He's like you Çeviri İspanyolca
7,465 parallel translation
You think that he's beautiful and I've got a face like a gorilla's arse.
Crees que él es hermoso y que yo tengo cara de trasero de gorila.
He's not always like that, you know.
No siempre es así.
You know what he's like.
Ya sabes como es.
I know he's your boss and everything and you think he's like super-cool, the man, but he did this to himself.
Sé que él es tu jefe y crees que él es super-genial, el hombre, pero él se lo hizo a sí mismo.
You gotta admit, he doesn't sound like the type that's gonna frequent a phone line to God.
De la nada? Esta hermosa desconocida...
Yet no one ever laid a finger on him because even at that tender age, he knew... it isn't about getting them to like you, it's about reminding them how much they dislike each other.
Sin embargo, nadie nunca le puso un dedo sobre él porque incluso a esa tierna edad, sabía... no se trata de conseguir que te quieren, se trata de recordándoles cómo mucho que no les gusta el uno al otro.
Like I warned you, he's a demanding and bad tempered old man.
Quería advertirte, es demandante y un hombre de mal temperamento.
It's like I've said from the start... you just don't know how to keep that stupid pride of yours in check.
Es como lo he dicho desde el principio... no sabes cómo mantener ese estúpido orgullo tuyo bajo control.
Oh, and now you think that he's like this sweet old man but he was something entirely different to your grandmother and me.
Sé que tú piensas que es un anciano muy dulce... pero fue totalmente diferente con tu abuela y conmigo.
He's a man, just like you.
Un hombre, como usted.
No, you know, it's just for the first time I feel like I know what it means to have a little sister.
No, sabes, por primera vez he sentido que sé lo que es tener una hermana pequeña.
I tell you, he's like a big bowl full of pudding.
Te lo digo, es como un gran cuenco lleno de pudin.
No, not good for them! You know, because Gloria's heart is gonna be shattered into a million pieces, because my dad is a player. He's like a pirate.
El corazón de Gloria se romperá en mil pedazos porque mi padre es un jugador.
He's fanatical about exterminating men like you.
Él es un fanático de la hombres exterminio te gusta.
- Yeah, he's gonna ground you for like a week.
Seguro. Y te va a castigar por una semana.
- Well, that's what he'd like you to believe.
Bueno, eso es lo que Él quiere que creas.
"If he's like you, " I have no voice for him to hear. "
Si es como tú, no tengo voz para que él la oiga.
And when you have a guy like Hood leading the charge, well, God's just gonna have to move a lot faster if He wants to keep up and you can tell Him I said that.
Y cuando tienes a un tío como Hood al mando, bueno, Dios va a tener que moverse mucho más rápido si Él quiere seguir el ritmo, y puedes decirle que yo he dicho eso.
If you want to catch a fugitive, you got to think like a fugitive. - Where's he going?
Para atrapar a un fugitivo, piensa como uno. ¿ Adónde va?
It's like he's always gotta say something. You know?
Es como si siempre él tiene que decir algo. ¿ Sabes?
It's not like he hates you.
No significa que te odie.
So he's like one of those dads living his failed dreams through you.
Así es como uno de esos papás Vivir sus sueños fallidos a través de usted.
Well, that's good,'cause I already decided to go through with the wedding, and I'd like you to be my best man.
Bien, eso es bueno, porque ya he decidido pasar por la boda, y me gustaría que fueses mi padrino.
It's my way of saying sorry if I ever treated you like a sidekick.
Es mi manera de pedir perdón si alguna vez te he tratado como un segundón.
Do you mean like he doesn't respect Ben's opinion on things?
¿ Te refieres a que no respeta la opinión de Ben?
Sounds like he was some sort of pimp or something, which explains why he's not on the list of people pressing charges against you.
Suena como si fuera algún tipo de proxeneta o algo, lo que explica por qué no esta en la lista de las personas... levantando cargos en tu contra.
You don't know what he's like.
No sabes lo que le gusta.
Be careful, you don't know what he's like.
- Ten cuidado, no sabes lo que a él le gusta.
I've been terrified about somebody finding out about me for months and you're acting like it's the measles I've contracted.
He estado asustada pensando en que alguien podía descubrirme durante meses y tú estás actuando como si hubiese contraído el sarampión.
Shelley, there's something I'd like to tell you... Saverio, before dying, told me he was very sorry he never got to meet you... I thought you should know.
Shelley, hay una cosa que quería decirte... tu padre, es decir, Saverio antes de morir me dijo que sentía mucho no haber estado nunca contigo y bueno... tenía que decírtelo, ¿ entiendes?
He's a doctor like you.
Es un Doctor como tú.
