You belong to me Çeviri İspanyolca
640 parallel translation
You belong to me, and whatever is in the way, I will destroy!
¡ Vos me pertenecéis, y cualquier cosa que se interponga, será destruída!
You belong to me, I've traded the treasure for you...
Tú me perteneces, te he cambiado por el tesoro...
Today you belong to me, you must tell me everything, Professor
Hoy es Ud. todo mío, tiene tantas cosas que contarme, Profesor...
Remember, you belong to me, do you hear?
Recuerda que me perteneces, ¿ me oyes?
You belong to me.
Me perteneces.
- I can hardly wait until you belong to me.
- En cuanto lleguen las vacaciones, me pertenecerás.
You belong to me.
Tú me perteneces.
But you belong to me, don't you, darling?
Pero tu eres todo mío, ¿ verdad, cariño?
Why don't you belong to me?
¿ Por qué no te quedas conmigo?
You're mine and you belong to me.
Eres mía y me perteneces.
But you belong to me, even before I was born.
Pero tú me perteneces, desde siempre, incluso desde antes de nacer yo.
When you belong to me all the clouds will roll away
Tú serás mía y las nubes se abrirán
Now, Horatio, you belong only to me!
¡ Y ahora, Horacio, me pertenecéis solo a mí!
You have seen the big world..... met other people.... .. and then of course I'm a bit anxious...... that you don't belong to us....... to me....
Has visto el gran mundo has conocido otra gente y claro que tengo miedo que ya no nos pertenezcas me pertenezcas...
Washington, I'm gonna let you go... but I want you to promise me never to take anything that doesn't belong to you.
Washington, voy a dejarte en libertad pero quiero que me prometas que nunca volverás a coger algo que no te pertenece.
Well, Art, looks as if you're going to belong to me for a while.
Bueno, Art, parece que serás mío durante un tiempo.
I'm going to meet his mother and father tomorrow. By the time you're lying in some gutter where you belong, I'll be Mrs. Gifford Middleton.
Y pasaré a ser la Sra. Gifford Middleton, y viviré en un sitio tranquilo, con gente que me comprende.
Belinha, I thought everything would work out for us but things are different down here in Brazil and I realize now that well, you never could belong to me.
Creía que todo se resolvería. Pero las cosas son diferentes aquí en Brasil, y ahora comprendo... que nunca podrías ser mi mujer.
Those decorations and honors you've got belong to me and how I paid for them with my life's blood and a morphine habit.
Esas condecoraciones y honores me pertenecen... y las pagué con mi sangre y mi adicción a la morfina.
I want you to promise me that when you've made enough money you'll buy a ticket and go back home, where you belong.
Prométeme que cuando tengas bastante dinero, volverás a tu casa, pues allí está tu lugar.
The beauty and glamour that were mine for a little while during those rehearsals... when you thought I was so cruel... now belong to the world... forever and evermore.
La belleza y el glamour que fueron míos fugazmente durante esos ensayos,... cuando tú me creías tan cruel,... ahora pertenecen al mundo... para siempre jamás.
if you don't belong to me any more... your voice is mine!
si no me pertenecen más... su voz es la mía!
You know, I'm always taking things that don't belong to me.
Sabe, voy siempre cogiendo cosas que no me pertenecen.
Pardon me, miss Do you belong to this umbrella?
Disculpe señorita ¿ Es suyo este paraguas?
You must explain to me... why don't his pictures belong to him anymore?
Debes explicarme... ¿ Por qué no le pertenecen sus cuadros?
You can stop all this bluff because I happen to know you've borrowed some plans... that belong to the government, and I think it only sporting to tell you... that a large number of detectives are following you around.
Ya no mientas. Sé que robaste unos planos que son del gobierno... y me parece de mínima cortesía decirte que hay detectives siguiéndote.
Now, Mary, if you'll help me to put Vanning and his crowd where they belong you'll not only be helping yourself but you'll be helping thousands of other girls just like you.
Mary, si me ayuda a enviar a Vanning y a su gente donde deben estar no sólo se ayudará a sí misma sino que ayudará a miles de chicas más como usted.
It belongs to you, josie, just like you're going to belong to me.
¿ Dónde está tu corazón, Jim?
