To the wall Çeviri İspanyolca
5,016 parallel translation
You were escorting your son Ser Waymar to the Wall.
Estaba escoltando a su hijo Ser Waymar hacia el Muro.
It could take weeks to get to the Wall, depending on the weather.
Podría llevar semanas llegar al Muro, dependiendo del clima.
I want to go north to the Wall.
Quiero ir al norte a la pared.
You were Yoren's prisoners when he was taking me to the Wall.
Tú eras prisionero de Yoren cuando me llevaba al Muro.
When you are, you need to enter a formal plea for mercy and ask to be sent to the Wall.
Cuando lo seas, debes hacer una solicitud formal de misericordia y pide ser enviado al Muro.
That had to hurt. Claude, the way that he hit, that fits the impact that Professor Moulton described when Charlie slammed into the wall.
Claude, la manera en que golpeó, coincide con el impacto que el profesor Moulton describió cuando Charlie pegó en la pared.
We've had our backs to the wall before, and we came through to scale new heights.
Hemos tenido nuestras espaldas contra la pared y hemos logrado escalar nuevas alturas.
Face to the wall.
Cara a la pared.
They said that they will take my fingerprints And when I refused They stuck me to the wall again.
Dijeron que van a llevar a mi huellas dactilares y cuando me refusedslammed contra la pared otra vez
Face to the wall, now!
De cara a la pared, ahora!
Face to the wall!
De cara a la pared!
Face to the wall, Savastano!
De cara a la pared, Savastano!
You ever find yourself going to the Wall because you forgot what your mother's face looks like?
Alguna vez has ido al Muro porque has olvidado como es la cara de tu madre
- Go to the wall.
- Pónganse contra la pared.
I guess somebody's gonna have to get the party started. From the wall to the wall, get down, y'all.
Supongo que alguien tiene que empezar la fiesta.
Run to the wall!
¡ Corred hacia el muro!
Which is why you've abandoned your watch atop the Wall to come here and read about the terrible things that may have happened to the girl you love.
Por eso has abandonado tu guardia sobre el Muro para venir aquí y leer sobre las cosas terribles que le pueden haber ocurrido a la chica que amas
I made a promise to defend the Wall and I have to keep it because that's what men do.
Hice la promesa de defender el Muro y debo mantenerla porque eso es lo que hacen los hombres.
I sent 400 men to climb the Wall, an unmanned stretch five miles west of here.
Envié a 400 hombres escalar la pared, un tramo no tripulado cinco millas al oeste de aquí.
I was sent to discuss terms with the King-beyond-the-Wall.
Me enviaron a discutir los términos con el Rey-más-allá-del-Muro.
The opportunity to live and die at the Wall as punishment for a crime I did not commit?
¿ Por la oportunidad de vivir y morir en el Muro como castigo por un crimen que no cometí?
You would cut off our legs, pluck out our eyes, leave us cowering behind the Wall hoping for the storm to pass?
¿ Cortarías nuestras piernas, sacarnos los ojos, dejarnos acobardados detrás del Muro esperando a que la tormenta pase?
Plato described a cave where men are raised watching shadows on the wall. Believing them to be people, animals, trees and what not.
Platón describió una cueva donde los hombres crecían observando sombras en la pared creyendo que eran personas, animales, árboles, etc.
It's like a wall you have to get over to get to the next stage
Es como un muro que tienes que superar para llegar a la siguiente fase.
I plan to punish the wall crawler For his past humiliations.
Planeo castigar al trepa paredes por sus pasadas humillaciones.
My parents were the first African-Americans to own a firm on Wall Street.
Mis padres fueron los primeros afroamericanos en ser dueños de una firma en Wall Street.
Hen party saw him by the sea wall and in the time it took to buy a kebab, someone had knocked him of the wall and onto the beach.
La chica de la fiesta lo vio por el malecón, y en el tiempo que le tomó comprar un kebab, alguien lo golpeó y lo tiró por el paredón sobre la playa.
About five minutes into it, this shadow, is the only word to describe it, came flying in and slammed Charlie against the wall, and then it was gone.
A los cinco minutos, esa sombra, la única palabra para describirla, vino volando y lanzó a Charlie contra la pared, y entonces ya se había ido.
We'll go as far as they have gone to come up against the wall of forever.
Iremos hasta donde han ido ellos para encontrarnos con el muro de la eternidad.
That is all blood that someone tried to wipe off the wall.
Es sangre que alguien intentó lavar de las paredes.
