Back at home Çeviri İspanyolca
1,037 parallel translation
Like back at home, Father.
Como en casa, papá.
I spent each summer holiday back at home in the country.
Pasaba todas las vacaciones de verano en la casa del campo.
Anyway, back at home I'll take a hot water bottle to bed and...
De todas formas, en casa me llevaré una botella de agua caliente a cama y...
She's back at home.
¡ Gracias!
Back home at last!
Es el señor Ashby Corwyn, que al fin ha vuelto.
Set your minds at rest now and go back home, guys.
Cálmense y regresen a casa.
We are at actress Astrid Siostron's home in via Margutta She is back from an absence due to her newly born baby.
Estamos en la casa de la calle Margutta de la actriz Astrid Siostron que vuelva después de la ausencia debido al nacimiento del último hijo.
I hardly see him at all. When he isn't, he comes home, eats his supper, and back to Duggan's and plays cards.
Y cuando no lo tiene, llega a casa, come deprisa y se va al bar de Duggan a jugar a las cartas.
Then, once back home, we'll sit at the table.
Luego, cuando volvamos a casa, vamos a la mesa.
They're all still dreaming of their fat young lady back home, right? - AT nets ahead.
Estarán soñando con sus valkirias.
Tiene que traerte a casa a medianoche... para que pueda volver al palacio a tiempo... para recoger a su gente...
Make yourself at home, Brick and me will be back directly.
Poneos cómodos, volvemos enseguida.
I need someone here at home l can trust, someone I can rely on till I get back.
Necesito alguien aquí en casa en quien confiar. Alguien de quien depender hasta que vuelva.
Might wipe out the smell back home at the same time.
Conseguiré que se olvide todo.
A man breaks his back working and lives on rations, but even at home they won't leave him in peace.
Trabajo como loco para ganar tan poco dinero, luchamos para vales para el... pan y no permiten que la gente permanezca en sus propias casas.
Sundar said you'd be right back, so I thought I'd make myself at home.
Sundar ha dicho que volvería pronto y me he puesto cómoda.
So, I ran back home, and I looked at myself in the mirror... and from that day on, I knew I was plain.
Así, que volví corriendo a casa, y me miré en el espejo... y desde ese día, supe que era fea.
You came back three years ago, but you still aren't at home here.
Volviste hace tres años, pero es como si no estuvieras.
You came back three years ago but you still aren't at home here.
Volviste hace tres años pero sigues sin estar en casa aquí.
He came back home... at three o'clock or so, and he was captured by two detectives in the hallway of his house.
Volvió a casa... a las tres, más o menos, y fue arrestado por dos detectives en el pasillo de su edificio.
Although I went back home from time to time, I always felt isolated at my own home.
Aunque, de vez en cuando, vuelva, siempre me siento aislada en mi propia casa.
You know, back home Pa always said grace at Thanksgiving.
En mi casa, papá bendecía la mesa en Acción de Gracias.
Go back home at once and don't mix up in the matters you don't understand!
Vuelve a tu casa y no juzgues lo que no entiendes.
It's good to be back. Is my father at home?
Es bueno estar de vuelta ¿ Está mi padre en casa?
My cousin Yancy Skibo was pumping gas at the Shell station back home when I made T5.
Mi primo Yancy Skibo trabajaba en una gasolinera Shell allá en casa cuando yo era ya un T5.
One girl married a man from California. When she got there, she took one look at his home and turned right around and came back.
Pues una chica se casó con uno de California, y cuando entró en la casa, echó a correr y no ha parado todavía.
When I went back home to Philadelphia I met him for the first time at a welfare conference.
Cuando regresé a Filadelfia lo conocí en una conferencia de bienestar social.
I say midnight because, follow me, at twelve those who are home are sleeping and those at the movies still have to come back.
Digo a medianoche, porque ojo, A medianoche ya están durmiendo, .. y los que fueron al cine vienen más tarde.
Every time I look at you, I say : we got all kinds of natural resources back home, we ain't got that.
Cada vez que la miro pienso, tenemos de todo en Tejas, pero algo así no.
Call him back at the office... and tell him to call me at home anytime tonight.
¡ Escucha! Vuelve a llamarlo a la oficina y dile que me telefonee a casa,... esta noche, a la hora que sea.
I was still young back then but I remember her bringing Father home late at night and Mother crying because of it.
