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There was one traduction Portugais

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There was one that was supposed drunk-driving accident.
Um deles supostamente teve um acidente a conduzir bêbado.
There was one anomaly consistent with both victims.
Há uma anomalia consistente em ambas as vítimas.
Latin lover narrator : There was one other thing.
Houve uma outra coisa.
- No, but there was one of those mma tournaments At that avondale club.
Não, mas houve um torneio de MMA no clube Avondale.
How you hated drunk mellie and crybaby mellie And there was one about food.
Que odiavas a "Mellie pé-de-cana", a "Mellie chorona" e "Mellinha fodidinha."
There was a counterculture in Austin before there was one in other cities.
A contra-cultura surgia em Austin antes de nas outras cidades. BONNIE RAITT Cantora / Compositora
There was one hospital.
Só um hospital.
But there was one left.
Mas havia só mais um.
There was only one way to stop it.
Só havia uma forma de pará-lo.
There was this guy at one of the clubs, this cowboy who was watching her.
Numa dessas discotecas havia um tipo, um cowboy que estava a olhar para ela.
Well, there was only one way to prevent that.
Bem, só havia uma forma de evitar isso.
We were in Deer Lake, Pennsylvania, one time and there was a little boy there who looked frail and he wanted to meet Muhammad Ali.
Uma vez estávamos em Deer Lake, na Pensilvânia, e havia um miúdo pequeno que tinha um ar frágil e que queria conhecer o Muhammad Ali.
I remember, um, being at an autograph signing and a lot of the, you know, different sports figures would be there signing autographs, and Joe Frazier was there at one.
Lembro-me de estar numa sessão de autógrafos onde estavam muitas figura do desporto, e o Joe Frazier era um deles.
There was only one bed.
- Só havia uma cama.
Each time one of'em died, someone was assigned to take over their duties. Nothing odd there.
Para cada um, alguém foi designado para as suas funções.
And there was no yuks on that one.
Essa não rendeu nenhum riso.
There was only one name.
Houve apenas um nome.
There was a guy wearing a robe and one of those masks.
Havia um homem de roupão a usar aquela máscara.
John. Was there a cabinet meeting no one told me about?
Havia reunião do Gabinete e ninguém me contou?
The people Belenko was targeting, my unit, there's one guy still alive- - James Deckard.
As pessoas que o Belenko estava a atacar, da minha unidade, ainda há um tipo vivo, James Deckard.
No one else knew he was in there.
Mais ninguém sabia que ele estava lá.
And there was this ox, and it had one horn, and it was just staring at me like,
E havia um boi, e tinha um chifre, e ficava a encarar-me como se,
When I was in there, in the system, someone, one of their security guys, saw me and somehow they managed to sneak into my hard drive and drop some malware.
Quando estava lá, no sistema, alguém, um dos seguranças, viu-me e de alguma forma conseguiram entrar no meu disco rígido e largaram malware.
Um, I am, ah..... have trouble managing too much sensory input at one time and in this instance there was the whole tongue thing as you were touching my leg at the same time and I can't be completely certain but it's possible I just had an orgasm.
Eu sou... Tenho problemas em gerir demasiada informação sensorial de uma só vez e neste momento houve a cena da língua e tu estavas a tocar na minha perna ao mesmo tempo e não posso ter certeza, mas é possível que tenha tido um orgasmo.
Well, there was only one bullet fired, no shell casing found, so more than likely the murder weapon was a revolver.
Bom, apenas uma bala foi disparada e nenhuma cápsula foi encontrada. Provavelmente, a arma do crime era um revólver.
There was this one incident.
Houve um incidente.
There were no arrests were made, but the primary suspect in the case was one Tony Malua.
Não houveram detenções, mas, o principal suspeito - era um tal Tony Malua.
I was the only one there doing that, by the way.
Era o único a fazer aquilo, já agora.
I was gonna say, one of the big questions there is, can they handle it?
Eu ia dizer, uma das maiores perguntas aqui é, conseguem lidar com isto?
You went down the stairs, and no one was there.
Desceste as escadas e não estava lá ninguém.
I could've sworn there was only one suspect left.
Ia jurar que não havia mais nenhum suspeito.
