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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Let me see them

Let me see them Çeviri İspanyolca

375 parallel translation
Let me see them dice.
Déjame ver esos dados.
Well, I ain't saying nothing, but let me see them dice.
No estoy diciendo nada, pero déjame ver los dados.
Let me see them dice you got in your pocket.
Los dados que tienes en el bolsillo.
She won't let me see them.
No me dejará verlos.
- Let me see them.
- Déjame verlos.
Er, let me see them.
Deje que las vea.
Let me see them.
Déjeme verlos.
Let me see them first.
Déjeme ver los trajes.
- Let me see them.
- Déjeme verlos.
Please let me see them.
Por favor, déjeme verlos.
Please let me see them.
- Por favor, deje que las vea.
Let me see them again.
- Would you let me see them?
- ¿ Puedo verlos?
Let me see them.
Déjenme verlos.
Here, let me see them all.
Déjame verlos todos.
Your thumbs, Pops, let me see them.
Sus pulgares, papá, déjeme verlos.
Now, let me see them.
Déjame verlos ahora. No puedo creerlo.
But you must give me your word you'll let me see them again.
Pero prométeme que me dejarás verlas otra vez.
Official note-taking is the key to success in all examinations. - Let me see them.
Saber tomar apuntes es esencial para aprobar un examen.
- Let me see them specs.
- Déjame ver los lentes.
- They didn't let me see them.
- No me dejaron verles.
Let me see them.
¡ Déjame verlos!
You won't let me see them.
No me lo dejas ver.
To thank you. Let me see them.
¿ Puedo verlos?
So you see, monsieur, when I get a chance... I like to take them into the sunshine... and let them play like... children.
Monsieur, cuando tengo la oportunidad, me gusta sacarles al aire libre... y dejar que jueguen como... niños.
And don't let me see you take none of them cookies.
Y no te quiero ver tomando galletas.
Go on. Let me see some of them.
Venga, enséñeme alguna.
Let me see now It'd be too dangerous for them to keep the cab, they probably tuck it away
A ver... sería peligroso para los que guardan el taxi tenerlo escondido.
Don't let them see us. Promise me.
No deje que nos vean.
Let me see now, I'll send them skiing early.
Déjame pensar. Las chicas van a esquiar temprano.
Just let them see you telling it to me.
Sólo deben ver que usted me la dice.
Let them see you whisper it to me.
Que vean que me la susurra al oído.
That's all right. Let them see me. But the country's full of Yankees.
No tenemos que preocuparnos de los yanquis.
- Can you describe them? - Well, let me see, now.
- ¿ Puede describirlos?
- Let me see them.
Sherry, the next time you do not want to see anybody just let me know, and I'll usher them right in.
Sherry, Ia próxima vez que no quieras ver a alguien házmeIo saber, y Ios dejaré pasar.
Let me see you roll them, Jim Henry.
Déjame verte lanzarlos, Jim Henry.
Of men who have not had Leave since last autumn To go to france To meet them. Let me see.
El gobierno autoriza a las esposas de los que no han tenido permiso desde otoño a ir a verlos a Francia.
- Thank you for letting me let you see them.
- Gracias por permitirlo.
Having robbed them of the pleasure of my death the least I can do is to let them see me alive.
Habiéndoles privado del placer de mi muerte... lo menos que puedo hacer es dejarles que me vean vivo.
I got the right to let them see me again.
Quisiera volver a verlos de nuevo.
Let me see you walk in them.
Deja que te vea andar con ellos.
Let me see the arrangement. Want to see them die?
- Déjeme ver si queda bien instalada.
Let them see me in the weakness of the flesh and the meanness of the spirit!
¡ Que me vean en la debilidad de la carne y la crueldad de espíritu!
- You are well aware of the facts. - Let me see if I have got them right.
Ayer por la mañana, cerca de Punta del Este tuvo lugar un combate naval.
Don't let them see me leave.
Que no me vean salir.
Well, let me see you walk in them.
Déjame verte caminar con ellos.
You see, I'm gonna let them think they've got me house trained, but they never will, the bastards.
Les dejaré creer que me tienen domesticado. Pero nunca lo conseguirán.
That's what you'll get from me. Let them work for you and see how well you do!
Eso es lo que sacarás de mí. ¡ Deja que trabajen para ti y verás lo bien que te va!
Close them again, friend, and let me see if I can help you.
Ciérrelos otra vez, amigo, veremos si puedo ayudarle.
Let them, I like to see them happy,
Déjalos. Me gusta verlos jugar.

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