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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ B ] / Back to the ship

Back to the ship Çeviri İspanyolca

907 parallel translation
Back to the ship. Let's go!
Regremos a la nave, ¡ vamos!
I'm gonna take her back to the ship.
La regresaré al barco.
Let me take you back to the ship.
Déjeme acompañarla al barco.
Come on, we gotta get back to the ship.
Debemos volver al barco.
- We'd better get back to the ship.
Será mejor que volvamos al barco.
We'll get that out when we get back to the ship.
Te lo sacaremos cuando lleguemos al barco.
Let's get back to the ship.
Volvamos al barco.
We're not going back to the ship tonight.
Esta noche no vamos al barco.
If you should develop motor trouble within a half hour after leaving the Hornet, fly back to the ship and land in the water.
En caso de problema a menos de 30 minutos después del despegue den media vuelta y americen.
And good riddance! Back to the ship boys!
Es el fin para ellos.
Then he fell into the water trying to get back to the ship.
Cayó pues al agua al pretender embarcar.
Go back to the ship and wait.
Vuelva al barco y espere.
The Shore Patrol took'em back to the ship.
Con la patrulla. Los encerrarán.
I guess if they're going to have trouble down here, We better head back to the ship.
Si vamos a encontrar problemas por aquí, será mejor volver al barco.
- We go back to the ship and strip off everything we can!
Volvamos a la nave y quitemos todo lo que podamos.
- Get back to the ship and call the camp.
- Llama a la base.
You little hussy, get back to the ship.
¡ Desvergonzada, vuelve al barco!
You get back to the ship as soon as possible!
No debo volver solo, dijo el Mayor.
We'll get back to the ship.
Arreglaremos la nave.
- We're going back to the ship.
- Volvemos al barco.
Back to the ship.
Vuelvan al barco.
- Come on, back to the ship.
- Vamos, vuelvan abordo.
I'm not going back to the ship.
No me separaré de ti.
I better get back to the ship.
Volveré al barco.
Let's get back to the ship and get clean.
Volvamos al barco para lavarnos.
We'll be on our way before he'd get back to the ship.
Estaríamos en rumbo antes que él regresara.
Back to the ship!
¡ Regresemos al barco!
You get back to the ship, if you can find the way.
¡ Tú vuelve al barco! Si encuentras el camino.
We'd better get back to the ship.
Será mejor que volvamos al helicóptero.
It intends to take the ship's controls back from Eva-01!
¡ Está tratando de tomar el control de la nave a través del EVA-01!
"If your ship didn't leave so early in the morning, I could take you back to Nung-Chiang"
"Si su barco no se fuera tan pronto por la mañana, podría llevarle ante Nung-Chiang"
Yes, sir. And ship that junk back to the North East Leather people. It's not up to standard.
Devuelva el cuero al proveedor, no está conforme.
The only way I can see is to go and get the waiter, take him to the ship, have the Captain pay the bill and get his ring back, then we'll pay the Captain on the next trip.
La única solución es ir a hablar con aquel camarero. Decirle que venga al barco, que el Capitán pague la cuenta para recuperar la sortija y lo liquidaremos con el Capitán en el próximo viaje.
You and I are gonna take this ship right back to the States.
Tomaremos el barco de regreso a EE.
Nick and me are going back to dixie, and we're gonna ship you all the cotton we can lay our hands on.
Nick y yo regresaremos a Dixie y te enviaremos todo el algodón que podamos.
Put him on a nice hospital ship and take him to a nice hospital and give him a couple of nice medals and take him home and give him his walking papers and he'll go back to business while we're fighting the Battle of Tibet.
Primero un barco hospital le llevará a un bonito hospital, le darán bonitas medallas, pasaporte a casa y volverá a sus negocios mientras nosotros luchamos.
I was afraid you'd be back on the ship already. We've got to talk.
- Temí que ya hubiese Ud. vuelto al barco.
And you guys have to be back on the ship at 6 : 00 tomorrow morning?
¿ Y tenéis que estar de vuelta en el barco a las seis de la mañana?
It'll give us a lot to talk about back on the ship, won't it, Gabe?
Nos dará mucho de qué hablar en el barco, ¿ no, Gabe?
He goes back to his work. The General pilots the ship when you reach the Earth's atmosphere. I can be spared on this trip.
El General comanda la nave cuando lleguen a la atmósfera pueden prescindir de mí no tengo familia.
I want to see it. A ship going back from the moon to the Earth!
Quiero ver la nave volviendo de la luna a la tierra.
I want to take the weapons back to the ship and lock them up. - You're not getting my gun. - Come on, Bart.
¡ Tenéis que dejar de pelear!
After you finish flying thejet ship for the children, bring them back to the orphanage.
Luego de que dejes de jugar con el avioncito con los niños traélos al orfanato.
My ship, "The Big E," was putting into Pearl for refuelling. We just plastered the nips at Luzon and Leyte, and we were going back to give them more...
Mi barco, el Enterprise, había atracado en Pearl Harbor para repostar.
Let's get that back to the command ship.
Pase el informe al buque de mando.
There's only one man who can take that ship to another planet and bring it back, the man who built the Wheel.
Sólo hay un hombre que pueda llevar esta nave a otro planeta y lo traen de vuelta, el hombre que construyó esta base.
If it were possible, I'd come back now, return the ship to Earth - and blow it up!
Hay que intentar volver a la Tierra...
All we need now is a chance to get out on that ship in the harbor... and then it's back to Paris.
Sólo tenemos que irnos en ese barco del puerto... y volver a París.
The time we got back to the inspection ship, they were dead.
Cuando se quiso examinarlos, habían muerto.
Corning back from Africa, something happened to the ship.
Al volver de África, algo ocurrió en el avión.
Maybe we ought to ship it back to the States. Makes a great scarecrow.
Durante la operación, rozaste el puñal accidentalmente.

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