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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ I ] / I looked for you

I looked for you Çeviri İspanyolca

920 parallel translation
Do you know how much I looked for you?
¿ Sabes lo que busqué por ti?
I looked for you to thank you.
Venía a darle las gracias.
I looked for you down at the burlesque, I couldn't find you.
Fui a buscarte al teatro de revista y no te encontré.
I looked for you.
Te he estado buscando.
Then, I looked for you everywhere
Luego te busqué por todas partes.
You shouldn't be disappointed. I looked for you everywhere.
No deberías estar decepcionado, te he buscado por todas partes.
* Constantly * I looked for you
Siempre te he buscado.
I looked for you on the train last night.
La busqué en el tren anoche.
I was forced to leave Gilda alone when I looked for you... and Gilda's much too beautiful to be left alone.
Tuve que dejar sola a Gilda cuando fui a buscarte... y Gilda es demasiado hermosa para dejarla sola.
I looked for you everywhere last night.
Anoche te busqué por todas partes.
I looked for you last night.
Te fui a buscar anoche.
I looked for you, Michael.
Te busqué, Michael.
- I looked for you at the office.
- Te he estado buscando.
Listen, I looked for you because I need a favor. - Yes!
- Te he buscado porque tienes que hacerme un favor. - ¡ Sí!
- You know, I looked everywhere for that other glove last night.
Ayer busqué ese guante por todas partes.
So I went to the train station, got a ticket to the south, and looked for you, carrying the small Wallace in my vest pocket.
Así que me fui a la estación, saqué un billete para el sur, y te busqué, con el pequeño Wallace en el bolsillo.
- No, I won't interrupt you. But you're leaving so early tomorrow I thought, I looked in for a minute.
No, no quiero molestar, mañana se van muy temprano.
To go off on a trip for no one knows how long to some spot you don't even hint at the only woman on a ship with the toughest mugs I ever looked at.
Viajar por quién sabe cuánto tiempo a un lugar que ni usted sabe la única mujer con los tipos más rudos que he visto.
Where you been, you old buzzard? I've looked all day for you.
¿ Dónde estabas vieja lechuza, te he estado buscando todo el día?
I have looked for you.
Estaba buscándolo.
Yes, I looked, after you asked for it.
- Sí, lo busqué cuando me lo pidieron.
I worked all my Iife for you and what I did when I quit didn't make two cents worth of difference in your life and it looked like it'd mean all the difference in the world to my family.
Trabajé toda mi vida para usted y lo que hice cuando renuncié no significó ni siquiera dos centavos de diferencia en su vida mas, para mi familia, era como si representase toda la diferencia del mundo.
I've looked for you so long.
Te busqué tanto tiempo.
I've looked everywhere for you.
Te he buscado en todas partes.
i haven't looked for you more than anyone else.
No le he buscado más que a otro.
When I saw you there for the first time, among all the others... there was a moment when I felt like never before in my whole life, when you looked at me.
Cuando la vi entre las demás sentí latir mi corazón como nunca antes.
But I didn't tell them about Jean as you say, because if they looked for him, they'd have found you with him.
No hablé de Jean como tú dices. Si lo hubiesen buscado.. lo encontraban contigo.
I looked everywhere for you this afternoon. You'd gone out?
Te busqué por todas partes esta tarde, ¿ saliste?
I put Raynald to bed and looked everywhere for you.
Llevé a Raynald a la cama y os he buscado por todos lados.
But even if I did think you werert the worst-looking guy in the world, supposing even I told you you looked like someone I was once dumb enough to go for, what would it get me?
Incluso si no fueras tan feo, incluso si me recordaras a alguien por quien hice una tontería, ¿ qué sacaría?
You know, when I left you this afternoon, I couldn't remember what you looked like. Not for the life of me.
Sabe, cuando esta tarde la dejé, no podía recordar cómo era su apariencia, se lo juro.
I've looked all over town for you.
Te he buscado por toda la ciudad.
I've looked all over for you on the terrace.
La he estado buscando por la terraza.
We looked for you. I'm very sorry.
- Te hemos buscado por todas partes.
Right you are, I should have looked in the pockets for some money.
Es cierto. Como no había nada en los bolsillos.
- I looked all over for you.
- Le busqué por todas partes.
Te busqué por todas partes
I've looked for you all night.
¡ Te busqué durante toda la noche!
When I looked at you everything I ever longed for seemed to be there, for me.
Cuando te miré todo lo que siempre había deseado parecía estar a mi alcance.
I've looked all over Europe for you, from town to town.
La he buscado por toda Europa, de ciudad en ciudad.
- I looked up the records of the training ship graduates. You seemed the most likely man for me.
- Revisé los registros de los graduados y usted pareció el más adecuado para mí.
I looked all over for you.
Lo busqué por todas partes.
What did you ask for, then? I guess I know what Bill Carter looked like.
- Porque ya no recuerdo muy bien cómo era.
So would you if you looked at peoples lips.. As closely as I have for the past two years.
Ud. también lo haría si hubiese tenido que mirar los labios... tan cerca como yo durante los dos últimos años.
I could arrange for them to be looked after for you. I'm also Mr Seymore's trustee.
Puedo hacer que las administren por usted. Soy también fideicomisario del Sr.Seymore.
When I saw you for the first time, you looked like you'd descended from the clouds.
Cuando te vi por vez primera, tenías el aspecto de bajar de las nubes.
Listen, Alice, I've looked after you for almost three years.
Escucha, Alice, llevo cuidándote casi tres años.
I've looked everywhere for you.
Te he buscado por todos lados.
I've looked for her in my dreams for years. You remind me of the happiness I thought I'd lost. Elena!
Hace años que la busco en sueños y, sin embargo tú, así como eres, me recuerdas una felicidad que creía perdida. ¡ Elena!
I've looked everywhere for you.
Te busqué por todos lados.
I was the one who looked for you, the first time.
Fui yo quien te buscó la primera vez.

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