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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ A ] / Agent cooper

Agent cooper Çeviri İspanyolca

250 parallel translation
Dr Lawrence Jacoby, Agent Cooper.
Dr. Lawrence Jacoby, agente Cooper.
Agent Cooper, I got a jelly for you specially.
Agente Cooper, preparé una gelatina especialmente para usted.
- Agent Cooper.
- Agente Cooper.
I've got Agent Cooper with me, we're here to see Mrs Packard.
He venido con el agente Cooper. Queremos ver a la Sra. Packard.
Agent Cooper, you remember Pete Martell.
Agente Cooper, ya conoce a Pete Martell.
Agent Cooper might want to try a slice of that pie.
El agente Cooper tal vez quiera probar esa tarta.
I have to find Agent Cooper.
He de encontrar al agente Cooper.
Why are we here, Agent Cooper?
¿ Por qué estamos aquí agente Cooper?
Agent Cooper, is he going to be charged?
Agente Cooper, ¿ presentarán cargos contra él?
Agent Cooper, I am thrilled to pieces that the dharma came to King Ho-Ho-Ho, I really am, but I'm trying to focus on the more immediate problems of our own century here in Twin Peaks.
Agente Cooper, es muy emocionante lo del dharma y el rey Jo-Jo-Jo, de verdad pero intento centrarme en problemas más urgentes de nuestro siglo, en Twin Peaks.
It's Major Briggs, Agent Cooper.
El comandante Briggs, agente Cooper.
It's radio waves and gibberish, Agent Cooper.
Ondas de radio y galimatías, agente Cooper.
Agent Cooper.
Agente Cooper.
- You want to feed him, Agent Cooper?
- ¿ Quiere darle de comer, agente?
Yeah, has Agent Cooper returned yet?
¿ Ya ha vuelto el agente Cooper?
Agent Cooper. I got your call.
Agente Cooper, he recibido su llamada.
Yes, you do that, Agent Cooper.
Sí, hágame ese favor, agente Cooper.
I'm Agent Cooper's supervisor.
Soy el supervisor del agente Cooper.
Are you looking for Agent Cooper?
¿ Busca al agente Cooper?
Agent Cooper's not here right now.
El agente Cooper no está.
I would like Agent Cooper to take me home if that's all right with you.
Prefiero que me lleve el agente Cooper, si no te importa.
Well, let me tell you something, Agent Cooper.
Bueno, te diré algo, agente Cooper.
Well, let me begin by saying whatever Agent Cooper's guilty of will not be held against you.
Bueno... Para empezar, le diré que si Cooper es culpable de algo, no será utilizado en su contra.
That attitude will not serve you or Agent Cooper.
Esa actitud no les servirá ni a usted ni al agente Cooper.
Agent Cooper is the finest lawman I've ever known.
El agente Cooper es el mejor agente de la ley que he conocido.
Hi, Harry, Agent Cooper.
Hola, Harry. Agente Cooper.
Agent Cooper, Harry, I'm sorry.
Agente Cooper, Harry, perdón.
- Do you play golf, Agent Cooper?
- ¿ Juega golf, agente Cooper?
I understand, Agent Cooper.
Comprendo, agente Cooper.
Agent Cooper, when I was at One-Eyed Jack's, I never, never let anyone...
Agente Cooper cuando estuve en One-Eyed Jack's, nunca, nunca dejé que nadie...
Please, Agent Cooper, this is extremely personal business.
Por favor, agente Cooper, esto es algo extremadamente personal.
Can I go now, Agent Cooper?
¿ Ya me puedo ir, agente Cooper?
Find Agent Cooper for me.
Búscame al agente Cooper.
Sid, say hello to Special Agent Cooper.
Sid, saluda al agente especial Cooper.
Agent Cooper.
- Agente Cooper.
Agent Cooper, did this seem work-related?
Agente Cooper, ¿ le parece que sea por trabajo?
Agent Cooper, Agent Bryson's here to see you.
Agente Cooper, el agente Bryson está aquí.
Agent Cooper, it's Andy.
Agente Cooper, soy Andy.
Agent Cooper?
¿ Agente Cooper?
Agent Cooper.
Agente Cooper. Agente Cooper.
Lucy, you better bring Agent Cooper up-to-date.
Lucy, será mejor que pongas al agente Cooper al día.
Agent Cooper, guess what.
Agente Cooper, adivine qué.
Agent Cooper.
Agente Cooper...
I never believed in fate, Agent Cooper.
Nunca he creído en el destino, agente Cooper.
This is Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Éste es el agente Dale Cooper.
Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Agente Dale Cooper. FBI.
- This is Special Agent Dale Cooper.
- Éste es el agente Dale Cooper.
I'd like you to meet Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Me gustaría que conocieras al agente Dale Cooper.
He's in there with Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Está con el agente especial Dale Cooper.
Agent Dale Cooper.
Agente Dale Cooper.
Judge Sternwood, Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Juez Sternwood, el agente especial Dale Cooper.

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