The painter Çeviri İspanyolca
1,033 parallel translation
The painter of the essences and vitamins!
¡ El pintor de las esencias y las vitaminas!
( Cissie ) "And just three weeks later, Nick and Allida were married " In a little church on the Left Bank, with only a handful " " Of the painter friends who marked the end of this sojourn "
Tres semanas después, Nick y Allida se casaron en una capilla en la orilla derecha, con sólo un puñado de amigos pintores que marcaron el final de nuestra estancia en París.
Among Lord Henry's friends was the painter Basil Hallward. He had been strangely secretive about his latest painting, and Lord Henry, sensing a mystery, determined to discover what it was that his friend wished to conceal.
Entre los amigos de Lord Henry se encontraba el pintor Basil Hallward, quien mantenía en secreto el tema de su último cuadro, y Lord Henry, que se sentía intrigado, decidió descubrir qué estaba ocultando su amigo.
I have seen portraits - many, many of Your Majesty - and I have heard reports most glowing about the beauties and charms of Your Majesty, but the palette of the painter has not colours enough to paint, and the lyre of the poet has strings not tender enough to sing about the beauty which my eyes have the good fortune to dazzle at.
He visto muchos retratos vuestros, y me contaron maravillas de vuestra belleza y encanto, pero ni todos los colores bastan para pintaros, ni la lira del poeta tiene cuerdas suficientes para cantar vuestra belleza.
Please, if he / she is the painter's friend put him / her in contact with Dellarowe.
Por favor, si es amigo del pintor póngale en contacto con Dellarowe.
I believe that the painter is still more fascinating than their squares.
Creo que la pintora es aún más fascinante que sus cuadros.
The painter told me.
Me lo ha dicho el pintor.
The painter didn't start working until Wednesday.
El pintor no empezó a trabajar hasta el miércoles.
Send in the painter.
Mande entrar al pintor.
... the painter and you.
... el pintor y usted.
He showed some of his stuff to a painter that he respects, and the painter told him that he had talent.
Le enseñó su material a un pintor que respeta, y éste le dijo que tenía talento. Quiere trabajar y estudiar pintura en Tokio.
Tod Butler, the painter.
Tod Butler, el pintor.
Does the painter live here?
¿ Y el pintor también vive aquí?
No, I don't mean from the painter.
Y no hablo de ocultársela al pintor.
You're talking about the painter's family, aren't you?
Hablas de la familla del pintor, ¿ no?
What was the painter thinking?
¿ En qué pensaba el pintor?
I'm Jean-Paul, the painter, your brother's friend.
Soy Gen-Paul, el pintor amigo de su hermano.
You're Loch Lomond When autumn is the painter
Eres el Loch Lomond Cuando el otoño es el pintor
When he buys, the painter is made.
Si compra, habrás triunfado.
What good does that do old what's-his-name the painter?
¿ Y de qué le sirvió a...? ¿ Cómo se llamaba?
The painter said so.
Lo ha dicho el pintor.
And how's it going with the painter?
¿ Y cómo van esas relaciones con el pintor?
You come and listen to the converted painter, and you'll hear how she was a pious woman... that taught me me prayers at her knee... and how I used to come home blind drunk... and drag her out of bed by her snow-white hair and lay into her with a poker.
Venga a escuchar al pintor convertido, y sabrá que era una mujer piadosa... que me enseñó a rezar de rodillas... y cómo yo volvía borracho perdido a casa... y la arrastraba fuera de la cama por sus blancos cabellos... y le zurraba con un atizador.
If I were a painter, and do a portrait... I do not know what aspect... would the picture...
Si fuera pintor, y le hiciera un retrato no sé qué aspecto tendría el cuadro pero no se parecería a esa fotografia.
- The weeks passed so fast we thought that counts A year later,... the same day, was inaugurated in the Gibelin ´ s gallery the first exhibition of young painter Maximus Leo.
- Las semanas pasaban tan rápido que no nos dábamos cuenta Un año después,... el mismo día, se inauguraba en la galería Gibelin la primera exposición del joven pintor Maximus Leo.
An unknown admirer commissions the foremost portrait painter of the day to paint me.
