Just as you are Çeviri İspanyolca
1,818 parallel translation
Apparently, he faked his own death, standing there just as you are now, in broad daylight, surrounded by judge and jury and the officers of the court.
Aparentemente, él logró fingir su propia muerte, parado allí como tú estás ahora, a plena luz del día, rodeado por el juez y el jurado y los oficiales de la corte.
But why are you quoting a rap group when there are people like Paul McCartney out there who are just as relevant and don't go around showing off the tops of their underpants?
¿ Pero por qué estás mencionando un grupo de rap cuando hay personas que les gusta Paul McCartney pero que no son relevantes y no andan mostrando la parte superior de sus calzoncillos?
Gasoline is just about the cheapest liquid you can buy in the United States, and as long as that's true, Americans are not going to be concerned.
La gasolina es casi el líquido más barato que se puede comprar y mientras eso sea así los ciudadanos no se van a preocupar.
Let's just say you're not as safe as you think you are.
Solo digamos que no estás tan segura como crees.
There are people all over this hospital in just as much trouble, and just as not related to you.
Hay gente por todas partes de este hospital con muchos problemas, y no están relacionados contigo.
Well, I just hope Neil and I are as happy as you and Sandy.
Bueno, espero que Neil y yo seamos tan felices como tú y Sandy.
And in each moment of death, you're just as much at my mercy as they are. "
Y al momento de morir, estás bajo mi piedad como ellas lo están. "
They just want to close the case as quickly and easily as they can, and you are making it Christmas-time for them.
Solo quieren cerrar el caso tan rápido y fácil como puedan, y tú se lo estás dando en bandeja de plata.
I am just as interested in this as you are, Doctor.
Estoy tan interesado en esto como usted, Doctor.
But you should all just revel in the glory of being seen as the people you are.
Pero, deben mantener la rebeldía en la gloria de verse. Como lo que son.
I am just as baffled as you are
Estoy tan desconcertado como tú
Do you know there are just as many automobile fatalities every year in L.A. as there are murders?
¿ Sabía que aquí hay tantas muertes anuales por accidentes vehiculares...
When you're as good, it's something as you are when you can make a difference like you can you just don't quit.
Cuando uno es tan bueno en algo como tú lo eres se nota la diferencia cuando no estás, y además me gustaría que te quedes.
I'm just as interested in this as you are, Doctor.
Estoy tan interesado como tú lo estás, Doctor.
We live in a Universe in which there are laws. Just as there's Law of Gravity ; if you fall off the building, it doesn't matter whether you're a good person or a bad person, you're gonna hit the ground.
Vivimos en un universo en el cual hay leyes hay una ley de gravedad, que si te caes de un edificio no importa si eres una buena o una mala persona... vas a caer al suelo
You are not here to try to get the world to be just as you want it to be, you are here to create the world around you that you choose, while you allow the world as others choose it to be
No estás aquí para tratar tener el mundo que sea sólo como quieras que sea Estás aquí para crear el mundo alrededor tuyo que tú escojas mientras permites que el mundo sea como otros escogen que sea y que también exista
Because, of course, once you are exposed as an agent of influence, you can no longer do that job because people just simply say ( that ) what he is saying now ( is ) because he is working to an MI6 brief.
Porque, una vez que te han expuesto come agente de influencia, no puedes seguir con tu trabajo, porque la gente diría que lo que estás diciendo es porque sigues el guión del MI6.
I'm gonna come clean, just as soon as I see her. You are?
¿ Sí?
I am just as baffled as you are.
Estoy tan desconcertado como tú.
- No, I'm just as curious as you are.
- No, estoy intrigado como usted.
"She's just a friend, she's just a friend", as if you are making an excuse.
"Solo es una amiga, solo es una amiga", como si estuvieras dando una excusa.
Look, just because I don't want an unstable regime getting their hands on nuclear technology, doesn't mean I'm as big a fan of Israeli policy as you are.
Mira, sólo porque no quiero que un régimen inestable tenga tecnología nuclear, no significa que sea un admirador de la política israelí como tú.
Look, he's probably just as embarrassed about the situation as you are.
- Mira... Probablemente la situación también sea embarazosa para él.
It's quite nice to finish a set, while there are still people there, rather than just playing and playing and playing as people gradually leave until there's only a few very disturbed people left, who would carry on dancing if you just stood there, kind of banging a wooden spoon on a saucepan, as long as you did it in time.
Mola cerrar un set cuando aún hay gente por ahí, màs que pinchar y seguir pinchando para cuatro petados que seguirían bailando aunque estuvieras ahí dándole a una sartén con una cuchara de madera.
If you're as smart a P.D.As I think you are, Then you can tell with just one look whether or not your clients are guilty, just like that.
