Maybe not to you Çeviri Fransızca
1,204 parallel translation
Maybe not to you.
Pour toi, non.
- Maybe not to you.
- Peut-être pour toi.
Doctor, I'm starting to think that maybe you're not really paying attention to...
Je commence à penser que peut-être, vous ne prêtez pas vraiment attention...
- Maybe you're not supposed to.
- Vous n'êtes pas censé le voir.
Maybe, next time you'll listen when we tell ya not to go courting trouble!
La prochaine fois, tu nous écouteras!
Well, rockets are not exactly my field, son, but maybe if you work hard enough, you'll get to college too.
Ce n'est pas mon rayon, mais... tu réussiras peut-être aussi à aller à l'université.
Well, maybe I want you not to accept my decision to break it off. Maybe I wanted you to take me away...
Je voulais peut-être que tu refuses la rupture, que tu m'arraches à lui.
Maybe you can talk to your Sarah Bettelheim like that, but not to me!
Parlez sur ce ton-là à Sarah Bettelheim, mais pas à moi.
Not for nothing, but are you starting to get the feeling maybe you're not that welcome here?
Tu commences pas à sentir que t'es pas vraiment le bienvenu par ici?
Maybe you're trying to make yourself look cool... or better than you are or whatever... smarter, cooler... and you just... not really lie... but maybe you just don't say everything.
En essayant d'avoir l'air cool, ou mieux que l'on est vraiment, plus malin, plus cool. Et tu... ne mens pas vraiment, mais tu ne dis pas tout.
Maybe you could have saved us all a great deal of time... not to mention money, if you just let me in on it years ago.
On aurait perdu beaucoup moins de temps et d'argent, si tu m'avais dit ça dans le temps!
Maybe you could tell her not to wear those clothes.
Ou lui dire de s'habiller autrement.
Maybe not... But you won't be around to care.
Mais bientot ca ne t'importera plus.
I think that you need to learn to accept the possibility that maybe we're not supposed to save Leo.
Il faut que tu acceptes la possibilité que, peut-être, on ne va pas pouvoir sauver Léo.
Yes, but maybe you have to find his trigger, not yours.
Mais tu dois savoir faire comme lui.
No, I've been thinking that, you know maybe the problem with such a big dream is, you never stop to question whether or not you actually have the talent to back it up.
- C'est faux et tu le sais. - Pas d'accord. De quoi tu parles?
Frank's not the kind of guy that would change if you told him to, but maybe he's come around to it by himself.
Frank n'est pas du genre à changer si on lui demande de le faire, mais peut-être qu'il a changé par lui-même.
Maybe you can't understand this... but I finally found what I need to be happy... and it's not friends... it's things.
Vous pouvez pas comprendre... mais j'ai trouvé ce qui me manquait, c'est pas des amis mais des choses.
Maybe he's afraid that since you didn't want him to be in the program... you might not be supportive.
II craint peut-être que, puisque vous êtes contre cette rencontre, vous ne le souteniez pas.
Detective, I know it's not the same as saving your life... but I thought maybe you'd like to have this.
C'est moins bien que de sauver une vie, mais je vous offre ceci.
And then you begin to wonder... - Maybe it's not the world that's changed.
Alors on commence à se dire que ce n'est pas le monde qui a changé.
Maybe I'm not the first person you'd turn to in a moment like this.
Il y a des gens autour de nous, prêts à nous aider.
So I suggested to her not demanded suggested you know, maybe dress a little sexier.
Je lui ai suggéré... j'ai rien exigé. Je lui ai suggéré... de s'habiller plus sexy.
Well, OK, while we're being friends, maybe I should be a friend to you and point out that you're using my personal problems as another in a long line of excuses not to get out your bloody typewriter and do some work!
Bon, OK, puisqu on en est à faire les amis, je devrais être un ami pour toi et te faire comprendre que tu utilises mes problèmes comme une excuse parmi tant d'autres pour ne pas t'asseoir devant ta machine et travailler!
Maybe not. Again, according to your own reports, you believed the only way to keep the Array from falling into the wrong hands was to destroy it.
Selon vous, la seule façon d'empêcher l'antenne de tomber entre de mauvaises mains était de la détruire.
Technology perhaps, or maybe something you would not even think to value.
