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Translate.vc / Inglês → Espanhol / [ S ] / Starts engine

Starts engine tradutor Espanhol

469 parallel translation
- [Starts Engine] To stop the war!
- ¡ Para detener la guerra!
- [Starts Engine] - And you'll get the toll, won't you?
Ud. pagará el peaje, ¿ no?
[starts engine] I'll call you In half an hour.
- Le llamo dentro de media hora.
[Starts engine]
[ ] arranca el motor
[dramatic music ] - Whoo! [ car engine starts] - ¶ RuPaul Drag Race ¶
Ahora que estamos en el top 7 se hace dificil saber quien puede ser la proxima en irse
[opening and closing truck's door ] [ engine starts]
[abriendo y cerrando puerta de camioneta ] [ encendiendo el motor de camioneta]
[engine starts]
[encendiendo el motor del auto]
[engine starts]
[encendiendo el motor]
The driver starts the engine, the truck takes off, and I go hit the mudguard.
El conductor arrancó el motor y el camión echó a andar y me golpeé con el guardabarros.
And say... [ENGINE STARTS]... my old lady ain't feeling so good either.
Oiga, mi esposa tampoco se siente muy bien.
Starts the engine.
Arranca el motor.
[Cab engine starts] I don't know, mother!
- No lo sé, mamá.
[Engine starts] don't worry, mom. She was a pain in the neck.
No te preocupes, mami, es una vieja loca.
[Car Engine Starts]
- Adiós.
[Engine Starts] Hold it a moment.
Espere. ¿ Qué hizo?
[Engine Starts] It was a nice ceremony, wasn't it?
Fue una ceremonia linda, ¿ no?
It's hard to start its engine, and it starts rolling of its own will. Give me a little push!
Cuesta mucho arrancarla y se va sola. ¡ Pégueme usted un corralillo!
It's a thing you press with your foot that starts an engine with an electric motor.
Un motor de arranque.
Bring it out, Grandpa. [Car Engine Starts]
- Tráelo, abuelo.
- HE JUST MADE HIS DELIVERY. - ( engine starts )
Acaba de hacer la entrega.
[Engine Starts] Herman, Herman, no, no.
Herman, no, no.
Now, just a minute, you... ( Engine starts )
Un minuto y lo atrapo.
( engine starts )
Lo atraparé, 99.
[ENGINE STARTS] David Vincent would remember that moment.
En el futuro, David Vincent recordaría ese momento.
[Footsteps Departing ] [ Engine Starts]
[Engine Starts] Come out here, you.
Venga, bobo.
[Engine Starts] You see'em in the water?
- ¿ Les ves en el agua?
( engine starts ) - Haul ass.
( el motor arranca ) -
( engine starts )
( el motor arranca )
Let's start with the cranking handle, which starts the engine up forward... which in turn starts the carburettor... which finally activates the rocket engine at the rear.
Aquí tenemos la manivela, que conecta el motor delantero, que a su vez conecta el panel de mandos, que a su vez conecta... -... el motor de propulsión.
[Engine Starts] We'll be about an hour behind you.
Llegaremos una hora después de ti.
( Engine starts )
¿ Qué hace aquí?
- ( Engine starts ) - Back before you know it.
Regresaremos antes de que lo sepan.
- [Engine Starts]
¡ Acelere!
- [Engine Starts] It works!
¡ Funciona!
Every time an engine starts I hear something.
Cada vez que arranca un motor, yo oigo algo.
( El motor arranque )
[Engine Starts ] [ LaRue] 10Kfor remodeling and we're in business for 20 grand.
Diez mil para remodelar, y tendremos un negocio por 20 mil.
- [Engine Starts] - Good-bye, all!
- Adiós a todos.
- [Engine Starts] - * We're gonna do it anyhow anyhow *
- [Engine Starts] - * Vamos a hacerlo sea, como sea *
[Engine Starts] Okay, go.
Bien, corre.
[Engine Starts] We're about to audition.
Vamos a hacer una audición.
[Engine Starts, Revs]
Believe me, I do. - [Engine Starts]
Créeme, lo hago.
[Engine Starts] He's headed down an alley behind the building.
Va por un callejón detrás del edificio.
Shut up. [Engine Starts]
- [Engine starts ] - [ All gasp]
- Motor arranca [] - [ Todos] Gasp
[Engine starts]
[ ] arranca el motor
That's when the gas starts pouring over the wings... - Murdock! - and the engine starts to spark, and the whole thing could just...
El combustible fluye por las alas y el motor echa chispas y la cosa podría...
- I shall return. - [Engine Starts]

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