I just told you Çeviri İspanyolca
4,813 parallel translation
And I just told you, it's Captain.
Y acabo de decirte, es Capitán.
I just told you how much that rover costs, okay?
Te acabo de decir cuanto cuesta el rover, ¿ De acuerdo?
- Yes, I just told you that...
- Sí, es lo que te acabo de decir...
- I just told you, go!
- Acabo de decírtelo, ¡ vete!
I just told you.
Acabo de decirle.
I just told you that I am fully willing to inform every merchant in Nassau that you murdered your way into ownership of this place.
Solo le digo que estoy dispuesta a informar a cada comerciante en Nassau que fue capaz de matar para obtener este lugar.
I feel like you're treating me as though I just told you that I'm a sex offender.
Siento como que me estás tratando como si te acabara de decir que soy una depravada sexual.
I just told you.
- Ya se lo dije.
I just told you, they killed a man right in front of me, Art.
Te dije que mataron a un hombre frente a mí.
- I just told you.
- Te lo dije.
Now, I would have thought that was cause for huge national celebration, but you're telling me that until I just told you, you'd never even heard of it?
Bueno, habría pensado que sería motivo de un gran festejo nacional, pero me dices que hasta que te lo he dicho, ¿ ni tan siquiera habías oído...
Are you thinking about what I just told you?
¿ Estás pensando en lo que acabo de decirte?
I just told you that he's not allowed to eat outside food.
Le acabo de decir que está prohibido darle alimentos de afuera.
I just told you everything you need to know, Maggie.
Te acabo de decir todo lo que necesitas saber, Maggie.
I don't know, but I just told you nothing's going on, so...
No lo se, pero solo quiero decirte que no estña pasando nada nada..
You gonna give me something for what I told you just now?
¿ Me das algo por lo que te dije hace un momento?
Listen, I just need to know exactly what you told her.
Escucha, sólo necesito saber exactamente lo que le dijiste.
Do you know what I just told my husband?
¿ Sabes lo que acabo decirle a mi marido?
I'm not sure if Kolya told you, but I just had a birthday.
No sé si Kolya te lo ha dicho, pero acabo de cumplir años.
I told you, sometimes it takes just a little bit Of toil to get there.
Te lo dije, a veces cuesta un poco... de esfuerzo lograrlo.
Heard you're heading to the tlingit camp, Which I'm told is just east of wolf paw trail.
Escuché que te diriges al campamento Tlingit, me han dicho que está al este del sendero de la zarpa de lobo.
Just go with the flow, and like I told you, if it ever gets to the breaking point, fuck it, we're gone.
Solo iré con la corriente, y como te dije, Si alguna vez llega al punto de ruptura, que se joda, nos vamos. ¿ de acuerdo?
I just told you.
Acabo de decírtelo.
Ay, the look on your father's face when I told him the homeless boy selling chiclets on the corner was coming home to stay... And you took him in... just like a son.
Ay, la mirar en la cara de tu padre cuando le dije al chico sin hogar que vendía chicles en la esquina que viniera a casa para quedarse... y tú lo acogiste... como a un hijo.
The plan is unfolding just as I told you it would.
El plan se está desarrollando así como yo te dije que lo haría.
I'm told you just shot two people out in front of the embassy.
Me han dicho que has disparado a dos personas - delante de la embajada. - Apenas les he dañado, señor.
I'm just the middleman in all of this, remember? As I said. You once told me, if I needed to get out of here, that you would help me.
Sólo soy el intermediario en todo esto, ¿ recuerdas?
I told him just to chill out, you know?
Le dije que sólo para relajarse, ¿ sabes?
I've just told you everything I think about everything.
Os he dicho todo lo que pienso sobre todo.
Just to tell you that I told Anne that, as it's so late, she should sleep over too.
Sólo para comentaros que le he dicho a Anne que, con la hora que es, pues, oye, que se quede a dormir también, ¿ eh?
Just so you know, there were, like... three different friends I could've done stuff with tonight... and I told them I couldn't'cause it was a mom night.
Sabes, había como unos, tres amigos diferentes con los que podría haber hecho cosas esta noche y les he dicho que no podía porque tenía la "noche con mamá".
I told you to just keep it out of my room!
¡ Te dije que sólo mantenerlo fuera de mi habitación!
I told you that was just business.
Te dije que eso eran solo negocios.
I told you so many times... the sword is just a tool.
Te dije muchas veces que la espada es una herramienta.
I don't know, she just told me to tell you.
No lo sé, ella solo me ha dicho que te diga.
He's just a friend like I told you.
Sólo es un amigo. Se lo dije.
But i'll go along just to say "i told you so."
Pero acepto solo para decir "se los dije."
I told you, I just got home.
Te lo dije, acabo de llegar a casa.
If you just do what I told you...
Si haces lo que te digo...
I'm just glad you told me.
Me alegro de que me lo hayas contado.
I've just told you why you shouldn't fear Russia.
Acabo de decirle por qué no deberían temer a Rusia.
I think if you went in and just told Marquerite to wait 30 seconds and you went to Andy and you said,
Creo que si le dijeras a Marguerite que espere 30 segundos y fueras a ver a Andy y le dijeras :
I think she just told you otherwise.
Creo que ella ya te dijo lo contrario.
I told you I didn't wanna see you again, and I'm not gonna run away just because you were here.
Te dije que no quería volver a verte. y no voy a escapar porque tú estuvieras aquí.
Look, I told you, it's just what I heard on the street.
Mira, te dije... -... lo que escuché en la calle.
You know, if you weren't being satisfied, you could've just told me. - I did.
Sabes, si no estabas satisfecha, podías habérmelo dicho.
Shannon, I knew if I told you about the money you would've just...
Shannon, yo sabía que si te contaba lo del dinero tú te hubieras puesto...
You know, this went on for years and it came to the point where I just told him
Como te digo, esto duró años y llegó a un punto en que sencillamente le dije :
I was just trying to slay my demons, like you told me.
Solo estaba intentando matar mis demonios, como me dijiste.
Because everything I've told you has played out just as I said it would.
Porque todo lo que os he dicho ha sucedido tal como dije que sucedería.
Just an update for your Moscow handler, but it told me everything I needed to know... who you are.
Una simple puesta al día para tu procurador en Moscú, pero me dijo todo lo que necesitaba saber... Quién eras.
i just 13298
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just did it 38
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just got here 258
i just want to be with you 40
i just don't 165
i just want to sleep 24
i just want you to be happy 100
i just did it 38
i just want to talk to you 112
i just want to say 190
i just wanted to hear your voice 33
i just got here 258
i just want to be with you 40
i just don't 165