Almost home Çeviri Fransızca
463 parallel translation
We're almost home, boy.
Nous sommes presque à la maison, mon gars.
You're almost home.
Tu es arrivé.
- Come on. - Goodbye brothers, I'm almost home.
Presque à la maison!
- We're almost home.
- On est presque arrivés.
Yes, let's hurry. We're almost home.
Nous sommes presque arrivés.
We're almost home now.
On est presque arrivés.
You're almost home.
T'es presque arrive.
Boys, we're almost home.
On est presque arrivés.
We're almost home.
On touche au but.
Are we almost home?
On est presque à la maison?
Almost home.
On y est presque.
Aren't we almost home?
On est bientôt chez nous?
- No, thanks. I'm almost home.
- Merci, ne vous dérangez pas.
- Honestly! Why should I? I'm almost home.
Pourquoi monter si je suis presque arrivée?
I hope Wilby got my message, because we are almost home.
J'espère que Wilby a eu mon message, on est presque arrivés.
Cheer up, your fearful duty is almost done and you can run on home as soon as you Iike.
Souris, ton effrayant devoir est presque terminé et tu peux rentrer chez toi en courant dès que tu le souhaites.
It's almost time for Papa and Mama to come home.
Papa et maman ne vont plus tarder.
It's almost 8 pm. I have to go home.
Il est pres de 20 h. Je dois rentrer.
For almost 12 years, Kurt went to work every morning and came home to me every night and we lived modestly and happily.
Pendant presque 1 2 ans, kurt est parti travailler chaque matin, pour me revenir chaque soir. Notre vie était modeste et heureuse.
I haven ´ t been in a real home like this in almost as long as I can remember.
Je ne me souviens plus m " être retrouvé dans un vrai salon.
- You'd almost think he was in his own home.
Il fait comme chez lui!
I went to bed almost immediately after Tom brought me home.
Je suis allée me coucher presque immédiatement après mon retour.
It's quiet here, almost as quiet as it is out home.
C'est calme, ici. Je me sens presque chez moi.
I almost said, you ought to see my bride tha s waiting home for me at tonight.
"Si vous connaissiez ma femme"!
Why, it'll be like back home... almost.
Ce sera comme au pays... ou presque.
It's almost like home.
C'est presque comme à la maison.
I've dug in Alaska and Canada and Colorado. I was in the British Honduras, I made my fare back home... and almost enough over to cure me of the fever I'd caught.
J'ai prospecté en Alaska, au Colorado et au Honduras où j'ai amassé de quoi soigner la fièvre que j'avais chopée.
Oh, why don't you stay home today? I'm almost through here.
Pourquoi tu ne restes pas ici aujourd'hui?
We own our own home in the suburbs, at least we almost own it.
Notre maison en banlieue est à nous. Bientôt, du moins.
Almost every night a fool follows him home.
Presque chaque soir, une idiote le suit chez nous.
Almost broke up our home.
On a frisé le divorce.
The wonderful people of New Zealand loved the kids in green and to us, well, it was almost like home.
Les Néo-Zélandais nous aimaient bien... et nous nous sentions un peu comme chez nous.
Almost out of the woods. There you are. You're nearly home.
Ne vous débattez pas!
You were almost up on a blackmail charge and wouldn't have been going home for quite a while
Vous étiez sur le point d'être accusé de chantage, et vous ne seriez pas rentré chez vous avant longtemps.
They met in Delhi, and I was born there, but Cheju has been my home for almost all of my life.
Ils se sont rencontrés à Delhi, et je suis née là-bas... mais Cheju a été mon foyer presque toute ma vie.
I almost gave up hope of ever doing my own work, in my own home, and having my own land.
J'ai pratiquement abandonné l'espoir d'accomplir mes propres tâches, dans ma maison, de posséder ma terre.
It's almost 8 pm. I have to go home.
Il est près de 20 h. Je dois rentrer.
It's almost five years since I was here last on my way home from leave.
Je n'étais pas repassé ici depuis 5 ans. C'était autre chose!
We're almost always home.
Nous restons à la maison.
Jerry has sent almost everyone home.
Il n'y a personne.
He almost hit five phone poles on the way home.
On a frôlé cinq accidents sur la route.
Mmm? Yes, we might almost be in a museum at home.
Oui, on dirait presque que nous sommes dans un musée de chez nous.
The daughter of one of our richest Sotniks is dying. The one who owns the estate just twenty miles outside Kiev. Yesterday, the girl returned home, beaten almost to death.
La nuit dernière, Ia fille d'un centenier, un homme fort riche, iI a une grande ferme à une cinquantaine de verstes de Kiev, sa fille a été retrouvée dans Ia cour rouée de coups, à demi morte.
Now, the first one you call is Mr Lutkins next door, cause he's almost always home now that his wife is visiting her mother.
Tu commenceras par appeler M. Lutkins. Il est toujours chez lui depuis que sa femme est chez sa mère.
I almost gave up on you, figured you'd gone home.
J'ai failli renoncer, je te croyais repartie chez toi.
It's almost as cozy as home.
On finit par se sentir presque comme chez soi.
At home, he had my attention and a marvellous nanny who was with us almost from the time he was born.
A la maison, je m'occupais de lui, et il avait une nurse incroyable qui a été avec nous depuis le jour de sa naissance.
I am home and I had almost forgotten its beauty.
Je suis chez moi et j'avais presque oublié combien c'était beau.
You've been coming home late for almost a week now. And I figure he's going to be around for a while.
Depuis une semaine, tu rentres tard, et si ce gars reste ici...
He said his son left home almost three months ago and he hasn't seen him ever since.
Il n'a pas vu son fils depuis 3 mois.
His intention was to make for Holland almost the only neutral country in Europe, in those times and thence to get a passage home, somehow.
Il comptait se rendre en Hollande... presque seul pays neutre d'Europe à l'époque. Et de là, s'embarquer pour son pays.
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