Un admirador desconocido encarga al retratista más importante que me pinte.
The portrait is good of course... No painter could capture the real Rosemary.
El retrato es bueno, pero... ningún pintor captaría a la auténtica Rosemary.
But, painter, what's the trouble? Now, this can all be settled.
Señor pintor, ¿ cuál es el problema?
I consider myself an expert and there is not the smallest doubt Kitty was an excellent one painter.
Me considero un experto y no hay la menor duda Kitty era una excelente pintora.
Well, auntie. I'll be back before long as the Royal Portrait painter or the Poet Laureate.
Estaré de vuelta en breve como figura del Royal Portrait... o como poeta laureado.
The picture on the wall... Is believed... was given to Dr. Johnson By the famous painter, Sir Joshua Reynolds.
El cuadro que hay en la pared se cree que fue regalado al doctor Johnson por el famoso pintor, Sir Joshua Reynolds.
By the way,... the night you pawned your watch for Stanley,... did you noticed a painter decorating an apartment on the second floor?
Por cierto, .. la noche que le empeñó su reloj a Stanley,... ¿ se percató de un pintor trabajando en la segunda planta?
- The house painter.
- El pintor.
But the house painter he must have known he'd be the first to be suspected.
Pero el pintor debía saber que sería el primer sospechoso.
The fact that he's a painter of contemporary American life often places him in circumstances that may seem unusual.
Como es artista y pinta aspectos de la vida real a veces se ve mezclado en situaciones extrañas.
And to me the way he lived seemed romantic, wonderful. He was a successful painter and women adored him
Tenía 10 años y para mí, su estilo de vida era muy romántica, maravillosa.
He tells me you're the greatest painter in the world.
Me ha dicho que usted es el mejor pintor del mundo.
I assure you a blind painter is just the same as a dead one.
Y un pintor ciego es como un pintor muerto.
The great Tod Butler, fiery American painter who approached his canvases like a prizefighter.
El gran Tod Butler, el apasionado pintor americano que se acercaba a sus lienzos como si fuera un boxeador.
The town collected $ 2,000 to hire a painter. The mayor got his cousin from Chicago to do it.
Reunimos dos mil dólares para contratar a un pintor y el alcalde trajo a un primo suyo de Chicago.
The, uh, uh, the painter fellow,
¡ No, por Dios!
Do you remember his poem about Andrea del Sarto, the perfect painter?
¿ Recuerda el poema sobre Andrea del Sarto, el pintor perfecto?
I'm the best painter in England.
Soy el mejor pintor de Inglaterra.
For a painter, the mecca of the world for study for inspiration and for living is here on this star called Paris.
Para un pintor, la meca del estudio la inspiración y la vida está en esta estrella llamada París.
With a painter, it's the original that counts.
El pintor tiene un original.
One must accept that it somehow creates something like the interpretation of a painter.
En cierto modo crea.
The vault which shows the genius of sleep is the only painted fresco in the villa. My work as a painter was not easy.
La bóveda que muestra al genio del sueño es el único fresco pintado de la villa.
In the dome on the left, there's a famous painting, "Pietà", by a very famous painter.
En la capilla izquierda hay... una Piedad de un pintor famoso. Un pintor famoso... muy conocido.
I am a painter of the streets and of the gutter.
Yo pinto las calles, los bajos fondos.
You, the favorite painter of our society?
¿ Tú, que eres el pintor favorito de nuestra sociedad?
I heard jokes there about an Argentine painter, who, from the looks of it, seems to be one of your friends.
Allí oí las bromas que hacían con relación a un pintor argentino, que por las señas, creo reconocer como a uno de tus amigos.
painter 49
painters 17
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the piano 29
the police are coming 33
the police are here 92
the party 90
painters 17
the post 71
the power of christ compels you 31
the police 666
the party is over 26
the piano 29
the police are coming 33
the police are here 92
the party 90
the plane 59
the police station 24
the phone rang 17
the point is 1527
the park 61
the policeman 19
the player 16
the party's over 96
the point 85
the people 229
the police station 24
the phone rang 17
the point is 1527
the park 61
the policeman 19
the player 16
the party's over 96
the point 85
the people 229