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There is no escape Çeviri İspanyolca

339 parallel translation
There is no escape. He must perform his forlorn duty. "
"Nadie puede ser liberado de cumplir con la pesada tarea."
If there is no escape?
¿ Si no se escaparía?
There is no escape for you now.
Aquí no hay escapatoria.
- There is no escape.
- No hay escape.
Even at my club, there is no escape.
Ni siquiera en el club tengo escapatoria.
There is no escape from the whip and the sword.
No hay escapatoria del látigo y la espada.
You're are surrounded from all sides, there is no escape!
Estás rodeado, no tienes escapatoria.
We are patient men, Robert... and there is no escape.
Somos hombres pacientes, Robert... y no hay ninguna escapatoria.
There is no escape from me.
No podéis escapar.
Fool hu-mans, there is no escape!
¡ Estúpidos humanos! No tenéis escapatoria.
There is no escape from the Caine.
Nadie puede escapar del Caine.
Yes, there is no escape.
- Sí. Por su seguridad.
There is no escape, it seems.
No hay modo de escapar, parece.
From which there is no escape?
A partir de la cual no hay escapatoria?
From which there is no escape.
A partir de la cual no hay escapatoria.
There Is no escape from the room that holds them.
No hay salida en la habitación que se encuentran.
There is no escape now, except for us!
Ya no hay escape, excepto para nosotros.
There is no escape for you.
No podrás escapar.
But there is no escape that way.
Pero no hay escapatoria por ahí.
There is no escape.
No hay escapatoria.
Can't you understand that there is no escape?
¿ No entiende que no hay escapatoria?
Groovy Guru : It is a room from which there is no escape.
Es un cuarto del que no hay escapatoria.
But there is no escape for you on this ship.
Pero no hay forma de escapar de esta nave.
There is no escape, Doctor.
No hay escapatoria, doctor.
There is no escape for me.
No hay salida para mi.
On my way there I got a telegram from John, saying I could not escape is claws.
En camino recibí un telegrama de John que me aseguraba que no podía escapar de sus garras.
'There're a number of cars and I can't make out who it is yet.' 'But the driver may be able to escape injury.'
no sé quién conduce pero quizá no salga herido.
- Is there no escape from you?
- ¿ No hay otra salida?
To catch him in such a way there is no escape, no alibi.
Sin coartada.
"Reports yesterday indicated that Frank James had made good his escape, but of Jesse James there is no news at all."
La policía confirmó hoy que Frank James logró huir. Pero nada se sabe de Jesse James.
Is there somebody over there that can stop that thief?
Que no escape.
Suicide is cowardly. There was no escape.
Aunque pienso que el suicidio es condenable, para cobardes e inexcusable no tenía otra salida.
And there is not world enough nor time enough for these men to escape my vengeance.
Y no hay lugar en el mundo, ni tiempo, donde puedan escapar a mi venganza.
I thought I could escape from it, but there is no place- -
Creí que podía escapar a ello, pero no hay lugar...
Is there no way to escape?
¿ No tienes forma de escapar?
Today there is no darkness into which they can escape.
La oscuridad ya no los protegerá.
But there is one fact we can't escape...
Pero hay algo de lo que no podemos escapar.
No escape there, the harbor is sealed, it's flooded with the lava! Here, this way!
No se puede ir por allí, el puerto está inundado por la lava.
There is no way that we can escape from this mysterious star, Gorath.
No hay forma de escapar de esta estrella misteriosa, Gorath.
There's no escape. All we can do is sit and rot.
Aquí sólo el diablo nos alcanza.
- There it is! - Don't let it get away!
- ¡ Que no se escape!
There is no possibility of their escape.
Absolutamente, excelencia. No tiene posibilidad de escapar.
There is no escape from this place.
No hay escape de este lugar.
There's no way to escape that, is there, Tony?
No hay modo de impedirlo, ¿ verdad, Tony?
Well, all I know, sir, is we reached escape velocity. There's no longer any reason to scrub the mission.
No podremos parar para el aterrizaje en Marte... y volver a despegar.
There is no escape for you.
No hay escapatoria para vosotros.
There is no way to escape.
No hay forma de escapar.
There is, of course, no escape for them.
No hay salida para ellos.
There is, of course, no escape.
Claro que no.
I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do to help you until you tell me what you were doing with that release valve on the pipe line.
Lo siento, pero no hay nada que pueda hacer para ayudarle hasta que me digas lo que estás haciendo con esa válvula de escape en la tubería.
There is no chance of escape.
No hay ninguna posibilidad de escapar.

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