It is, and it matched to the blood that you found on the wall in his house, which means there's an insanely high probability that Ben Logan is your bleeder.
Lo es y coincide con la sangre de la pared en su casa, lo que significa que es muy probable que sea de Ben Logan.
Listen, if you wanna move on up, and pay a fortune to live in some hole in the wall in the 1-O-O's...
Si quieres mudarte, y pagar una fortuna para vivir en un agujero de los 1-0-0...
The wall says you screwed her and to make an example out of you.
Waller dice que la engañaste y quiere darte un castigo ejemplar.
Let's assume in one of these chairs, staring at this wall, is where Truman decided to drop the bomb. And see if we feel anything.
Supongamos que en una de estas sillas, mirando esta misma pared fue donde Truman decidió lanzar la bomba para ver si nos hace sentir algo.
I'm gonna stand with my back to the wall, you know what I'm saying?
Espera un poco, socio, salgo pronto. Ya sé.
The only real question to ask about art, whether it's in the Louvre or on a freshman's wall at Cal State Fullerton is, "Did it move you?"
La única pregunta es preguntarse sobre el arte, ya sea en el Louvre o en el muro de un estudiante de primer año en Cal State Fullerton es : "¿ Se te mueve?"
You think the grounders are just gonna sit around and wait for us to finish the wall?
¿ Piensas que los terrícolas van a estar de brazos cruzados y esperando a que terminemos el muro?
If she had listened to me, those idiots would still be building the wall.
Si me hubiese escuchado, esos idiotas todavía estarían construyendo el muro.
He used to be a teacher at the climbing wall in Mile End.
Era profesor de escalada en el rocódromo de Mile End.
With scores of new game developers springing up overnight and venture capitalists pouring money into what seemed to be a "sure thing" product, the writing was on the wall.
Con decenas de nuevos desarrolladores de juegos surgiendo durante la noche y los capitalistas de riesgo inyectando dinero en lo que parecía ser un producto "algo seguro", la escritura estaba en la pared.
You know, part of me wants to just be a fly on the wall and listen to people's reaction.
Me gustaría ser una mosca y escuchar las reacciones de la gente.
- Then we went to the wailing wall... - Oh!
Luego fuimos al Muro de las Lamentaciones...
Apparently, people go to these holy sites, like the wailing wall, and they start relinquishing possessions,
Aparentemente, la gente va a estos lugares sagrados, como el Muro de las Lamentaciones, y empiezan a ceder sus posesiones
-... to push me up against the wall...
-... dejado que nada personal...
Lester brought us over to the Landmark Hotel, we knock on the door, open the door, and it's like a wall of fog.
Lester nos llevó al Landmark Hotel, golpeamos la puerta, se abre, y es como una pared de niebla.
I've taken an anterior approach to the groin, dividing the posterior wall of the inguinal canal.
Me he tomado un abordaje anterior a la ingle, dividiendo la pared posterior del canal inguinal.
Well, they still haven't fixed the, uh, bathrooms... and they were supposed to put in a retaining wall by the lake... but there's just a couple of sandbags.
Bueno, todavía no han arreglado los baños, y se suponía que iban a poner un muro de contención junto al lago, pero solo hay un par de sacos de arena.
- Not our only way. Go to the east wall and wait.
Ve al paredón este y espérame allí.
Dr. Gallinger, locate a site above the weakened arterial wall of the aneurysm that will be able to endure a small puncture and subsequent manipulation.
Dr. Gallinger, localice el sitio por encima de la pared arterial debilitada del aneurisma que será capaz de soportar una pequeña punción y la manipulación posterior.
The crimes that were committed that led to the financial crisis on Wall Street.
Los crímenes cometidos que llevaron a la crisis financiera en Wall Street.
He hit the wall here... Was forced to stop.
Él golpeó la pared aquí... se vio obligado a detenerse.
to them 177
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the north 16
to the top 23
to the hotel 25
to the beach 25
to the moon 20
to the sea 38
to the airport 39
to the end 49
to the future 91
to the north 16
to the top 23
to the hotel 25
to the kitchen 20
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the right 265
to the car 26
to the tune of 23
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the point 24
to the left 221
to the police 36
to the right 265
to the car 26
to the tune of 23
to the hospital 50
to the death 78
to the outside world 64
to the house 19
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21
to the station 29
to the bridge 17
to the bathroom 47
to the contrary 33
to the king 27
to the 197
to the front 27
to the side 32
to the door 21