Even for a second Çeviri İspanyolca
330 parallel translation
We can't afford to let him out of our sight, even for a second.
No lo pierda de vista ni un segundo.
It upsets me that you suspect him, even for a second.
Y me duele que sospechen de él un solo segundo.
Not even for a second.
Ni por un segundo.
- l'll watch over your mother, - and you over the girls. Let's not lose sight of them, not even for a second!
- Yo vigilo a tu madre y tú a las chicas. ¡ No las abandonemos un minuto!
I found that I could stop for a day, an hour, or even for a second to observe.
Descubrí que podía detenerme por un día, una hora, Y hasta un segundo para observar.
So don't think even for a second you...
Así es que no se te vaya a ocurrir, ni por...
And no matter what you do... don't take your eyes off this bag even for a second.
Y no importa lo que hagas... no quites tus ojos de esta maleta ni por un segundo.
Why did I trust you even for a second?
¿ Por qué confié en ti?
Not even for a second.
Ni siquiera por un segundo.
But, right now, I can't think calml., not even for a second.
Pero ahora mismo no puedo pensar, ni por un segundo.
Even for a second.
Aunque sea, por un segundo.
- Not even for a second.
- Ni un segundo.
In the second place, from the native rumors of the escarpment I should judge it quite impractical for even a large party.
En segundo lugar, y según lo que cuentan los nativos ni siquiera un gran safari atravesaría el macizo.
You'll even be able to swap your old bicycle for a nice second-hand car.
Incluso podrá cambiar su vieja moto por un coche de segunda mano.
Did you think for one second we'd let you take this child from us, that we'd let her go alone with that vicious, sadistic woman? Did you honestly think that? Even if we have to die right here and now.
Si piensa que va a separar a la niña de nosotros y que se irá con esa sádica está muy equivocado.
To doubt, even if only for a second, means to be afraid.
Porque dudar, sólo por un segundo, equivaldría a tener miedo.
It is as if he asked suck it for you! It looks so clean and clear with his boyish face. I would even in a split second, even something that came out of it, would like a porridge, or dew, there is no danger.
tan limpia y blanca y él mirando con su carita infantil no necesitaría ni medio minuto aunque cayera algo de eso total sólo es como avena con leche o rocío no hay peligro además él es tan limpio comparado con esos cerdos hombres supongo
We haven't a penny... lt's not enough even for second class.
No tenemos ni un centavo... No es suficiente ni para viajar en segunda.
Each day I hope to see you if only for a second even at a distance
Cada día tengo la esperanza de verte aunque sólo sea durante un segundo, incluso desde lejos
Even though the second referendum, the one for divorce, has been won, the national horizon continues to be clouded over with fascist terrorism, political cover-ups, economic crises, embezzlements, high corporate profits, or, if you will pardon a reference to my own case, no profits at all.
Aunque el 2º Referendum sobre el divorcio se ganó, el horizonte que queda es sombrío : atentados fascistas, asuntos ocultos, crisis económicas fuga de capitales, grandes abusos, o como en mi caso, rentas muy bajas...
It's quite usual for young ladies to decline the addresses of the man whom they secretly mean to accept a first, a second, and even a third time.
Es común en las damitas declinar las proposiciones de un hombre al que secretamente piensan aceptar una primera, una segunda, y hasta una tercera vez.
Even with all my respect for his eminence, his experience... I still want to get a second opinion, wouldn't I?
Bueno, con todo el debido respeto Yo... por su experiencia, pediría de todos modos la opinión de otro médico.
I won't separate myself from you for even a second.
No me separaré de ti ni un solo segundo.
I mean, he had ample time for a second or even a third shot.
Tenía tiempo para un segundo o tercer disparo.
But, you know, sometimes, like, when we're eating dinner or if we're talking about something or even laughing, then just for a split second...
pero, ya sabes, a veces cuando estamos cenando o si estamos hablando sobre algo o incluso riendo entonces por un segundo...
Because... even if what you're sayin'is true, which I don't believe for a second it is, the D.A. will never prosecute.
- Porque aunque lo que digas sea verdad, lo cual no creo ni por un segundo el fiscal nunca lo procesará.
He even asked for a second helping.
Y él hasta quiso repetir.
And even though you know he's not gonna make it you root for him for a second.
Y aunque sabes que no lo logrará, la animas un poco.
Don't you think for even a second that scares me.
No creerás ni por un segundo que eso me da miedo.
