Your e Çeviri İspanyolca
7,578 parallel translation
Hey, make sure I get all of your e-mails.
Hey, asegurarme de obtener todos sus e-mails.
Well, I have to say I was intrigued by your e-mail.
Debo admitir que me intrigó tu e-mail.
Ever not checked your e-mail while waiting for a coffee?
¿ Alguna vez no leíste el correo esperando un café?
I need you to hand over your notes, your e-mails, everything.
Necesito que entregues tus notas, tus correos electrónicos, todo.
What's your e-mail?
¿ Cuál es tu e-mail?
Why don't you just send emails, from your actual iPhone?
¿ Por qué no mandas e-mails, de tu iPhone actual?
Your behavior was boorish and juvenile...
Vuestro comportamiento fue grosero e infantil...
But you have just returned to Wessex and to your wife and child.
Pero acabas de regresar a Wessex con tu mujer e hijo.
and I made the boat that will take you to your Heaven.
e hice el barco que te llevará al cielo.
Were I in your situation, I might be willing to consider selling whatever interests I had left here and moving on to a more civilized place.
Si yo estuviera en su situación, me sentiría inclinada a considerar vender cualquier bien que me quedara aquí e irme a un lugar más civilizado.
I mean, god doesn't care what your sexual orientation is.
tuvo lugar por malas traducciones e interpretaciones de la Biblia. A Dios no le interesa tu orientación sexual.
I mean, you're late every day, and even your ma thinks it's a good idea.
Siempre llegas tarde, e incluso tu ma cree que es una buena idea.
A.J., now's not the time for your wry, clever wit.
A.J., ahora no es el momento para tu irónico e inteligente humor.
Me, the other students, and even your wife.
Me, los otros estudiantes, e incluso su esposa.
You come to my Chuck e cheese and you throw your own goddamn pizza party?
Viniste a mi Chuck e Cheese. ¿ Y lanzas tu propia maldita fiesta de pizza?
Send us your answers, or mail to us.
'Envíenos sus respuestas, o un e-mail.'
Yeah, man, we knew you were busy, so Jacob went to your buddy Reggie's and picked stuff up, and I wired up the lights.
Como estabas ocupado, Jacob fue donde tu amigo Reggie, trajo material, e instalé las lámparas.
Just because I don't, like, sleep here and try and steal your stories doesn't mean I don't want...
Solo porque no me guste dormir aquí e intente robrar tus historias no significa que no quiera...
And you still insist in running away to your stepmother's house?
¿... e insiste en salir corriendo a la casa de su madrastra?
And try not to look at your feet.
E intente no mirarse los pies.
I hear about Morningstar, and I calmly saunter down to your office and attempt to have a rational discussion with you about it.
Oí sobre Lucero del alba y fui calmadamente hasta tu oficina e intenté tener una discusión racional contigo.
You like your coffee black, just like your heart.
A ti te gusta e café negro, al igual que tu corazón.
And even when you go out and you get a little crazy, the thing you're gonna be most excited about is to get home and see your son.
E incluso cuando sales y haces algunas locuras, por lo que vas a estar más emocionada es llegar a casa y ver a su hijo.
~ And you did all your standard safety checks?
- ¿ E hicieron todos los chequeos de seguridad?
And you gotta go slow so that you don't tear your shit up, you know?
E ir más despacio para no desgarrarte, ¿ entiendes?
I aspire to put my hands on it and to inhale your hair.
Aspiro a poner mis manos en ella e inhalar tu cabello.
And still your face was clean, your belly was fed, and your butt was covered.
E igual tu cara estaba limpia, y tu panza alimentada, y tu trasero estaba cubierto.
These are my private e-mails, your Honor.
Estos son mis correos privados, Su Señoría.
An e-mail from your boss.
Un e-mail de tu jefe.
I've always dreamed about having great guests like you come and give seminars, etcetera, but you know, I... I've never had the space, and I've never had the infrastructure to make it worth your while.
Siempre he soñado con que grandes invitados como tú vengan e impartan seminarios, etc., pero nunca he tenido el espacio y nunca he tenido la infraestructura para que eso valiera la pena.
Forced from your home and unable to take part in the ordinary life of the town, all by the treachery of a man whose name you have to drag behind you like a sea anchor.
