For you and me Çeviri İspanyolca
35,092 parallel translation
And you weren't supposed to come back for me.
No debíais volver a por mí.
And I appreciate your respect for the Directorship, Phil, that you didn't lie to me.
Y agradezco tu respeto por la dirección, Phil, que no me hayas mentido.
You are the leader of the Mara Tres New York branch, and you are a man who does not mess around, so if I'm standing here face-to-face with you, and I'm alive, then... you have something in mind for me other than a shallow grave.
El líder de la rama de Nueva York de Mara Tres, y no eres un hombre que se ande con juegos, así que si estoy parado frente a frente contigo y estoy vivo, entonces... tienes algo más en mente para mí que una tumba poco profunda.
I sought him out when you became the maid in my castle all those years ago... because I had begun to have feelings for you... and I thought they would make me weak.
Empecé a buscarlo cuando eras la criada de mi castillo hace tantos años... porque comenzaba a sentir algo por ti... y creí que me haría débil.
And I'm glad that it didn't... because I would never want to lose the love I feel for you.
Y me alegra que así fuera... porque nunca querría perder el amor que siento por ti.
God, you didn't... you didn't cut your hair for me. You cut it for you because you are sick and tired of looking at the man in the mirror.
Dios, no te cortaste el pelo por mí, lo hiciste por ti... porque estás harto de ver a ese hombre en el espejo.
He will have a mark on his head by virtue of who he is, and if you want what's best for him... you will come back to me.
Llevará una marca por ser quien es y si quieres lo mejor para él... volverás a mí.
You came to me and asked me for what you were owed.
Viniste a mí y me pediste lo que se te debía.
And then after you told me about all what you'd done... I just finally saw my chance to do something for me.
Y luego, cuando me contaste todo lo que habías hecho... por fin vi mi oportunidad de hacer algo por mí.
I mean, before everything that happened to me and you were there for me and I needed you... and I couldn't have asked for more.
Es decir, antes de que nos pasara todo, estabas ahí... para mí y te necesitaba... y no podría haber pedido más.
I don't want to be a bother, but if you could allow me to see your latest paintings and purchase a few for my private collection.
No quisiera molestar, pero si pudiera permitirme ver sus últimas pinturas y comprar algunas para mi colección privada.
You came and begged me for help with a case of demonic possession, and now you got your knickers in a twist'cause I didn't bring you flowers?
Tú viniste y me rogaste por ayuda con un caso de posesión demoníaca, ¿ y ahora te molestas porque no te traje flores?
I mean, he had the hardest job in the world, you know, um, things coming at him from everyone and everywhere, but you know, still, he was always there for me.
Él tenía el trabajo más duro del mundo, ya saben, cosas llegando hasta él de todos y de todas partes, pero... ya saben, aun así, él estaba siempre para mí.
You came and begged me for help with a case of demonic possession, and now you got your knickers in a twist'cause I don't bring you flowers?
Tú viniste y me rogaste mi ayuda con un caso de una posesión demoníaca, ¿ y ahora te enojas porque no te he traído flores?
Why did you ask me to talk to mom and dad for 10 minutes?
¿ Por qué querías que hablara con mamá y papá por 10 minutos?
How could you do this? - You're supposed to be around. You keep doing this and blame me for everything.
¡ Tú te la pasas haciendo esto y me culpas a mí por todo!
And luckily for you two, me and him are BFFs.
Y por suerte para vosotros dos, él y yo somos mejores amigos.
Thanks for indulging me. While I have you here, a couple of quick announcements, and then you can get some sleep.
Mientras están aquí, tengo un par de anuncios rápidos, y entonces podremos ir a dormir un poco.
That's nice and kind of weird for you to say.
Es bonito, y un poco raro, que me digas eso.
We hung out, we got close, then you called me out for liking you, and then I had the guts to admit, "yes, it's true."
Salimos juntas, nos volvimos cercanas, luego me llamaste la atención por decir que me gustabas y entonces por fin tuve las agallas de admitir que era cierto.
Ask me for my help and I'll give it to you.
Pídeme la ayuda y te la daré.
And I guess I was kind of right, that you came out for me.
Y creo que tenía algo de razón, que saliste del closet por mí.
Okay, do you remember last year, when I helped you out and you promised to do the same for me?
Bien, ¿ recuerdas el año pasado cuando te ayudé y prometiste hacer lo mismo por mí?
I put myself on the line for you for two years, and you can't tell me why... why I got shot?
Me he arriesgado por ti durante dos años, y ¿ puedes decirme por qué me dispararon?
Yeah, and I got shot for you trying to make my way back.
Sí, y me dispararon por vosotras tratando de volver.
I mean, you and me both, we would do anything to save your mother, but it's not worth jack if you go down for it.
Me refiero a que tú y yo, los dos, haremos los que sea para salvar a tu madre, pero no merece la pena si tú caes por ello.
