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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ K ] / Kill me

Kill me Çeviri İspanyolca

39,449 parallel translation
A drink wouldn't kill me.
Una bebida no me matará.
- So, you're not here to kill me?
- ¿ No viniste a matarme? - No matar.
A huge troll bird, like a jetliner with claws, just tried to kill me!
Un trol volador enorme con garras intentó matarme.
You would kill me in front of my mom?
¿ Frente a mi mamá?
- So, why are you trying to kill me?
- Entonces, ¿ por qué intentas matarme?
You kill me and the amulet will never open the Bridge.
Mátame y el amuleto no abrirá el puente.
Hey, please don't kill me, Blungo.
No me mates.
Jim, she tried to kill me!
Jim, quiso matarme.
Angor Rot will kill me!
¡ Angor Rot me matará!
You think you can kill me?
¿ Crees que puedes matarme?
You thought I could be defeated that easily? That your human contraption could kill me?
¿ Pensaste que me derrotarías tan fácilmente... que un humano podría matarme?
Kill me.
No ostrich is going to kill me.
Ningún avestruz me va a matar.
I don't want mae to kill me.
No quiero que mae me mate.
He wanted to kill me.
Quería matarme.
They tried to kill me first.
Ellos intentaron matarme primero.
You want to kill me?
¿ Quieres matarme?
So, if they ordered you to kill me.
Si te ordenaran matarme...
He'll kill me.
- Él me matará.
Or you're gonna kill me.
¿ O me vas a matar?
- She was going to kill me.
- ¡ Iba a matarme!
- I take full responsibility for that and it'll... it'll kill me for the rest of my life.
- Ha destrozado a su familia. - Asumo toda la responsabilidad de Y va a... me va a matar por el resto de mi vida.
- Reenie's going to kill me, Len.
- Van a matarme Len
You go back and get the blanket so Mom doesn't kill me.
Ve a traer la manta para que así mamá no me mate.
And if I do decide to let them in and kill me you get to write the story.
Y si al final decido que entren y que me maten... Podrás escribir la historia.
- If she finds out people try and kill me every single night, she's not gonna let me do this anymore.
- Sabes cómo es ella. ¡ Si descubre que arriesgo la vida me prohibirá hacerlo!
- My parents will kill me if anything's broken.
Mis papás me matarán si algo se rompe.
- That's one of the guys that tried to kill me.
Es uno de los tipos que intentó matarme. ¿ Qué?
You tried to kill me.
Intentaste matarme.
She's been tryin'to kill me all morning!
¡ Estuvo tratando de matarme toda la mañana!
- Uh, not exactly, but there is a mad old woman in there, trying to kill me.
No exactamente. Pero hay una vieja mujer loca aquí dentro, tratando de matarme.
- I'm sorry I didn't call you sooner, babes, but my nan's been trying to kill me all day.
Lamento no llamarte antes, nena, pero mi abuela trató de matarme todo el día.
Daddy, they're gonna kill me.
- ¡ Zooey! ¡ Zooey! Papi, me van a matar.
They'll just kill me.
Ellos simplemente me mataran.
Are you going to kill me?
¿ Vas a matarme?
I think my parents would kill you if they saw you with me.
Si mis padres te ven, te matarán.
So that when the time comes, you will kill the boy... and free me with his Amulet.
Así, cuando llegue la hora, matarás al muchacho y me liberarás con su Amuleto.
He told me, if I can't get you to hand over the amulet, I should kill you.
Dijo que si no me dabas el amuleto, debía matarte.
You want me kill him?
¿ Quieres que lo mate?
Don't kill myself.
No me mates.
Why would you help me kill Gunmar?
¿ Me ayudarías a matar a Gunmar?
I could kill you before he even reaches me.
Yo podría matarte antes de que él me alcanzara.
Do you want me to kill you?
¿ Quieres que te mate?
I'm gonna wrap it all up, give it to family, and then kill myself.
Voy a envolver todo, Darlo a la familia, Y luego me mato.
You steal from me... And you kill my guys.
Me robaste y mataste a mis hombres.
Would you like me to activate Instant Kill?
¿ Activo Muerte Instantánea?
It's not me that wants to kill you, it's Henry.
No soy yo quien quiere matarte, es Henry.
You wanted to kill Abe wilks, extract enough enzyme for Darren to mass produce for you, and then you're gonna screw me out of the largest pharma deal in history.
Extraer suficiente enzima para Darren para producir en masa para usted, Y luego me vas a joder Fuera de los más grandes Pharma en la historia.
If you ever did that to me, I would kill you.
Si alguna vez lo hiciste Eso a mí, yo te mataría.
Okay, so just to be clear, you're perfectly happy for me to kill us, your friends, your family, and millions of innocent people, have I got that right?
Bueno, tan sólo para ser claros, estas perfectamente feliz... que nos mate, a tus amigos, a tu familia y a millones de personas inocentes, ¿ entendí eso bien?
I was meant to kill you first as a message.
Me encomendaron matarte a ti primero como un mensaje.

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