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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ O ] / One would think

One would think Çeviri İspanyolca

1,409 parallel translation
One would think this would be obvious. Perhaps it has to do with how calm and cool and non-judgmental you are about it.
Cualquiera diría que es obvio pero quizá se deba a que lo tomas con demasiada calma.
when you came on board, you didn't see anything. One would think... Yeah, sure.
Cuando subiste a bordo no viste nada...
Reasonably one would think that the it was children's parents who were in the grave.
Razonablemente, podrían ser los padres de los niños en la tumba.
One would think these eight power plants might shake the craft to pieces...
Se diría que estas centrales eléctricas... podrían destrozar esta magnífica nave.
One would think.
Uno pensaría...
When the Santos delegation arrived in Jo'o Pessoa, there were so many people at the airport, such a party atmosphere, one would think that the thousandth goal had already happened.
Cuando la delegación del Santos llegó a Joao Pessoa al aeropuerto, había tanta gente, un clima de fiesta, una euforia. Parecía que el milésimo gol ya había salido.
- One would think that was obvious.
- A cualquiera le habría parecido obvio. - A cualquiera.
So as it turns out, going to the movies by yourself on a Saturday night is even less fun than one would think.
Sabes, resulta que ir sola al cine un sábado por la noche... es menos divertido de lo que imaginaba.
Well, considering you're gay, and you pretty much have the power to do anything you want, one would think you might do a project with some relevance, some social responsibility.
Bueno, considerando que eres gay, y que tienes bastante poder para hacer lo que quieras, se podría pensar que podrías hacer un proyecto de alguna relevancia, de responsabilidad social.
One would think Sir Francis's daughter wishes to be the center of attention.
Cualquiera diría que la hija de sir Francis desea ser el centro de atención. La corte de lady Frances Walsingham.
Say, there is probably one thing we would think.
Escucha... debemos estar pensando lo mismo.
- It would be pandemonium. - It'd just give Dad one more reason to think... that I've got nothing to offer but my looks. - Mm-hmm.
Sería un caos.
I thought it would be an embarrassment, and frankly, I didn't think it was going to stop at one payment.
Pensé que sería una vergüenza, y francamente no creí que se conformaran con un solo pago.
I would think you'd be the first one to show her to the airlock.
Pensaba que lo primero que le mostraría sería la esclusa.
But, I think that you and Andy Brown could have a good thing going. If one of you would just wake up and smell the coffee. Beg your pardon?
Pero, creo que tú y Andy Brown podriais tener algo bueno... sólo con que uno de los dos se despierte y huela el café.
Besides, I think I had this idea that if no one else knew, it would be like the whole thing never happened.
Además, creía que si nadie más lo sabía es como si nunca hubiera pasado.
I didn't think I'd ever see the day one of my boys would win a trophy that didn't have a book on it.
No creí ver el día, que uno de mis muchachos ganara un trofeo... en el que no interviniera un libro.
You can get anything you want, but I've marked a bunch of pages with stuff that I think would be most appropriate, and I just wanted to get in early so I'd be the first one to get you a blender, not the third one.
Puedes elegir lo que quieras, pero he marcado unas páginas. Que tienen cosas, que pienso, son las más apropiadas. Y quería dártelo tan pronto.
Mr. Roth, you stand to gain at least £ 500,000 as a result of this fire and I think that is possible you realised that no-one would want to stay in a hotel where human remains littered the grounds.
Sr. Roth, usted tiene la posibilidad de ganar por lo menos £ 500.000 a causa de este incendio y creo que se dio cuenta de que nadie querrá permanecer en un hotel donde restos humanos ensucian la tierra.
If one tossed a horseshoe into the pot, do you think it would stand erect?
Si uno echara una herradura en la jarra, ¿ crees que se mantendría erguida?
I would think that we could just have one decent rehearsal by now!
¡ Creería que simplemente podríamos tener un ensayo decente para ahora!
Just one question- - why would you think that?
Una pregunta nada más... ¿ por qué piensas eso?
Now, if I am being Santa Claus, and you are Pedro, how do you think jolly old Santa Claus would feel if one day Pedro came into his office and said, "I lost the list"?
Ahora, si yo soy Papá Noel y tú eres Pedro ¿ cómo crees que se sentiría el viejo y alegre Papá Noel si llega un día Pedro y le dice : "He perdido la lista"?
Yeah, I think she would if she ever tried one, but only on weekends.
Sí, si las hubiera probado, pero sólo los fines de semana.
Listen, even if you are becoming a nun... I really don't think God would hold one date against you.
Escucha, aunque te conviertas en monja no creo que Dios te prive de una cita.
I think the one issue that would make me stand out among the other candidates... is my integrity and the principles on which I stand.
Una cuestión que me haría sobresalir entre los demás candidatos... es mi integridad y los principios por los que me rijo.
