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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He can't come

He can't come Çeviri İspanyolca

1,061 parallel translation
I just took an hour off from work, and it's way on the other side of town. And, well, tomorrow the boss says I can't come.
Me he escapado del trabajo y mañana no puedo venir.
Frank says he can come to us after all. Isn't that nice?
Frank dice que después de todo, puede venir con nosotros. ¿ No es estupendo?
He can't come through the door.
- No puede entrar por la puerta.
He can't come to any harm.
No le pasará nada.
He probably won't come home until he's had all he can drink and wants to sleep.
Probablemente no venga hasta que se lo haya bebido todo y quiera dormir.
He can't come at all.
No puede venir.
He can't pay. He's just come in.
No puede pagar.
Forgot his driver's license or something, so he can't come in.
Se olvidó del carnet de conducir o algo así, con lo cual no puede entrar.
The law says he can't come in.
La ley dice que no puede entrar.
- He can't come back to this country?
- ¿ No puede regresar a este país?
- But I don't think he can resist the taste of... - Come on!
Pero no creo que pueda resistir el gusto de...
Why can't he come?
_ iPOl aUé nO puede Venil?
But he can't have come in that way.
No pudo entrar por allí.
Don't worry! If you need, I can come and work here. - Sure he does!
- No se preocupe, me da igual, trabajo a domicilio.
He can't very well with Gwen just come.
No puede irse estando Gwen recién llegada.
You know he can't come back.
Sabe que él no puede volver.
How come he can't?
¿ Cómo que no puede?
Can't they come after the ball, when he's asleep?
Vengan después del baile, cuando este dormido.
No puede entrar sin una orden de registro.
Your husband got out of the country with no permit, he can't come back.
Tu esposo salió del país sin permiso. No puede regresar.
He can't stay at my place, my wife could come home any minute.
En mi casa no se puede quedar, mi mujer va a volver enseguida.
If he don't wanna come, you can't make him.
Si no quiere, no puedes obligarle.
- How come he can't lose?
- ¿ Cómo que no puede perder?
Dad's a big man... so big that he and I know I can't fit his shoes, or even come close.
Mi padre es un gran hombre, sabe que no puedo llegarle ni a la suela del zapato.
It says... that Daddy can't come home yet because he hasn't finished his work.
Dice... que papá aún no puede venir a casa porque no ha terminado su trabajo.
Tate, he won't come out, and we can't get in there and get him without somebody getting shot up.
Tate, no va a salir y no podemos entrar y sacarle sin que alguien reciba un disparo.
Where I come from, a lawman don't shoot an unarmed man in the back, and when he gives his word, you can count on it.
Allí de donde vengo, un hombre de la ley no dispara a alguien por la espalda y cuando da su palabra, se puede confiar en ella.
There's only two ways out and I can't see him going west, because he come from jail there.
Hay sólo dos caminos y no lo veo yendo al oeste, estuvo preso allí.
Ever since he come here, this can ain't fit to live in.
Desde que tomó el mando, no se puede vivir aquí.
Monsieur says he can't come to the phone right now, and...
- Él no puede atender al teléfono.
He's sorry he can't come.
A él también le sabe muy mal no poder venir.
I-it's Richard telling you he can't come tonight.
Será Richard para decirte que no le esperes hoy.
He hasn't confessed anything yet, but he wants to speak to you. Can you come?
Él todavía no ha confesado, pero quiere hablar contigo. ¿ Puedes venir?
Capannelle though, he can't come with us.
No podemos llevar a Capannelle con nosotros.
You're right to think it, Lazarus, but here he doesn't come as I'm my mother's son and I do not tell my father's, because that I can not attest, com on, go get the meal.
Tienes razón para pensarlo, Lázaro, pero aquí no viene, como que soy hijo de mi madre y no te digo de mi padre, pues de eso no te puedo dar fe, anda, vé por lo de comer.
If he can... - You haven't yet asked why I've come here.
No me has preguntado siquiera por qué he venido.
You can ´ t come in, he doesn ´ t want to see anybody. What can I do?
No puede entrar, no quiere ver a nadie. ¿ Qué puedo hacer?
If Yancey Cravat thinks he can disappear for five years with never a single word and then come back and find me at the station waving a flag and carrying a welcome sign, I don't know who he thinks he is anyway.
Si Yancey Cravat cree que puede desaparecer durante 5 años sin decir palabra y volver luego para encontrarme en la estación agitando una bandera y llevando una pancarta, no sé quién se cree que es.
I can't stand rows with Phoebe any more, so I come and sit on the pier.
Ya no soporto discutir con Phoebe, así que he venido a sentarme aquí.
But you can't stay long. Can he come in too?
¿ Él también puede pasar?
My mother says that you can't love me,... but I've come to ask you to.
Mi madre dice que usted no puede quererme, y yo he venido a pedirle que me quiera.
I daren " t say what is still to come, but God forgive us all if he can.
No me atrevo a decir lo que ha de venir, pero Dios nos perdone si puede.
He keeps to wave from his boat deck As long as the shore he can see. If the fisherman didn't come back, He found his peace in the sea.
y se despide con la mano bronceada. es porque en el mar encontró la calma deseada. tormentosa y perversa. blancas como un paño.
I don't think he can come now, I... At once -.
- No creo que pueda atenderla ahora.
The representative from NATO says he can't come until April.
El representante de la OTAN dice que no podrá venir antes de Abril.
He has to come out of the depot. Somewhere the SS can't get to.
El niño tiene que salir del cuarto a un lugar donde la SS no tenga acceso.
- Come now, Marianne, don't drag him through the mud, can't you see he feels guilty.
- Vamos, Marianka, no lo arrastres por el lodo, no ves que se siente culpable? .
He can't rightly be expecting you... seeing as you're the only one who's come so far.
No puede estar esperándola... dado que usted es la única que ha llegado por ahora.
A man can't just bust in on the woman he's just married... and tell her that his dead wife has come back.
Un hombre no puede ir con su flamante esposa... y decirle que su esposa muerta regresó.
Gen. Turgidson is here, but he can't come to the phone.
El Gral. Turgidson está aquí, pero no se puede poner al teléfono.
I'm afraid he can't come to the phone.
Me temo que no va a poder ponerse al teléfono.

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