Si eres tan buena defensora como creo puedes darte cuenta con un solo vistazo si tu cliente es culpable.
You are just as beautiful and talented as you ever were.
Eres bella y talentosa como siempre lo has sido.
Voy a ser tan valiente como tú.
I mean, I just thought that might interest you, seeing as how one of yang's interns is actually one of grey's relatives... and the two greys are having some kind of family feud.
Quiero decir, sólo pensé que podría interesarte Sabiendo que una de las internas de Yang es en realidad pariente de Grey... Y que las dos Greys están teniendo algún tipo de problema familiar
Like, You Run Through The Airport, And You Bust Through Security, And Just As The Doors Of The Plane Are Closing,
Como correr a través del aeropuerto y atravesar corriendo la seguridad, y justo cuando las puertas del avión se están cerrando, gritas a todo pulmón "¡ Cliff!".
You are just as brightly handsome as advertised.
Tú eres tan intensamente guapo como decías en el anuncio
You are just as.. Uh.. Silly.
Sólo eres como... un... tonto Eres tonto
Or are you just going to bury them until they erupt as a massive stroke and I have to carry you around on my back for 30 years?
O vas a ocultar tus dudas hasta que se manifiesten como una embolia y tenga que llevarte en mi espalda los próximos 30 años
And I'm gonna be just as brave as you are.
Y voy a ser tan valiente como tú.
I'm trying to stop this thing, just as much as you are.
Estoy tratando de detener esto tanto como tú.
You can have little bit, just as long as you drink a lot of water, and you have to eat foods that are rich in B9, like asparagus.
Puedes beber un poquito, mientras bebas después un montón de agua... y comer alimentos ricos en vitamina B9, como espárragos.
Just be quick, general, and as soon as you can, change the subject to, like, how hungry you are.
- Sólo se rápido, general y tan rápido como puedas, cambia el tema a... como, cuan hambriento estás.
Mostly, we just talk about how lucky we are... to have you as a boss. - This what you and Reese talk about?
¿ Eso es de lo que hablan tú y la Detective Reese?
You are just as reckless as ever.
Sigues siendo tan imprudente como siempre.
Actually, seriously though, you guys are just tickling each other and, you know, it might be nice to include someone else as well.
Pero en serio, Uds. se hacen cosquillas mutuamente y sería bueno incluir también a otra persona.
Do you know how sad it is that you just assume everyone is as devious and conniving as you are?
¿ Sabes lo triste que es asumir que todo el mundo es tan retorcido y conniving como eres tú?
Carter, we almost had a town full of men just as attractive as you are.
Carter, casi tuvimos un pueblo lleno de hombres tan atractivos como tú.
Smart kid. Listen, I'm just as worried as you are.
Escucha, estoy tan preocupada como tú.
I am just as concerned about her as you are, but you cannot tell a lovesick teenager what to do.
Estoy tan preocupada por ella como tú pero no puedes decirle a una adolescente enamorada qué hacer.
I just need you to mention him as a friend of yours when you know the americans are listening.
Sólo necesito que lo menciones como amigo tuyo cuando sepas que los americanos están escuchando.
And as far as anyone else knows, you guys are just some really
Y como cualquiera sabe, ustedes chicos son verdaderamente...
You know, the elements of the design are just as important.
Sabes, los elementos que conforman el diseño también son importantes.
I am sure his supporters are just as enthusiastic as you are for me, and I thank you for that.
Estoy seguro de que sus seguidores están tan entusiasmados como ustedes lo están por mí y les agradezco por eso.
I'm just as shocked as you are.
Estoy tan impresionado como tú.
people right now are seeing you as something who is just going off all the time.
Pero la tribu te ve como una persona que siempre estalla.
You're just as ugly on the outside as you are on the inside!
¡ Eres tan feo por fuera como por dentro!
I'm just as surprised as you are. What has he done?
Estoy tan sorprendido como ustedes. ¿ Qué ha hecho?
just asking 127
just ask 167
just ask him 36
just as well 121
just ask me 37
just ask her 22
just as you say 20
just as friends 26
just as i thought 141
just as a precaution 17
just ask 167
just ask him 36
just as well 121
just ask me 37
just ask her 22
just as you say 20
just as friends 26
just as i thought 141
just as a precaution 17
just as you said 18
just as i suspected 36
as you are aware 22
as you are 36
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
just as i suspected 36
as you are aware 22
as you are 36
you are 6060
you are so sweet 63
you are amazing 104
you are my friend 67
you are beautiful 191
you are an angel 28
you are mine 68
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are free 73
you are right 482
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are not alone 88
you are so beautiful 123
you are the best 102
you are welcome 177
you are dead to me 22
you are free 73
you are right 482
you are good 169
you aren't 92
you are not alone 88