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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ T ] / They're like

They're like Çeviri İspanyolca

16,233 parallel translation
Doesn't even look like they're still in business.
Ni siquiera parece que siga en el negocio.
You know what they're like, fishing for inconsistencies.
Ya sabes como son, pescan en las inconsistencias
It looks like they're going to go left, go with them.
Parece que van hacia la izquierda, sígalos.
Sometimes when we get it out, they're fine, and then sometimes it's... like my mom.
A veces cuando los sacamos, están bien, y a veces es... como con mi madre.
She... tastes things... like they're... like they're brand-new.
Ella... prueba cosas... como si... como si fueran nuevas.
You know they're like that.
Ya sabes que son así.
You know, as violent as they can become... underneath, they're like children.
Por violentos que puedan volverse... por debajo, son como niños.
Do you like them? They're my favorite.
¡ Te gustan son mis preferidas
- What we should do, really, is we should be like those dudes on YouTube that, like, see hot chicks, and then they just go up to them and just freaking scope'em out and say, "You're hot." Smooch'em.
Vale, chicos.
You know, they're caught off guard, but they like it because it was an aggressive kiss, but it was done in a tasteful fashion.
Sí, tío. Oye, no es por spoilearos pero se dice que suele haber de todo.
But, like, I put like seven of them in the whole thing, so, like, basically, it gets super aerated. That way, the classy chicks we bring back here to drink it, they'll be drippin'for a sipping'. - They're probably gonna be warmed up from my aggressive surprise kisses.
Quiero que los tres vayáis a una reunión de Narcóticos Anónimos, e igual una visión de primera mano de como las drogas le destrozan la vida a la gente, os ayude.
Uh, they're the same. Just like last time, and the time before that.
Ah... son iguales, como la última vez y la vez anterior a esa.
They're like batteries.
Son como baterías.
Now, they're sending over a team, and I'd like for Homeland and the CIA to join them.
Están enviando un equipo, y quiero sumar a Seguridad Nacional y la CIA.
We were concentrating on this area, but it looks like they're closer to here.
Estábamos concentrándonos en esta zona, pero parecen estar más cerca de aquí.
They're said to have human feelings and to be able to tell whether you like them or not.
Se dice que tienen sentimientos humanos Y puedes decir si te gustan o no.
Yeah, like these little ass pillows to put the rings on'cause they're important.
Para poner los anillos en cecause son importantes.
They're like little people.
Son como pequeñas personas.
It sounds like they're just being cautious.
Parece que sólo están siendo cautos.
You know, people are talking about these wolves going on a rampage, killing folks like they're possessed or something.
Tu sabes, la gente está hablando de esos lobos haciendo desastres, matando gente... como si estuvieran poseídos o algo.
- Well, it looks like they're going to charge this bloke. - Does it?
- Bueno, parece que van para cargar este tío. - ¿ Lo hace?
And they're saying that's good enough for them to go to court with, so... looks like we might get a bit of a weekend after all.
Y dicen que es suficiente para ir a juicio, por tanto... parece ser que podríamos disfrutar un poco del fin de semana después de todo.
They're just people - people you don't even like - they're just people you've had on your phone for years!
Son sólo las personas... Las personas que ni siquiera gustan, sólo la gente que ha tenido por el teléfono durante años!
And they acting like if I don't buy more, they're gonna die.
Y se comportan como si se fueran a morir si no les compro más.
Or your friends here, well, they're going to end up like all bad TV shows.
O tus amigos, bueno, terminarán como todos los programas malos de televisión.
I think we've been looking at these murders like they're just rehearsals.
Creo que hemos estado viendo estos asesinatos solo como ensayos.
- Oh, and... and, uh, they're teaching me about uh, uh, like, lighting and... and sound and how to work the camera.
Me están enseñando sobre iluminación y sonido y cómo trabajar con la cámara.
They're just, um, all like me.
Son sólo, um, todo como yo.
They're more like symptoms.
Son más como síntomas.
Like... they're really about best friends coming together and assuring each other that they're always gonna be best friends.
Se trata de mejores amigos que se reúnen y se afirman que siempre serán mejores amigos.
I know that's where they all like to go, but we're getting a lot of damage there.
Sé que les gusta ir ahí, pero estamos recibiendo mucho daño allí.
They're all rough and horrible and scuffed and raw and not pretty, and just for one day I'd like to have pretty hands, and they're not.
Son ásperas y horribles, y marcadas y brutas, y no son bonitas, y solo por un día me gustaría tener unas manos bonitas, y no lo son.
You're like one of them faithful old dogs everybody kicks, but still they just keep on coming back for more.
Eres como uno de esos perros viejos a los que golpea todo el mundo, pero que siguen viniendo a por más.
They're gonna be like, " Get out of my way.
Va a ser como, " Quitad de mi camino.
But then, I've been trying to construct myself, but when I see all of my family, like, they're all depressed, they all wanna kill themselves.
He tratado de reconstruirme, pero cuando veo a mi familia, están tan deprimidos que quieren matarse.
It's pretty rare to be able to serve people in a state like this where they come and they are willing to put everything on the line and they're willing to open up.
Es muy raro poder servir a la gente en un estado así donde vienen y quieren exponer todo y están dispuestos a abrirse.
♪ rock music ♪ ♪ Run fast if you think they caught a scent off of you ♪ ♪ Or play dumb like you're taught to ♪
Por aquí. ¿ A quién no le ha tocado todavía?
Yeah. They're like that, aren't they, little boys.
Ellos son así, ¿ verdad, los niños?
We've clients come in and I'm not like this but we have clients come in and they're so stupid.
Tenemos clientes entrando... No soy así, pero tenemos clientes entrando y son tan estúpidos.
Those rocks look like they're lined up.
Esas rocas ven como si estuvieran alineados.
Look at them, they're like...!
¡ Mírelos, son como...!
They're like your eyes.
Son como sus ojos.
They're revered like gods.
Son reverenciados como dioses.
In Russia they're selling this peace deal like it was Maria Ostrov's greatest wish.
En Rusia... están vendiendo el acuerdo de paz como si fuese el gran deseo de María Ostrov.
You're suggesting they're performing tricks just like you?
Sugieres que realizan trucos al igual que tú.
Masks are bloody useless. They're just for show. To make it look like the government is doing something.
Las máscaras son inútiles, puro teatro para aparentar que el Gobierno hace algo.
They're people too, Uncle Jim, just like you and me.
También son personas, tío Jim, igual que tú y yo.
Bram, your teeth they're like fangs.
Bram, tus dientes... parecen colmillos. No los había notado antes.
They're a heart attack shaped like a penis.
Son un infarto con forma de pene.
No, they're not gonna find her, because she sent it from a general faculty email because she's ashamed of herself like she's ashamed of me.
No la localizarán, porque lo envió desde un email general de profesores porque está avergonzada al igual que se avergüenza de mí.
Or maybe you're afraid they won't like you.
O quizás temas que no les gustes.

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