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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ L ] / Look what i did

Look what i did Çeviri İspanyolca

908 parallel translation
Now look what I did! Oh.
¡ Mira lo que hice!
- Look what I did!
Eres tú quien tiene que perdonarme a mí.
Mom, look what I did!
¡ Mamá, mira lo que me hice!
And look what I did.
Y mira lo que hice.
Look what I did!
¡ Mira lo que hiciste!
Yes. But, look, even if I did want it, what would I use for...
Sí, pero verá, aunque lo quisiese, lo usaría para...
Look, I don't care what you did before, or if you've got a record a mile long.
No me importa qué hicieron, ni si tienen antecedentes pesados.
Look at that. Boy, what did I tell you?
Mira eso. ¿
Mira lo que he hecho.
I shot Grange with my gun... and left what I thought was Kincaid's to make it look as if he did it.
Le disparé a Grange con mi revólver... y dejé el que creí que era de Kincaid para que pareciera que lo hizo él.
- Look, what if I did it?
- ¿ Y si lo hago...?
Well, what... Where did I get the idea it would look like steak?
¿ De dónde habré sacado que se parecían a un bistec?
But, I ain't doing nothing. Look what he did to me!
Esto no es nada, me la hizo mucho peor.
What did she mean, I look as if I didn't shave?
¿ Qué quiso decir con que luzco como sin afeitar?
What would you say, Sandy, if I were to tell ya that you look as good to me without money as you did with it?
¿ Que dirías, Sandy, si te dijera que estás bien con o sin dinero?
Look, I know Cops. What did he say?
¿ Qué te dijo?
What made you decide to put her on my trail. Did I look dangerous?
¿ Le parezco peligroso?
What did he look like? Like I said.
- ¿ Qué aspecto tenía?
No I'm not going to look, I saw what you did last time.
No voy a mirarte. Vi lo que hiciste la última vez.
Now, look, what did I do that was so terrible?
¿ Qué hice que le parece tan terrible?
- Look, son. Maybe I've been pickin'on you and all that, but I know my boy... and I know no matter what's happened, you did your duty!
Quizá te he estado molestando, pero conozco a mi hijo... y sé que pasara lo que pasara, cumpliste con tu deber.
What did they look like? I didn't notice.
¿ Qué aspecto tenían?
Look at what they did. Come, I'll wash you.
Mire nomás como lo han puesto, véngase para que lo lave.
Look and I'm sorry for what I did out there.
- Siento mucho lo que pasó.
Look, maybe I don't like what he did or the way he did it, but he'll be back, and you'll be taken care of.
No me gusta lo que ha hecho ni cómo lo ha hecho, pero volverá. Mientras, yo me ocuparé de usted.
O se calla o lo arresto.
Hey, look at what I did!
¿ Habéis visto eso?
I must have left it here. What did it look like?
Debo de haberla dejado aquí.
I... Look, when we struggled for the pistol, what he did.
Cuando forcejeamos con Ia pistola,... mire Io que me hizo.
I had it... What I'm trying to do is to look as I once did in a snapshot.
Lo tenía... lntento parecerme a una foto que me hice.
Look, if it was up to me, I would never had done what you did to those wretches.
¡ Yo nunca hubiera sido capaz de hacer lo que habéis hecho a esas tres desgraciadas! ¿ Qué quieres?
Look what you did. I'm so sorry.
- Lo siento.
I thought maybe you'd better have a look at this, and see what your husband did say.
Pensé que quizás fuera mejor que echara un vistazo a esto,... y viera lo que su marido nos dijo.
Eduardo, what did you expect to find in Elena's room? I don't know. I admit it was foolish to look there.
Si no podía hallarse al primer titular del film... no era posible permitir la proyección ni pasarla al dominio público.
Look, I did what I could.
- Mira, yo cumplo con mi deber...
I mean, what did she look like?
Es decir, ¿ qué aspecto tenía?
I would've been scared too, what did he look like?
Yo también me hubiera asustado. ¿ Qué aspecto tenía?
Well, Mr. Durocher called Mr. O'Malley of the Dodgers and told him what I did, and then he hung up with a long look on his face.
El Sr. Durocher llamó al Sr. O'Malley de los Dodgers y le contó lo que hice... y cuando terminó de hablar tenía la cara larga.
- I mean, look what he did to Schmeling.
- Mire lo que le hizo a Schmeling. - ¿ A quién?
I guess you missed him. What did he look like?
¿ Cómo es?
Look, I ought to know what I did!
¡ Yo sé lo que hice!
Maybe so, Doc, but look at what happened when I did tell the old man.
Tal vez, Doc, pero mire lo que pasó cuando se lo dije al viejo.
Gus, Archie, look what I did to the phone booth.
Miren lo que hice a la cabina.
I'm innocent until proven guilty and look at what they did to me.
Soy inocente hasta que prueben mi culpabilidad.
Look, I did what you should have done, only you're too high and mighty.
He hecho lo que usted debería haber hecho, si no fuera tan orgulloso.
What did I do wrong? Jesus! Look out!
¿ Qué es lo que hice?
I don't know their relationship, they were very secretive what did he look like?
Pero no sé mucho de ellas. Eran muy reservadas. ¿ Qué aspecto tenía él?
I always wanted to have a garden, a pretty garden beside the sea, sadly it always did seemed to be a foolish dream, but look what I've got who'd ever thought believe it or not,
Siempre quise tener un jardín Un bello jardín debajo del mar Desgraciadamente eso se quedó siempre en un loco sueño
I mean. Look. If it weren't for what you did I would have grown up in the hospital.
Si no hubiera sido por lo que hicisteis yo habría crecido en el hospital.
Now you called me, now I came, and look what you did, and for no reason.
Me llamaste, vine por ti, y mira lo que has hecho, sin motivo alguno.
All right, look, I think what we should do is get down to the lab, do a couple of tests on you, try to figure out what did happen. And what you might have done that would cause someone to wanna shoot at you.
Mira, creo que deberíamos ir al laboratorio hacerte algunas pruebas, y averiguar lo que pasó y lo que hayas hecho para que te dispararan.

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