Half hour Çeviri İspanyolca
12,393 parallel translation
Another half hour, and you're done.
Otra media hora, y ya está.
We can have it done in a half hour's time.
Podríamos realizarla en una media hora.
My shift started a half hour ago.
Mi turno empezó hace media hora.
Especially, when you bill by the half hour.
Especialmente, cuando se cobra la media hora.
The rangers are coming in a half hour.
No. Los guardabosques vendrán en media hora.
Meatball's meeting with a record label in a half hour.
Meatball se va a reunir con una discográfica en media hora.
- Half hour.
- Media hora.
We've only got a half hour until the next event.
Nos queda media hora hasta el próximo evento.
- Should be dropped off in half an hour.
- Debería llegar en media hora.
You spoke to him for half an hour.
Habló con él por media hora.
Come after half an hour.
Vuelva en media hora.
Half an hour?
¿ Media hora?
Yeah, yeah. Can you move that up by a half an hour?
Sí. ¿ Lo puedes adelantar media hora?
We go on in half an hour.
Tocamos en media hora.
You called for pizza half an hour ago.
Pediste pizza hace media hora.
We'll keep Maddy with us for another half-hour or so, let her sit in on a course with her peers.
Nos quedaremos a Maddy durante otra media hora o así, que se siente con sus compañeros en una clase.
Oh, fuck off, I gave you two quid not half an hour ago.
Piérdete, te di dos libras hace menos de media hora.
Tell her I'll call her in half an hour.
Decidle que la llamaré en media hora.
Meet me in half an hour?
Nos vemos en media hora?
Half an hour, that's all I ask.
Media hora, eso es todo lo que pido.
Because I have 50 people coming through those doors in an hour and a half.
Porque 50 personas atravesarán esas puertas en una hora y media.
Should be another half-hour.
Sería otra media hora.
In a half-hour, they are going to be standing here in matching lab coats, announcing to the world that, once again, they are the cure to mankind's every sexual misfortune, or I am going to get on the stage
En media hora, estarán parados en guardapolvos iguales, anunciando al mundo que, una vez más, son la cura a cada desventura sexual de la humanidad, o voy a subir al escenario y decirle a esos mismos periodistas
I will give them to you in a half an hour.
- Tenéis media hora.
I saw Goran leave about half an hour ago.
Vi a Goran irse hace media hora.
I'll pick you up in half an hour.
Te recogeré en media hora.
Nah, it stops for half an hour so's the driver can get his dinner.
No, se detiene durante media hora para que el conductor pueda cenar.
Mother, I'll reach with in half an hour.
Madre, llegaré en media hora.
Won't be half an hour.
No será más de media hora.
- You have half an hour to pack a case.
- Tienes media hora para hacer la maleta.
She was up half an hour.
Estuvo media hora despierta.
Just... Maybe half an hour ago.
Hace media hora, tal vez.
Can we please just sleep for a half an hour longer?
¿ Podemos dormir media hora más, por favor?
She took Josephine LaRue not half an hour a go.
Ella tomó a Josephine LaRue hace una hora.
It took about an hour and a half.
Nos llevó como una hora y media.
The cell pinged from that location less than a half-hour ago.
El teléfono ha dado señal desde esa dirección hace menos de media hora.
The diversion program allows for a half-hour lunch once you've completed your duties.
El programa de restricción permite media hora para el almuerzo una vez que has acabado tus tareas.
We have less than half an hour to get Richard Davis in cuffs before he attempts another killing at 5 : 17 a.m.
Tenemos menos de media hora para coger a Richard Davis antes de que intente otro asesinato a las 5 : 17 de la mañana.
But just half an hour, okay?
Pero sólo media hora, ¿ de acuerdo?
She wakes up every half-hour to make sure Harper's still in bed.
Se despierta cada media hora para asegurarse de que Harper esté en la cama.
You have to get to County Road 414 by the oil field in half an hour.
Debes ir por la Countty Road 414, cerca del campo de petróleo, en media hora.
That was only a half an hour ago.
Eso fue hace solo media hora.
You got lost in that drift under the yew tree for half an hour with that girl. What's her name?
Os perdisteis bajo ese tejo negro durante media hora... con esa joven. ¿ Cómo se llamaba?
Well, I was out there for an hour and a half.
Bueno, yo estaba allí por una hora y media.
... she caresses me for at least half an hour.
.. me acaricia por media hora.
Why don't you hang here for a half-hour?
¿ Por qué no esperas una media hora?
I called bingo for half an hour at an old folks'home.
Canté bingo durante media hora en un geriátrico.
Head on the pillow, half an hour.
La cabeza en la almohada, media hora.
And if I'm not back in half an hour, my insurance is gonna call CID.
Y si no vuelvo en media hora, mi seguro va a llamar al CID.
Maybe we just call it an even half-hour.
Quizás nos llamamos una media hora aún.
That's good, half an hour
Eso es bueno, a media hora.
hours 6338
hour 409
hours ago 400
hours left 40
hours earlier 17
hours later 138
hours from now 39
hours to go 16
hours straight 73
hours now 24
hour 409
hours ago 400
hours left 40
hours earlier 17
hours later 138
hours from now 39
hours to go 16
hours straight 73
hours now 24
hours of community service 33
hours away 26
hours a week 59
hour ago 73
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hours a day 443
hour drive 72
hour and 17
hour shift 40
hours or so 21
hours away 26
hours a week 59
hour ago 73
hours and 143
hours a day 443
hour drive 72
hour and 17
hour shift 40
hours or so 21
hour hold 19
hour surveillance 22
hour flight 49
hour day 25
hour shifts 36
hour days 31
hour and a half 25
hour period 17
hour window 16
hour surveillance 22
hour flight 49
hour day 25
hour shifts 36
hour days 31
hour and a half 25
hour period 17
hour window 16