Oh, right, Dom told me that he just really didn't feel like coming in today and that I should cover for him by telling you that... wait, go back.
Es verdad, Dom me dijo que él solo no tenía ganas de venir hoy y que debería cubrirle diciendote eso... espera, retrocede.
And I was beginning to think you kept me around only for appearances.
Y yo comenzando a pensar que me dejaban de lado, Solo por las apariencias.
Tell me, how is it you see all these writers and producers every day and no one's ever asked you to come read for something?
Dígame, ¿ cómo es que ve a todos esos escritores y productores todos los días y nadie le ha pedido que haga una audición para algo?
Miss Moore, I don't know you very well, and I have no right to ask this, but it'd mean a lot to me if you just hold off for a moment before you do that.
Srta. Moore, no la conozco muy bien, y no tengo derecho a preguntar esto, pero significaría mucho para mí si lo postergara un poco antes de hacerlo.
For me and for you.
Para mí y para usted.
You don't get to make decisions for me, and you certainly don't get to make decisions for my mom.
No tomarás decisiones por mí, y mucho menos por mi madre.
The only reason you came for me... the only reason you want Agnes is because what's killing you, it's a genetic disease, and you think we can cure you, that our blood can...
La única razón por la que te acercaste a mí... la única razón por la que quieres a Agnes es porque lo que te está matando es una enfermedad genética y crees que nosotras podemos curarte, que nuestra sangre puede...
And, hey, I need you to tell Trish something for me, okay?
Y, oye, necesito que le digas algo a Trish de mi parte, ¿ está bien?
And I actually feel bad for the guy, you know.
Y realmente me siento mal por el tipo, ¿ sabes?
What I want is for you to say I was right and that you feel guilty for ignoring me.
Digan que yo tenía razón y se sienten mal por no escucharme.
Don't make me come back there and bite her for you.
No hagas que regrese y la muerda por ti.
When I was eight years old, you dropped me off at a third-grade party, and you disappeared for ten days.
Cuando tenía ocho años, me dejaste en una fiesta de tercer grado. y desapareciste por diez días.
And so I just wonder what it must be like for you to not have any of those feelings about yourself.
Y me pregunto cómo debe ser para ti no tener ninguno de esos sentimientos sobre ti misma.
Okay, thanks, Em, and while I'm in this meeting, will you just shred some documents for me?
Vale, gracias, Em, y mientras estoy en esta reunión, ¿ podrías triturar algunos documentos por mí?
Listen, Helen, I... I know how difficult yesterday was for you, and I just wanted to say that you can count on me.
Oye, Helen, sé lo complicado que ayer fue para ti y quiero que sepas que puedes contar conmigo.
You're incredibly uncouth, and, as you've discovered for yourself, I do like my privacy.
Es increíblemente tosco y como ya ha descubierto, me gusta mi privacidad.
No. Because you used to be a nice guy who looked out for me and Jules, but now you're just an asshole.
Porque solías ser un buen tipo que cuidaba de mí y de Jules,
We're leaving for good, and I was asked to come here to suggest to you that you should do the same thing.
Nos marchamos para siempre y me han pedido que venga aquí para sugerirte que deberías hacer lo mismo.
It came from an old war buddy of mine and the kind of guy who would give up his life for you.
Me ha llegado por un antiguo compañero de la guerra y es la clase de hombre que daría la vida por ti.
You know, I just been thinking, the way you and me fell so fast for this lady, and for no reason?
Sabes, he estado pensando ¿ la forma en que tú y yo caímos por esta tipa y sin ninguna razón?
And you won't ask me for more than I can give.
Y no me pedirás más de lo que puedo dar.
Thank you for seeing me at this early hour, and on such an important day.
Gracias por verme tan temprano, en un día tan importante.
I will not marry for convenience, and nor should you.
No me casaré por conveniencia y tú tampoco deberías.
One minute, Naz is telling me to be a killer and the next, you're sitting me on the bench for acting like one.
En un minuto, Naz me está diciendo que sea una asesina y al siguiente, me dejas en la banca, evitando que actué como tal.
I did not, um... go to family friends and then say, "Do you have any advice for me?" I did what I did and I didn't do what I didn't do.
No llamé... a mi familia y amigos para decir :
for you 2938
for your information 371
for your own good 102
for your birthday 37
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26
for your time 16
for your information 371
for your own good 102
for your birthday 37
for your own sake 81
for your sake 205
for your daughter 16
for your mother 31
for your 26
for your time 16
for your safety 30
for your wife 22
for your help 20
for your trouble 28
for your own safety 97
for your family 28
for your loss 23
for your own protection 24
for you too 25
for yourself 58
for your wife 22
for your help 20
for your trouble 28
for your own safety 97
for your family 28
for your loss 23
for your own protection 24
for you too 25
for yourself 58
for your son 19
for your father 16
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
for your father 16
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52