Course, it was a million-to-one shot that McCrone'd even run into Grady there in the first place.
É claro que havia uma probabilidade de um num milhão, que o McCrone acabasse lá com o Grady em primeiro lugar.
Lily's not in the one up there now, and we... started to get the slight impression that... it was bothering her.
A Lily não consta da foto que está lá e começámos a ter a ligeira impressão que isso a incomodava.
There are many things I ordered Jake Ballard to do in the service of B613 and, yes, at times, in the service of my own personal agenda, but killing Harrison... was not one of them.
Há muitas coisas que mandei o Jake Ballard fazer, ao serviço do B613. E sim, às vezes, por razões pessoais. Mas matar o Harrison, não foi uma delas.
Because that girl right there is not the one that he was chatting with, okay?
Porque não era com aquela miúda que ele conversava.
There was maybe one suspicious line of code, and I'm not even sure it had any nefarious purpose.
Havia, talvez, uma linha de código suspeita, e nem sequer estou certo se tinha um mau propósito.
No one there was on my side.
Não estava lá ninguém do meu lado.
There was a guy in Hong Kong and another one in Florida, but this is the only one within a hundred-mile radius of L.A.
Havia um em Hong Kong e outro na Flórida, mas este é o único não muito longe de L.A.
Now, there are seven ranch hands who fit the bill of tall, dark, and handsome, but in order to figure out which one was fooling around with Whitney, we have to first determine who of them are married.
Agora, há sete peões que se encaixam no perfil, alto, moreno e bonito, mas, para descobrirmos qual deles estava a sair com a Whitney, primeiro temos que determinar qual deles é casado.
Okay, look, I needed a little space, and there was a room that opened up down the hall - - then one thing led to another.
Eu precisava de algum espaço e havia um quarto vago... E, depois, uma coisa levou à outra.
He looked up to you when there was no one else to look up to.
Ele admirou-o quando não havia mais ninguém para admirar.
I think you're amazing, brilliant, and one of the sexiest women I have ever met, and I would love to believe that you and I were meant to be because I would love to believe there was a plan for me
Eu acho voce incrível. Brilhante, E uma das mulheres mais sexys que eu ja conheci,
Kitty is out doing my bidding, and there was no one available to answer the door.
A Kitty está fora a meu pedido, não havia ninguém para atender a porta.
No one was there.
Não estava lá ninguém.
If we put the word out there that Chapman was the one killed.
Se espalharmos que foi o Chapman que morreu.
There are many different murders committed by many different killers, but one man, the inventor of this nutmeg concoction, was brought in to clean up the mess every time.
São vários homicídios de vários assassinos. Mas um homem, o inventor desta mistura com noz-moscada, foi trazido para limpar a confusão.
This is taken from a quote from the Bad Brains. They said their school they went to was like a prison, there were no fuckin'windows in it. It was one door in and one door out.
E... isto é tirado de uma citação dos Bad Brains, disseram que a escola que frequentaram parecia uma prisão, sem janelas, com uma entrada e uma saída.
so I sat down, and then I looked behind me and there was these kids from my neighborhood. Turn around and there's this one girl, who's a little older than me.
Sentei-me e olhei para trás e vejo estes miúdos do meu bairro, volto-me e reparo numa miúda que era pouco mais velha do que eu...
One time, we were in Notre Dame... And right in the middle of the arena, there was a row about midway back, a bunch of ladies, and in between songs, they stood up. And they had a banner that read, "Elvis, you're the king."
Uma vez... estávamos em Notre Dame... e mesmo a meio da plateia... numa fila mais para trás havia... um grupo de senhoras, e entre canções... elas levantavam-se, e tinham uma faixa que tinha escrito :
It was a former armory building that could hold couple of thousand kids and they'd have rock and Grateful Dead, and Springsteen played one of his first Texas shows there.
Era um antigo edifício militar que podia albergar cerca de dois mil miúdos e onde podiam ouvir rock e os Grateful Dead, e onde o Springsteen tocou numa das primeiras vezes que foi ao Texas.
A lot has been made out of generator parties, but there was only one generator and it was Mario's.
Muito foi feito através de festas com geradores, mas só havia um gerador, era o Mario.

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