Obligada a abandonar su hogar e incapaz de tomar parte en la vida rutinaria del pueblo, todo por la traición de un hombre cuyo nombre tiene que llevar a cuestas como si fuera un ancla.
Not sure if you got the e-mails I sent you... but your fellowship interview got bumped to tomorrow morning at 9 a.m.
No sé si recibiste los correos que te envié... pero tu entrevista para la beca pasó para mañana a las 9 : 00 a.m.
Starting today, she'll be your new classmate in E Class.
A partir de hoy, ella será su nuevo compañero de clase en la Clase E.
I brought here data from all of your classmates from the E Class.
He traído aquí los datos de todos sus compañeros de clase de la clase E.
Especially your serious efforts of creativity and ingenuity.
Especialmente sus serios esfuerzos de creatividad e ingenio.
This is a printout of e-mails sent back and forth by your group... during the investigation.
Este es un listado de correos electrónicos enviados y recibidos por su grupo... durante la investigación.
You wouldn't happen to have anything on your phone that you would, you know, E-mail to a friend or show your Uncle Gary, do you?
¿ No tendrás por casualidad algo en el teléfono... que pudieras enviar por e-mail a un amigo... ¿ o enseñarle a tu tío Gary?
E-Essentially, go out of your way to make my life miserable.
En esencia, hagan mi vida miserable.
Your thoughts and ideas come from you, not from your anxiety.
Tus pensamientos e ideas vienen de ti, no de tu ansiedad.
And for now, I would like to offer myself to you as your true and unyielding friend.
Y por ahora, me gustaría ofrecerme a ti como tu verdadera e inquebrantable amiga.
To be honest, she was terrifying. And I've already e-mailed your HR department.
Para ser sincera, era terrorífica. Y ya he enviado un email a su departamento de Recursos Humanos.
If you turned your bloody e-mail on...
Si abrieses tu maldito e-mail...
If you want to charge your phone and inform someone about your whereabouts then, please feel free.
Si deseas cargar tu móvil e informar a alguien de tu paradero entonces, siéntate libre.
Mehndi represents the outer and the inner sun of your being.
El mehandi representa el sol exterior e interior de tu ser.
You think I was spying on you, checking to see if you e-mailed her from your work computer. I...
Piensas que te estaba espiando... revisando si le enviabas un correo electrónico a ella... desde la computadora de tu trabajo.
You who murdered your own father and tried to kill me.
Tú mataste a nuestro propio padre e intentaste matarme.
If it weren't for this unjust law, and ignorance and intolerance of your government, Michael would still be with us.
Si no fuera por esta ley injusta y la ignorancia e intolerancia de su gobierno Michael seguiría vivo.
And while your fiery personality is usually an asset, lately, you've just been rude and irrational.
Y mientrastu ardiente personalidad habitualmente suele ser atractiva, últimamente estás siendo grosera e irracional.
It's totally my dream job. You know, I'm totally down to be your Japanese booty call and that's so fine and amazing, but I just...
Puedo ser tu sexo casual en Japón y es tan bueno e increíble, pero...
Your job is to watch and listen and report back to me.
Tu trabajo es observar, escuchar e informarme.
A scribe to collect your thoughts and ideas as a daily memorandum to those who walk in your shadow.
Un escriba... para que coleccione sus pensamientos e ideas... como un registro diario... para aquellos que caminan en su sombra.
your ex 322
your eyes 192
your english is very good 16
your excellency 487
your eminence 394
your excellence 19
your ears 19
your ear 20
your employer 22
your education 17
your eyes 192
your english is very good 16
your excellency 487
your eminence 394
your excellence 19
your ears 19
your ear 20
your employer 22
your education 17
your entire life 17
your eye 44
everything is fine 327
education 148
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
enchante 36
eyes 364
eugene 482
esme 72
your eye 44
everything is fine 327
education 148
excuse me 38382
exactly 13088
enchante 36
eyes 364
eugene 482
esme 72
experience 101
eric 3723
easy 6886
enough 5528
elise 285
everybody 7095
either 5698
elite 20
everyone 6978
elle 109
eric 3723
easy 6886
enough 5528
elise 285
everybody 7095
either 5698
elite 20
everyone 6978
elle 109