I see, so there was nothing to make Antuan think that his wife would suddenly leave him one day.
Entiendo, entonces no había nada... que hiciera a Antuan pensar que su esposa... lo dejaría algún día.
- He wanted everyone to think you guys were dead so no one would ever find the island and he could find it for his own purposes.
"Quería que todos pensaran " que ustedes estaban muertos así nadie jamás encontraría la isla y el la podría encontrar para sus propios fines. "
If you were a prison guard earning one dollar a day and forbidden to allow two children to see their mother, would you think that was fair?
¿ Deseas ser un guardia con un dólar de paga diario y sin permiso de dejar entrar a dos niños a la prisión?
If you were like us and this poor dog, alone, without any shelter, who no one will take in, would you think that was fair?
¿ Deseas ser un mendigo y que nadie te deje entrar en sus casas? ¿ Quieres eso?
Inspector Lestrade is doing no more than his duty, Your Grace. But I think perhaps, Lestrade, it would be better to call the staff one at a time, under staff first, to avoid any further milling about.
El inspector Lestrade solo está haciendo su trabajo pero creo que tal vez sea mejor llamar al personal de servicio de uno a la vez empezando por los de menor rango así evitamos tanto alboroto.
I think it would be a foolish assumption to assume that he was just one kind of guy.
Creo que sería una presunción tonta suponer que era un tipo de una sola dimensión.
I want you to, but I think it would be a good idea... if one of us stayed here as an official presence.
Me gustaría, pero creo que sería una buena idea si uno de nosotros permanece aquí como una presencia oficial.
We're only the third largest non-governmental relief organization on the world, one might think that would make a difference.
Solo somos la 3ª Organización sin animo de lucro y no gubernamental del mundo, uno podría pensar, que esto supone la diferencia.
I didn't think it would be one of us.
No me hacia a la idea de no ser uno de ustedes.
So what you think, Derek? That no one would notice?
¿ Qué creías, que nadie iba a notarlo?
I can think of one person who would set me up.
Se me ocurre una sola persona que pudo embaucarme.
If that person didn't come back with the warrant on you quashed, he would be a fool not to think he'd be the next one killed.
Si esa persona no regresara con la noticia de la cancelación de la orden, sería un tonto si no pensara que sería el próximo en morir.
Susan had started to think how nice it would be to have a man in her life. Even one who would make fun of her cooking.
Susan ha empezado a pensar lo maravilloso que sería tener un hombre en su vida incluso uno que se burlase de su cocina.
No, but I think if it wasn't this patient, it would be another one.
No, pero creo que si no fuera este paciente, sería cualquier otro.
I think maybe I thought you would turn into one of those happy old widows that have a lot of old lady friends and cats like Andy Griffith.
Yo quizás prensaba que te convertirías en uno de esas viudos felices que tienen muchos viejos amigos y gatos como Andy Griffith.
Look, I'm sure it would be great but I think one of us has to be thinking clearly.
Mira, estoy seguro de que sería estupendo pero creo que uno de los dos debe pensar claramente.
5000 people moving to Vegas every month, you'd think one of them... would be a gorgeous woman who wants to discuss the second law of thermodynamics.
De las 5.000 personas que vienen cada mes, una podría ser... la adorable mujer que quiera hablar sobre la ley de termodinámica.
Why would Ronnie think of taking a gun to the junkyard... if he's never used one before?
¿ Por qué Ronnie llevó un arma al basural, si nunca antes usó una?
But if Lex were in your shoes, do you think... that he would let one bump in the road deter him from pursuing his dreams?
Pero si Lex estuviera en tu lugar, ¿ crees que dejaría que un obstáculo le impidiera perseguir sus sueños?
Anna is a conduit to the knowledge that could level the playing field. And I think we all agree that if killing one person could save millions, billions of innocent lives, you would have no choice.
Anna es un instrumento, un conducto, al conocimiento que podría nivelar el terreno de juego y creo que todos estaremos de acuerdo que si matar a una persona puede salvar a millones, a miles de millones de vidas inocentes...
Gadzooks, you think I would have remembered that one... from the Mystery of the Old Fake Coffin.
Cielos, tendría que haberme acordado de eso por El Misterio del Viejo Féretro Falso.
For me, it would be between Rupert and Rob, because I think one of them needs to go.
Para mi estaría entre Rupert y Rob, porque pienso que uno de ellos necesita irse.
No one would ever think to look for you at your mother's house.
A nadie se le ocurriría buscarte en casa de tu madre.
You wouldn ´ t necesary really be the great success as Sherlock Holmes, I think most would like want to do one or twice.
No necesariamente habrían querido ser el gran éxito de Sherlock Holmes, yo creo que la mayoría hubiesen querido solo una o dos veces.
I don't think it would've worked if one person didn't have that.
No creo que hubiera funcionado si no hubiéramos tenido eso en común.

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