He's from modest circumstances. Like you, he's worked for everything he has.
Es un hombre de raíces humildes, que ha trabajado para conseguir lo que tiene.
He had this weird fetishistic thing and he started to tie me up and then I was, like, you know what let's have some dinner first or at least a snack.
Tenía esta cosa fetichista rara y empezó a atarme... y entonces yo estaba, como, sabes que... vamos a tomar un poco de cena primero o al menos un bocadillo.
It's the admissions people like to see if he can fit in with other kids, and it's the whole socializing thing, you know?
Es que a la gente de admisiones les gusta poder ver si puede adaptarse a otros niños, y todo eso de la sociabilidad, ¿ sabes?
You don't feel like he's ever not confident in every shot.
Ya sabes, nunca sentís que él no confíe en ninguno de sus planos.
It's okay, he's just like you.
Es igual a ti.
You can say what you like about Mr Winning, but at least he saw Brian's potential.
Al menos el Sr. Winning vio el potencial de Brian.
I just got a job here, and then when you hit him up on Gryzzl, he was like, "Let's go say hi to Lucy since we're already here in Chicago."
Acabo de conseguir trabajo aquí, y por eso cuando diste con él en Gryzzl, dijo, "vamos a saludar a Lucy ya que estamos en Chicago".
Trav, will you tell my dad that he's acting like one?
Trav, ¿ le dirás a mi papá que está actuando como uno?
Yeah, I'm just out for a walk with my child, who's dressed exactly like me, to show you how dumb it looks.
Sí, solo he salido a dar un paseo con mi hijo, que está vestido exactamente como yo, para enseñarte lo estúpido que queda.
It's normal, after all he wants to be tough like you.
Es normal.Al final, el también quiere ser'duro'como Ud. "
If you look at Monty, it seems like he's waiting for the next fight, and not applause.
Si lo miramos detenidamente a Monty, parece como si estuviera esperando su próxima lucha, sin aplausos.
He's coming at you with full strength, just like we wanted.
Te está atacando con toda su fuerza, era lo que queríamos.
You know, how they weren't native to America and then that guy Eugene brought them over,'cause he wanted it to be like Shakespeare's time.
Porque no son autóctonos de Estados Unidos. Un tal Eugene los trajo porque quería recrear la época de Shakespeare.
He's playing you like a fiddle.
Quiere manipularte.
He was lying in his car looking like he's got nothing better to do you know
Estaba echado en su auto, sin nada mejor que hacer que morir de frío, así que... Ya sabes...
I don't care what shape he's in, just bring him back like I told you!
No me importa lo que la forma que está, simplemente traerlo de vuelta como te dije!
I fucking knew something like this would happen, and I reckon you knew it, as well, and because of you, he's now gonna sell 50 fucking percent of my business to anyone he wants.
Sabía que algo así sucedería, e imagino que tú lo sabías también, y debido a ti, ahora venderá el 50 por ciento de mi maldito negocio a quien él quiera.
He's like this old hippie guy driving a cab. You know, telling me his whole... like, long Texas life story.
Él es como un hippy viejo conduciendo un taxi, contándome toda su vida en Texas.
Because honey, if he's gonna be cheating on you like that...
Porque si va a engañarte como te engaña...
it's far from a mere gadget, it's far more than this it make me think of these great quotes like give a mask to a man and he will tell you the truth
.. que es más que un simple gadget, es mucho más que eso. Me hacen pensar en citas como : "Dále una máscara a un hombre y él te dirá la verdad".
he's like 287
he's like a brother to me 18
he's like me 17
like you mean it 28
like your brother 20
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like you 1448
like you said 759
he's like a brother to me 18
he's like me 17
like you mean it 28
like your brother 20
like you and me 45
like your dad 19
like you told me 16
like you 1448
like you said 759
like yours 81
like your mother 32
like you used to 18
like you do 64
like you don't know 28
like your father 54
like yourself 72
like you always do 49
like you wouldn't believe 25
like you wanted 25
like your mother 32
like you used to 18
like you do 64
like you don't know 28
like your father 54
like yourself 72
like you always do 49
like you wouldn't believe 25
like you wanted 25
like you care 36
like you were 21
like you know 24
like you did 54
like you are 30
like you say 78
like you asked 66
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
like you were 21
like you know 24
like you did 54
like you are 30
like you say 78
like you asked 66
you know 156049
you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you got this 563
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your 1839
you got it 4932
you suck 398
youtube 39
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
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you tell 24
younger 104
youn 21
your hat 64
yourself 387
your own 34
your phone 169
yours 1007
your honor 7894
you tell 24
younger 104
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
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you all right 5423
you know that 5741
your full name 16
you are 6060
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423