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There was a problem traduction Portugais

443 traduction parallèle
There was a problem with the postal department.
houve um problema nos correios.
There was a problem with the maul, slower traffic got in the way.
Ouve um problema com a suspensão traseira, tráfego lento na pista.
If you didn't know there was a problem, you would've thought she's perfectly normal.
Se voçe não sabe é um problema, voçe deve ter-se apercebido ela é perfeitamente normal.
There was a problem.
Houve um problema.
Wait a second, look. I just thought that if there was a problem...
- Pensei que, se houvesse crise...
Well, Jenny was saying that there was a problem...
Bem, a Jenny disse-me há pouco... Olá.
If there was a problem, I'm sorry.
Se houve algum problema, peço desculpa.
When he realized something had gone wrong and Kennedy had been killed he knew there was a problem.
Ao aperceber-se que algo correra mal e que o Kennedy fora morto, viu que teria problemas.
But there was a problem :
Mas havia um problema :
I heard there was a problem.
Eu ouvi que houve um problema.
No one thought there was a problem when Carter went fishing until that killer rabbit came out of nowhere and charged his rowboat.
Ninguém pensava que havia problema... ... quando o Carter foi pescar... ... até que aquele coelho assassino surgiu do nada e atacou o barco dele.
There was a problem with one of the deflector shields.
Havia um problema com um dos escudos deflectores.
Our officials saw there was a problem, and they fixed it, didn't they?
Os dirigentes detectaram o problema e resolveram-no, não foi?
If there was a problem on Mir, where you had to do an immediate evacuation... the Soyuz is always there.
Se houvesse algum problema na MIR que exigisse uma evacuação imediata, a Soyuz estava sempre lá.
It looks like there was a problem with the pattern buffer.
Este parece ser a causa do problema com a leitura padrão.
Off you go! As a boy, in boarding school, then, always at relatives here and there, because at home, an extra mouth to feed was a problem.
De pequeno para o colégio... depois sempre com parentes, ora aqui, ora acolá... porque, em casa, uma boca a mais pesava.
She wasn't there, she was in Reggio looking after a small problem at the Communist Party headquarters.
Não estava lá, foi para Reggio... tomar umas pastilhas nas sessões comunistas.
The only problem with it was, he had a bunch of weird friends there.
O único problema é que ele tinha uns amigos esquisitos lá.
When I was driving there was no problem whatsoever.
Mas quando eu estava a conduzir não houve nenhum problema.
( narrator ) The problem with Poland - as with all Eastern Europe - was that the Western leaders wanted a freely elected government there.
O problema da Polónia, e da Europa de Leste, era que os ocidentais queriam um governo eleito livremente.
The licenses were grandfathered in so there was no problem with the Gaming Commission.
As licenças foram concedidas pelo avô, logo, não há problema com a Comissão de Jogos.
And the poblem... poblem... problem was that..... there was a fuckin'kid there, and he was..... the fastest bastard, he was fuckin'fast.
E o problema... foi que... havia lá a porra de um miúdo, e ele era... o sacana mais rápido, ele era mesmo rápido.
There was no reason there'd be a problem.
Não havia razão para haver problemas.
At that juncture most of us got jobs... and we stopped wishing to be full-timers... pay or no pay. Problem was not there.
Na altura, começámos mais ou menos a trabalhar e a querer parar de funcionar quase como militantes a tempo inteiro, pagos ou não pagos, não era esse o problema.
Why, was there a problem?
Há algum problema?
The problem may have been that there was a Stonehenge monument in danger of being crushed... by a dwarf.
Acho que talvez fosse o facto de haver um monumento de Stonehenge em palco que corria o perigo de ser esmagado por um anão.
Well, there were two bodies, but there was a dispatch problem, you know.
Tinhamos dois corpos, mas houve um problema no atendimento... e você sabe?
Well, sir, there was a dispatch problem, sir.
Bem, senhor... teve o problema do atendimento...
If ever there was a time when dingoes were a problem at Ayers Rock, it was in August 1980.
Não se esqueçam que os dingos se tornaram um problema em Ayers Rock foi em Agosto de 1980.
there was a little problem.
Tivemos... um pequeno problema.
There was a time a few years ago, when Kitty and I had a cash problem.
Há uns anos, eu e a Kitty tivemos problemas de dinheiro.
I'm one of the people circling our capital under the assumption that whatever problem there was below was a normal one.
Sou um dos milhares que estão circulando nossa capital e que supõem que o problema lá embaixo é normal.
If there was a union problem or, say, a beef in the numbers... only the top guys could meet with Paulie to discuss the problem.
Dos problemas com sindicatos, ou de tricas nas apostas, só os chefões podiam encontrar-se e discutir o problema com o Paulie.
Wasn't a problem until it was in Iowa and on Wall Street where there's hardly any black people.
Só foi um problema quando passou ao Iowa e apareceu na Wall Street onde quase não há negros.
The other problem is, there was a tree blocking the first two shots when fired in the Zapruder film.
O outro problema é que havia uma árvore que tapava os primeiros dois tiros, naquela época.
Was there a problem?
Houve algum problema?
Was there a problem with it?
Algum problema com ele?
I was pissed off... I threw him out. Is there a problem?
Eu estava muito irritada... mandei-o sair.
Dr Nix was creating a whole new theory of personality evolvement. Yeah. There was only one problem.
Pois, mas só havia um problema.
Houve algum problema com a senhora Brazzi?
Listen this is a big misunderstanding, there's just a little problem no I'm the uncle the half... the brother... Damn'it! Of course it was a mistake!
Mas porra, é claro que é um erro!
There's still love there, I think. Love was never a problem.
Ainda noto amor aí, penso eu.
- lf there was some problem with it if it were unsatisfactory in some way, then we could do it for you. But I'm afraid spite doesn't fit any of our conditions for a refund.
- Se a peça tivesse problemas, se não agradasse de alguma forma, podíamos trocá-la, mas o despeito não se inclui nas nossas condições de reembolso.
There was never a real problem.
Nunca houve mesmo um problema.
There's no problem here. I was just hoping you might give me some insight into the evolution... of the market economy in the southern colonies.
Nenhum, só queria saber a tua opinião sobre a evolução da economia de mercado nas colónias do Sul ;
Hey, Blank. I was driving by, I saw you on the lawn. I thought there was gonna be a problem at first, before I recognized you.
Quando te vi, pensei que ia haver problema, mas depois reconheci-te.
There was, like, always a word problem.
Havia sempre um problema.
there was a great sense of elation, and the thought that we might have solved what was already, clearly then, and sadly still is today, the main unsolved problem in cosmology.
Houve um grande sensação de júbilo, e a ideia de que podíamos ter desvendado o que já era, claramente naquela altura, e que infelizmente se mantém ainda hoje, o principal problema por resolver na Cosmologia.
Actually, there was a little problem.
Na verdade, houve um pequeno problema.
There was a most remarkable problem with the transport tube.
Houve um grande problema com o tubo de transporte.
We'll just tell them that there was, like, a problem with, like, the engine.
Nós dizemo-lhes que tinham problemas no motor.

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