But it belongs to you. It mustn't belong to me.
- Sin embargo le pertenece a usted.
Which one of you fellas this knife here belong to? - Me.
¿ De cuál de los dos es el cuchillo?
Your Honor, you see, the money doesnt belong to me.
Señoría, ese dinero no me pertenece.
But how can you help me? You belong to this new Germany that's come between us...
- Tú perteneces a esta nueva Alemania.
I'm madly in love with you do you hear, you don't belong here you belong to someplace else why?
Estoy locamente enamorado de ti... ¿ me oyes? , tu sitio no es éste...
Mitja with the ladies now you really belong to us don't trouble yourself, he's deaf and dumb why do you stare at me like that?
Mitja con las damas... Ahora eres de los nuestros... No te esfuerces, está sordo de la borrachera...
Venus and Jupiter in conjunction we belong together, Karolina you're very fast, Duke it's my job to mistrust men but tonight, with great happiness, I am overcome with the higher feeling to trust on first sight
Venus y Júpiter en conjunción nos pertenecemos, Karolina usted es muy rápido, Duque, es mi trabajo desconfiar de los hombres pero esta noche, con gran felicidad, me supero con el sentimiento más elevado de confiar en una primera vista
Germany dragging across the country roads poor and despised, bowing one's back before a little duchess no you belong to the whole world if only you didn't belong to me first
Alemania arrastrandose por caminos rurales pobre y despreciado, agachando la espalda ante la duquesa no usted pertenece al mundo entero si no me perteneciera primero a mí
You sort of belong to me.
Eras mío cuando eras un vagabundo.
Look at you... hating me... and your eyes saying, "Don't go away. " I belong to you.
Miraos... odiándome... y vuestros ojos diciendo " no os vayáis... os pertenezco.
Make me belong to you. "Keep me from marrying this oily little jackanapes, Ingram."
Tomadme... evitad que me case con ése arrogante Ingram ".
When he let me go yesterday, letting me go because he loves me, for you... I knew that I belong to him, indissoluble, forever.
Cuando me dejó libertad ayer,... por amor a mí, me dio libertad para ti supe que le pertenecía,... indisolublemente, para siempre.
Mrs. Newton, perhaps you could tell me what clubs and organizations you and your husband belong to.
¿ A qué organizaciones pertenecen usted y su esposo?
I want to make sure that you belong only to me.
Quiero estar seguro de que es solamente mía.
I mean... You really belong to US.
Me refiero... a que realmente está con nosotros.
You think you can take him away from me. But he'll come back and stay with me, because we love each other and belong to each other.
Pensáis que podéis robármelo, pero volverá conmigo y se quedará, porque nos amamos y nos pertenecemos.
You're not going to take me out of a neutral country where I belong so that I can be... tried and shot!
¿ No me llevarás a un país neutral para ser juzgada y ajusticiada? - Es mi deber.
Let's face it, out of 7 million people you found me. It must belong to me.
Afrontémoslo, me encontraste entre 7 millones de personas, debe ser mío.
You're to take care of me because I belong to the boss.
Debes cuidarme porque le pertenezco al jefe.
In spite of the way I've acted, you still belong to me.
Excepto tú, David.
- lt's not your business to spy watch me like I belong to you, because I don't. I hate your guts!
- No es tu asunto espiarme observarme como si te perteneciera porque no es asé. ¡ Te odio!
You can break his legs, but don't tear the tights, they belong to me.
Si les rompéis las piernas, cuidado con las mallas, que son mías.
You can't make me belong to you! You can't!
¡ No puedes hacerme tuya!
you belong here 47
you belong with me 25
you belong with us 17
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
you bitch 789
you better 280
you bastard 1755
you belong with me 25
you belong with us 17
to meet you 22
to me 1767
to mexico 17
to meet 21
you bitch 789
you better 280
you bastard 1755
you broke my heart 97
you bet 1064
you better watch out 49
you betrayed me 168
you better stop 19
you better be ready 19
you bum 51
you beauty 36
you believed in me 17
you better believe it 88
you bet 1064
you better watch out 49
you betrayed me 168
you better stop 19
you better be ready 19
you bum 51
you beauty 36
you believed in me 17
you better believe it 88