When I saw it again, just for a second... I figured it must be riding its lock-on... even though the direction was nothing like I've ever seen before.
Cuando lo vi de nuevo, sólo por un segundo... imaginé que estaría siguiendo su señal de enganche... aunque la dirección fuera algo que nunca había visto antes.
But don't think for a second this makes us even, Chakotay.
Pero no creas ni por un segundo que eso nos pone a mano, Chakotay.
The way I see it, Mac, you break even just in time for the Second Coming... ifthey freeze property taxes.
De la manera en que lo veo, Mac, llegas justo a tiempo para una segunda vuelta. - Si congelan los impuestos de renta.
Not for a... not for a second have i even dwelled on the fact that the show's over.
Ni por un segundo he pensado que el espectáculo se haya acabado.
A second attempt would be too obvious, even for these thugs.
Una segunda vez resultaría demasiado obvia, incluso para estos matones.
Even if only for a half a second, we have to put an anti-AT Field around him!
- Cuenta regresiva activada. - ¡ Extraigan la energía del campo AT!
But what kind of world would we have, what options for happiness... would we have in a society run by telepaths... where ordinary humans are considered second-class citizens... and privacy is something you don't even risk dreaming about?
Pero, ¿ qué clase de mundo tendríamos, qué opciones para la felicidad... tendríamos en una sociedad controlada por telépatas... donde los humanos ordinarios se consideran ciudadanos de segunda... y la privacidad es algo en lo que ni siquiera te arriesgas a soñar?
If that current is broken for even like one-tenth of a second, it is all over.
Si esa corriente se rompe por apenas una décima de segundo se acabó.
The lights dimmed for a second, but those figures there didn't even flicker.
Las luces se apagaron un momento pero las figuras no.
I don't know. I thought maybe for a second you might even be sad if I died.
No sé pensé por un segundo que entristecerías si yo muriera.
- Look, Pacey. I don't even know you, but if you thought for even one second that Kristy Livingstone... was gonna dump her beautiful, All-State football boyfriend for you... a Sophomore with a heart stripe?
- Mira, Pacey, ni siquiera te conozco, pero si creíste por un segundo que Kristy Livingstone iba a dejar a su novio hermoso y jugador de fútbol por ti un chico de segundo año con un corazón rayado?
Even the ballet is thriving, and as for education, we now have the second highest literacy rate in the U.S. of A.
Hasta el ballet está floreciendo. Y en cuanto a educación, en los EUA, ocupamos el 2do. Lugar de alfabetismo.
Did you think about this for even a - a second?
Has pensado en ello ni siquiera un segundo?
But I wouldn't be able to leave the house for even a second!
¡ Pero no podría haber dejado la casa por un segundo!
For God's sake. Why should she have to endure even a second of this?
Por favor, ¿ por qué habría de tener que soportar un segundo de esto?
Andie if you wanted to sleep with him if even just for a second then maybe it wasn't wrong. - Maybe-- - lt was. Maybe that was just your heart's way of telling you that I'm not the one.
Andie, si quisiste dormir con él aunque fuera un segundo tal vez no fue un error y pudo ser que tu corazón te decía que yo no soy la persona.
I got a night vision, an infrared, a cute little mini dv, handhelds for everyone... and this baby can even do frame-a-second time lapse.
Una de visión nocturna. Otra infrarroja, una pequeña cámara de vídeo y cargas para todo. Y ésta incluso puede filmar a un fotograma por segundo.
But he went for you, not even trying to second-degree-murder me.
Pero fue a por ti, ni siquiera intentó asesinarme en segundo grado.
Can't let you get that second wind which you don't even know is there for you.
No permitiré que recobres el aliento que sabes que está a tu alcance.
- Actually, there's- - - Stop for a second, Meg. - You remember why your little wellness program even exists?
Recuerda por qué tu pequeño programa de bienestar tan siquiera existe.
You are so Method! You don't even break for a second, do you?
Sigues el método de actuación al pie de la letra.
To know that Sting wanted me even if it were for only a fleeting second?
Pero saber que Sting me deseaba......... aunque sólo fuera un segundo.....
even for me 84
even for us 24
even for you 239
even for him 23
even for a moment 21
for a second there 70
for a second 197
a second chance 34
a second 98
a second ago 20
even for us 24
even for you 239
even for him 23
even for a moment 21
for a second there 70
for a second 197
a second chance 34
a second 98
a second ago 20
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84