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There was a mix traduction Portugais

82 traduction parallèle
I know there was a mix-up in the maternity ward.
Eu sei que houve uma troca na maternidade.
But there was a mix-up in the hospital... And I got switched with another baby.
Mas houve uma confusão no hospital... e eu fui trocado por outro bebé.
Depois, o hospital entregou-o aos pais errados.
There was a mix-up at the store.
Houve um engano na loja.
No, no, no. Remember, there was a mix-up.
- Não, foi trocado.
There was a mix-up at the phone company.
Houve uma confusão com a companhia de telefones.
- Because he loves you. Unfortunately, there was a mix-up at Daddy's work. We need to bring the bikes back for now.
Ele ama-vos mas infelizmente, houve uma confusão no trabalho do pai... e temos que as devolver por enquanto.
I've got to pick up the little one. There was a mix up.
Não mas tenho de ir buscar eu a miúda, houve um mal-entendido.
Well, there was a mix-up with the bill and they shut my phone off, but it should be back on today.
Bem, houve uma confusão com a conta e eles cortaram o meu telefone, mas hoje deve ficar tudo resolvido.
There was a mix-up.
E houve uma confusão.
There was a mix-up the night that your father died, and he was mistaken for him.
Houve uma troca na noite em que o seu pai morreu e foi confundido com ele. Mas o seu pai está aqui agora.
There was a mix of turquoise and silver.
Havia uma mistura de turquesa e prateado.
My real name is Harry Monroe... and the Witness Protection Program moved me to Camden County... because there was a mix-up in the paperwork.
O programa de protecção de testemunhas mandou-me para Camden por engano.
There was a mix-up with your labs.
Houve uma troca com as suas análises.
Maybe there was a mix-up, some kind of a glitchin the system?
Talvez tenha havido um engano, uma pequena falha no sistema?
There was a mix-up, and the jeweler sent over two necklaces.
Houve um engano e o joalheiro mandou dois colares.
There was a mix-up on the bridge.
- Houve uma troca na ponte.
There was a mix-up with your test.
Houve um engano com o teu teste.
That's it. - I don't know, maybe there was a mix-up at the lab.
- Também não sei, talvez alguma coisa no laboratório.
Unfortunately, there was a mix-up at the spa, and Hope ended up resembling the Wicked Witch of the West.
Infelizmente, houve um engano no spa e a Hope acabou a parecer a Bruxa Má do Oeste.
Which was nothing new. But on this particular morning, there was a mix-up at the nanny service and no one showed up to take care of me.
Nada novo, mas, naquela manhã teve um problema com a ama, que não apareceu para cuidar de mim.
When she was born, there was a mix-up, and she was given to the wrong family.
Quando ela nasceu, houve um mal-entendido e foi dada à família errada.
Yeah, there was a bit of a mix-up at London Airport.
A mala, digo eu. Houve uma confusão no aeroporto.
Sorry it's another clock, only there was a bit of a mix-up.
Desculpe, por ser mais um relógio, mas é que houve confusão.
I'm afraid there was a big mix-up in plans today.
Receio que tenha havido uma grande troca de planos para hoje.
There was some kind of a mix-up with the credit card.
Houve uma confusão qualquer com o cartão de crédito.
Jack came over because there was some mix-up with a tape and I went down to my car to get the right tape and...
O Jack foi lá porque havia uma confusão com uma cassete. Fui ao carro buscar a cassete certa e... a cassete.
Of course you remember that day at the hospital. Well, there was a little mix-up.
Houve uma pequena confusão...
They were supposed to be on a ship except there was some mix-up in Brazil, and they never made it.
Deviam vir no tal navio, mas houve qualquer erro no Brasil e nunca embarcaram.
I showed up at the new site and the foreman said there must have been a mix-up. Said he was maxed out.
Apareci na obra nova e o mestre-de-obras disse que devia ter havido confusão, que já estava servido.
There was kind of a mix-up in my agent's office but I'm still on TV, and that's good exposure.
Houve um mal-entendido no escritório da minha agente, mas estou na TV à mesma, é uma boa exposição.
Yeah, about that. Evelyn said there was a little mix-up in the machine.
A propósito, a Evelyn disse que havia roupa misturada na máquina.
He said that there was some kind of a mix-up, and you didn't even get nominated.
Eu também não conhecia o meu pai. - A sério?
We wanted a multiracial mix of people because our statement was, in the future, there's two superpowers and everybody's mixed.
- Os sensores devem estão virados... Ela só consegue abrir o cofre se souber o código. Eu não deixo armas carregadas por aí.
Well, there was a terrible mix-up.
Sim, houve uma confusão terrível.
When you checked in, there was a little bit of a mix-up.
Quando fizeram o registo, houve uma pequena confusão.
Um, let's just say there was a little mix-up.
Vamos só dizer que houve uma confusão!
- Nope. So assuming that there was no big baby mix-up at the hospital, I'm thinking that Christina Adalian had to be a surrogate.
Então partindo do princípio de que não houve uma troca de bebés no hospital, acho que a Christina Adalian foi uma "mãe de aluguer".
But there was- - There has been a terrible traffic mix-up on the 405.
Houve um engarrafamento na 405.
So, there was a slight mix-up.
Bem, houve uma pequena confusão.
Well, there was a little mix up.
Houve uma pequena confusão.
Yeah, there was a bit of a mix-up with the- - with the tickets, so...
Sim, houve uma pequena confusão com os... com os bilhetes, por isso...
You know, just so there are no mix-ups, The woman who left the vase, Her name was Tammy...
Sabe, só para que não haja confusões, a senhora que deixou o vaso, chamava-se Tammy...
Well, there was a very aggressive pug mix there.
Bem, houve uma luta de cães muito violenta.
But there was a wild card in the mix Skeeto Bronsonnian and his sidekick, Mickey Doo Quicky Doo.
Mas havia uma segunda carta em jogo o Skeeto Bronsonnian, e o seu auxiliar, Mickey Doo Quicky Doo.
Didier had yet to even see a big bait ball and there was only one week left for all the elements to come together - clean water, lots of sardines, and just the right mix of predators.
Didier ainda não tinha visto uma bola de isco gigante e já só restava uma semana para a conjugação de todos os factores. Água limpa, imensa sardinha e a combinação certa de predadores.
Clearly, there was a mix-up.
- Foi um engano.
I thought I'd go straight to heaven, but there was a bit of a mix-up... and I woke up in someone else's body.
Até ao dia em que morri. Pensei que iria directamente para o céu, mas houve um problema.
I thought I'd go straight to heaven, but there was a bit of a mix-up... and I woke up in someone else's body.
Pensei que iria directamente para o céu, mas houve um problema. E acordei no corpo de outra pessoa.
I understand there was a bit of a mix-up with the whole scaffolding business.
Eu sei que houve confusões com aquela licença de construção.
Let's just say, there was a slight mix-up with one of her prescriptions.
Digamos que confundiu um pouco os seus medicamentos.

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