Yo era todavía joven entonces pero la recuerdo trayendo a papá a la casa muy tarde y a mamá llorando por ello.
Back home, I usually come a-calling for my gal at the front door.
En mi tierra la recogería en la puerta principal.
Is Santeuil back or is he at home?
¿ Santeuil está ahí o en su casa?
I called him back at his home.
Lo llamé a su casa.
You go home and get some sleep... and meet me back here at 3 : 00 in the morning.
Ve a casa y duerme un rato... y nos veremos aquí a las 3 : 00 de la mañana.
It's not like back home at all.
No es como en casa en absoluto.
Some chicken colonel back at the base is going to be running home in his undershirt. Bob, your coffee's ready.
Es gracioso.
Three of the embassies you called at yesterday are flying in special planes to take their own newly-discovered assets back home.
Tres de las embajadas que visitaron ayer han mandado aviones especiales para llevar de vuelta a casa a sus recién descubiertos valores.
They say at home, in San Martin Manuel will always come back when he's needed.
En casa, en San Martín dicen que Manuel volverá si lo necesitan.
And after a steady grind of making every john feel at home... you'll become a block of ice. And if you do happen to melt a little... you'll get slipped a tip behind Candy's back.
Después de hacer que cada cliente se sienta como en su propia casa, te convertirás en un bloque de hielo, y si te derrites un poquito, te darán una propina a espaldas de Candy.
Pero quiero que las dos estéis en casa cuando la traiga de vuelta.
The ones who got back home at the price of an arm or an eye or a leg... these were the lucky ones.
Los que regresaban a casa sin un brazo, un ojo o una pierna eran los afortunados.
To go to work, to go back home at night, to go have lunch at noon.
Para ir a trabajar, para volver a casa de noche, para almorzar a mediodía.
Wouldn't it be lovely, major, to get back home, eh? Have a lovely pint of beer at the George and Dragon.
Que placer cuando lleguemos a casa Mayor, podremos saborear una cerveza bien fría.
Another 3 days before this planet's orbit will have swept us so far away, we may not get back home at all.
Tres días. En tres días, la órbita de este planeta nos habrá llevado tan lejos... que quizás no podamos volver.
Miren esos bonitos papeles verdes rodando a casa.
No, he was terribly upset when he came back home at 7 : 00 last night.
No, estaba tremendamente disgustado... cuando llegò a casa anoche a las 19 : 00.
Stay in this country. I feel very close to you, David, but someone has to go back to warn them at home.
Te aprecio mucho, David pero alguien debe volver a casa para avisarles.
I want to know if he usually don't come back home at night often.
Si hace a menudo eso de... de no volver a casa por la noche.
When old man Russell found him amongst some army prisoners at Fort Thomas and took him to his home, gave him his name, this ingrate went back to the Apache again.
El viejo Russell lo encontró entre los presos en el Fuerte Thomas... y se lo llevó a su casa, le dio su apellido. Pero el ingrato huyó. Regresó con los apaches.
All these sensations and experiences would be relayed back to the old people left at home.
Todas sus sensaciones y experiencias... serían sentidas por los ancianos que se quedasen en el hogar.
back at you 50
back at ya 27
at home 492
home 1821
homer 1748
homes 211
homework 149
homeland 50
homey 175
homecoming 21
back at ya 27
at home 492
home 1821
homer 1748
homes 211
homework 149
homeland 50
homey 175
homecoming 21
homemade 43
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homer simpson 114
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34
home run 51
home at last 16
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homer simpson 114
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34
home run 51
home at last 16
home secretary 33
home again 38
homeland security 122
homeless guy 17
home dad 33
home away from home for diplomats 21
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
home again 38
homeland security 122
homeless guy 17
home dad 33
home away from home for diplomats 21
back the fuck up 47
back it up 216
back to work 469
back to the future 36
back to the beginning 16
back up 1292
back in town 16
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back me up 80
back to school 26
back in business 17
back to square one 51
back up 1292
back in town 16
back off 1570
back then 441
back home 188
back me up 80
back to school 26
back in business 17
back to square one 51
back soon 22
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146
back to business 35
back to your place 18
back in 260
back door 80
back me up on this 16
back in the day 245
back me up here 53
back down 43
back here 146
back to business 35
back to your place 18