laundry.
Houve um intervalo na maratona, portanto lavei algumas das tuas roupas.
If only there was something to break the monotony of this voyage.
Oxalá houvesse algo que quebrasse a monotonia desta viagem.
Joanna told her mother as soon as she walked in. I had the stupid idea that maybe there was some way to break this gently.
A Joanna disse à mãe quando entrava e eu tive a estúpida idéia de achar que havia uma forma de... contar isto suavemente.
There was a communications break.
Houve uma falha nas comunicações.
And there was no sign of a break-in, or of an intruder?
Não havia indícios de arrombamento ou de intrusos?
Then we had a small fire, a couple of break-ins... and then there was inspectors running all around the place... and now the banks are threatening to close in on me.
Depois, houve um pequeno incêndio, uns arrombamentos e umas inspecções. - E os bancos ameaçam cercar-me.
I wish there was a way to break this news more gently.
" não tenho outra forma de te dizer isto.
He said there was nothing he could do and next time I should probably break the Prozacs in half.
Disse que não podia fazer nada e que, para a próxima, devia partir os Prozac ao meio.
There was a time when you couldn't break away from your starship fantasy at all.
Houve um tempo em que não podia libertar-se de sua fantasia da nave estelar.
I mean, that door was locked. It took some doing to break it open. And there was no-one in the room but Dad.
A porta estava trancada, foi o cabo dos trabalhos para a abrir e o pai estava sozinho no quarto.
I was in the break room getting a cup of coffee... and there was this woman...
Eu estava no meu quarto começando a tomar um copo do café... e havia esta mulher...
What's up? You was out there so long, I thought you were trying to break my record.
Cheguei a pensar... que querias bater o meu recorde.
There was no evidence of a break-in at the Walker -
Não há indícios de arrombamento em casa dos Walker.
- I was thinking, there's still, like, four days left of spring break.
Estive a pensar que ainda restam uns quatro dias de férias da Páscoa.
Our idea was to bring Adam's parents... up to the surface very slowly... make them very comfortable... and then break the bad news to them... that there was no nuclear holocaust.
A nossa ideia era trazer os pais do Adam lentamente para a superfície. Deixá-los confortáveis. E, então, dar a má notícia de que, não houve holocausto.
The Golem was right there, before I took my break. I'm tellin'ya.
Estou a dizer-vos.
It was then and there I created my own very first break-up rule :
Foi então que criei a minha primeira regra de separação :
There was a water main break and the train got stuck in Rye.
Houve um vazamento de água, e o trem ficou parado em Rye.
A few hours later, there was the break-in.
Disse que o faríamos no dia seguinte. Depois, poucas horas depois, passou-se o que se passou.
l was over there to break up with Becky.
Tinha ido a casa dela para acabar tudo.
Hey, give me a break. Her bio said she was a student there.
Tem calma, a ficha dizia que ela era estudante lá.
But among this nauseating chorus of congratulation there's at least one that dares break rank, that in fact sees the conquest as it surely was - a brutal, ruthless and completely successful act of aggression and cruelty.
Mas entre este nauseante coro de congratulação, há pelo menos um que ousa sair da ordem, que de facto vê a conquista da maneira como certamente foi : um brutal, impiedoso e bem sucedido acto de agressão e crueldade.
For a minute there, I thought I was gonna break out in hives.
Por um minuto, pensei que ia morrer se não comesse agora o mel.
Then I came back for spring break a day early and there she was....
Mas uma vez, cheguei um dia mais cedo nas férias da Primavera, e encontrei-a...
I was really curious if there were actually women out there in the world who walk by the construction lunch break which is your very personality and say :
Eu estava curiosa se existiam mulheres por aí, no mundo que passam pelo intervalo de almoço na construção, que é a tua personalidade e dizem :
You were a little stupid there for a while. She was cute, there's no doubt about that. But, I mean, give me a fucking break.
Tu... ficaste um pouco perdido por algum tempo... ela era uma bonitinha, sem dúvida, mas sai dessa.
Was there a break-in? - Not yet.
- Houve algum assalto?
So there was an idea that all this stuff... all these images and sounds that you'll be hearing, with a little luck... would break down the psyche of the people that were tripping.
Achavam que com tudo isto... todas estas imagens e sons que ouviam, com um pouco de sorte... quebrariam a mente de quem fosse drogado.
- Oh. I was making sure there wasn't another break-in.
Eu estava a assegurar que não haja outra invasão.
Suggests she didn't try to break her fall. But there was major disturbance at the scene.
Sugere que não tentou aparar a queda, mas havia uma grande balbúrdia no local.
We think it was one of her regular Johns'cause there was no sign of a break-in, robbery, or a struggle.
Devia ser um cliente habitual porque não há sinais de arrombamento, roubo ou luta.
I knew there must have been a good reason for you to let us break out, but that was quite the performance.
Sabia que tinham um bom motivo para nos deixar fugir. Foi um desempenho e tanto.
Was there a sign of break-in?
- Há sinais de arrombamento ou...? Não.
There was an incident 18 months ago where a guard was trying to break up a fight and MacAvoy punched him in the mouth.
Houve um incidente há 18 meses, quando um guarda tentou parar uma luta e o MacAvoy lhe deu um murro na boca.
There was even "trust" when Ross screwed around on Rachel... when he thought they were on "a break".
Havia confiança quando Ross traiu Rachel... pois achava que estavam "a fazer um intervalo".
If I was in that place for that... I'd have spent my time thinking about how... I could break out of there... and whack that son of a bitch.
Se eu estivesse naquele lugar por causa disso teria passado o tempo a pensar como poderia sair de lá e como dava uma sova ao filho da puta.
The woman who was in there said to me and "We've put people in isolation for years and eventually they break".
A mulher disse que punham pessoas em isolamento durante anos e geralmente acabam por ceder.

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