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There was a struggle traduction Portugais

188 traduction parallèle
I was overpowered before I knew there was a struggle.
Deixaram-me sem sentidos antes de poder agir.
Houve luta no quarto da frente, ele estrangulou-a e então a violentou.
There was a struggle and I...
Houve uma resistência e eu...
There was a struggle and he was thrown over that balcony.
Houve luta e atiraram-no pela varanda fora.
There was a struggle and I got all bruised and beat up!
Houve uma luta e eu fiquei todo pisado e ferido!
We have a dead body, and there was a struggle.
Temos um cadáver e houve uma luta.
So there was a struggle.
Grande coisa.
Houve uma briga,
Your husband came home, there was a struggle and there were shots.
O seu marido chegou, surpreendeu-os, houve uma luta, e trocaram-se tiros.
So there was a struggle in the water.
Ou seja, houve uma luta dentro de água.
Yeah. But there was a struggle, paramedics came through, sometimes things get buried.
Sim, mas houve uma luta e depois vieram os paramédicos.
There was a struggle.
Houve uma luta.
There was a struggle.
Houve luta. - Ele tinha uma arma.
Darwin must have grabbed for the gun, and there was a struggle.
Darwin deve ter tentado agarrar a arma e houve uma luta.
Who knows? But there was a struggle.
Mas houve uma luta.
There was a struggle over the material.
Tive que lutar por elas.
It means there was a struggle.
O que significa que houve uma luta.
Apparently there was a struggle.
Aparentemente, houve luta.
Oh, there was a struggle...
Houve uma luta...
Okay, there was a struggle.
Okay, houve uma luta.
I mean... blood everywhere like there was a struggle.
Há sangue por todo lado, como se tivesse havido uma luta.
They said it looks like there was a struggle.
Dizem que parece ter havido uma luta.
When I first heard that a general of the British Army was arranging a ball for the benefit of those nurses of the West Riding who had taken part in the four-year struggle, I said to myself, 'There is a man whose heart is in the right place.'
Ao saber que um general do exercito britânico... promoveu um baile em benefício das enfermeiras... que tomara parte em quatro anos de luta, eu pensei...'eis um homem cujo coração está no lugar certo'.
There was no sign of a struggle.
Não havia qualquer sinal de luta.
Was there any sign of a struggle?
Ela se debateu?
In the struggle that ensued suddenly there was a boom.
Na luta que se seguiu de repente houve uma explosão.
Absence of bruising, hematomas and low hormone levels indicate there was no struggle.
A ausência de hematomas e os baixos níveis de hormonas indicam que não houve luta.
Well for years now I have taken the attitude that there was only one struggle on this planet worth a damn the fight against world communism.
Bem, há quatro anos tomei a decisão... que só havia uma luta neste planeta que valia algo. A luta contra o mundo comunista.
There are signs of struggle, so the murderer was a stranger who attacked him from behind.
Responda, por favor, nesta frequência. - Não responde, Capitão.
Well, there was no sign of a struggle, but Hagers prints were on the desk chair.
- Há impressões da Hagen na cadeira.
Sounds like there was a power struggle on board, an attempted takeover.
Parece que houve uma luta pelo poder a bordo, uma espécie de tentativa hostil.
There was no sign of a struggle.
- Não existem sinais de luta.
There was a righteous struggle against repression and injustice.
Foi uma luta justificada contra a repressão e a injustiça.
There's signs of a struggle at the grave, but the area was so trampled by the funeral that collecting evidence will be impossible.
Há sinais de luta na campa, mas está tão calcada pelo funeral, que vai ser impossível reunir provas.
While the world was unaware, unwitting spectators to the hurly-burly of the decades-Iong struggle between heaven and earth, there were those who prepared for the end, who measured the size and power of the enemy and faced the choices.
Enquanto o mundo assistia insciente à luta entre o céu e a terra, que durou décadas, havia aqueles que se preparavam para o fim, que mediam o tamanho e o poder do inimigo e consideravam opções.
Now he says there was a struggle.
Agora ele diz que houve uma luta.
When they met up again there was a struggle.
O sapato, uma sandália aberta usada pelas mulheres jaffa. Quando se encontraram todos, houve luta.
No. There was no sign of a struggle at all.
Não havia quaisquer sinais de luta.
There was a guy driving, and it seemed he was having a struggle with a girl in the passenger seat.
Ia um homem a guiar e pareceu-me que estava a lutar - com uma miúda que ia ao lado.
And he never asked if there was any sign of a struggle.
E nunca perguntou se havia sinais de luta.
In all likelihood, there was a power struggle.
Certamente houve uma luta pelo poder.
Charlie, there was no evidence of a struggle at the club.
Charlie, não há o menor sinal de resistência no clube.
There was evidence of a struggle in her dressing room.
Há vestígios de luta no camarim dela.
He was probably hit from behind because there are no traces of a struggle on the body.
Recebeu uma pancada, e, quase com certeza, à traição porque o seu cadáver não apresenta sinais de ter sido forçado.
And if there was some kind of struggle, maybe the killer left behind some skin fragments or a strand of hair.
E se tiver havido qualquer tipo de luta, talvez o assassino tenha deixado um fragmento de pele ou um fio de cabelo.
Was there any evidence of a struggle in this room?
Havia alguma evidência de luta nesta sala?
We think it was one of her regular Johns'cause there was no sign of a break-in, robbery, or a struggle.
Devia ser um cliente habitual porque não há sinais de arrombamento, roubo ou luta.
Was there a struggle?
Houve alguma luta?
There was a witness who heard a struggle.
Houve uma testemunha que ouviu uma discussão.
I'd peg this as a kidnapping but there's no sign of a struggle... which suggests she either knew her assailant or was caught off-guard.
Eu diria que é rapto, mas não há indícios de luta, o que sugere que conhecia a pessoa, ou foi apanhada de surpresa.
Which is why there was no evidence of a struggle.
Razão pela qual não há nenhuma prova de luta.

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