Quelque chose qui ne vous paraît peut-être d'aucune valeur.
You're dealing with a loss right now that I can't even begin to... Maybe I'm not the right person to help you.
Vous venez de subir une perte que je ne peux même pas... je ne suis peut-être pas celui qui peut vous aider.
Maybe big, and dumb, and, you know, not nice to me.
Costaud, bête, et pas gentil avec moi.
- I'm not doin'anything. I thought maybe you were lookin for somebody to invest with. - No.
Je croyais que vous vouliez investir.
Maybe not forever... but I got this cabin rigged to beat you now!
Pas pour toujours. Mais cette cabane est prête pour te déjouer!
It's a chance to put back what you took and maybe, it'll not only result in the building of a restaurant but the building of character as well.
Vous pourrez ainsi réparer le dommage causé... et peut-être qu'on arrivera à reconstruire un restaurant... et à redresser le caractère de ces jeunes gens.
If the fate of the free world depended on me singing, maybe. Sorry to disappoint you, but I'm a songwriter, not a singer.
Désolé de te décevoir, mais je suis compositrice, pas chanteuse.
Maybe you're not. Because the Jack Campbell I married would not need to feel better about his life.
Le Jack Campbell que j'ai épousé n'avait pas besoin d'un costume à 2 400 $ pour être mieux dans sa peau.
I'm not sure what we're talking about here. But you give me something to work with... and maybe I can push this the last mile.
Je sais pas de quoi vous parlez mais donnez-moi un point de départ et j'obtiendrai peut-être un résultat
Maybe you'll be able to afford decent trousers, but not the arse in those trousers.
Peut-être que tu pourras t'acheter un joli pantalon, mais pas le culot qui va avec.
Maybe none of you could feel the difference but how could you expect me not to?
Peut-être que vous ne sentiez pas la différence, mais comment moi, ne l'aurais-je pas sentie?
You know, Mother, what also troubles me? That maybe Master Antônio will not be able to work anymore.
Vous savez, ma mère, je m'inquiète... de la possibilité de maître Antônio ne pas reprendre son travail.
When you kiss other men, even as a demonstration it says to the world, "Maybe I'm not wealthy."
Si tu embrasses d'autres hommes, même à titre démonstratif... les gens vont penser que je ne suis pas riche.
I'm thinking maybe you're not exactly qualified to help me.
Vous ne devez pas être la personne idéale pour résoudre mes problèmes.
Maybe not the entire flight. You know, like, uh, Dallas to Las Vegas.
Peut-être pas tout le temps, mais au moins de Dallas à Vegas.
Maybe, but you're not immune to mine.
Peut-être, mais pas des miens.
And you can never take that back or change it, so.... So I thought that maybe we could make the decision right now not to do it.
Tu ne peux pas revenir en arrière, ni rien changer... alors j'ai pensé que peut-être on pourrait décider dès maintenant de ne pas le faire.
Maybe not today or tomorrow but soon you're gonna do a lot of damage to your transmission so, what I was thinking is that I could show you.
Pas tout de suite, mais tu finiras par endommager ta transmission. Donc j'ai pensé que je pouvais te montrer.
If the dog has been here that long and you haven't had a reaction, maybe you're not allergic to this dog.
Si ça t'a encore rien fait... t'es peut-être pas allergique à celui-là.
Maybe not, but if you choose to stay, then it's no longer an assault.
Si vous choisissez de rester, ce n'est plus une agression.
Maybe you're getting one over on us, maybe not. Either way, we don't have to like it.
Alors que vous soyez en avance sur nous d'un point ou pas, on n'est pas obligés d'apprécier.
Guess maybe I won't even wear those boxers. I'm not going to molest you!
Je vais même pas garder mon caleçon.
Maybe you do not fear me, or even death itself,..... but you should fear what awaits beyond if you die this way. Sha mel kalak. Say what needs to be said..... to deliver your soul and the souls of all those that have embraced your sin.
Dis ce qui doit être dit afin de délivrer ton âme et les âmes de ceux qui ont partagé ton péché.
You know, maybe you think bad things happened to you because you've been a bad boy... But I'm here to tell you, that's not true.
Tu penses peut-être que ce genre de chose arrive quand on est méchant, mais crois-moi, ce n'est pas vrai.
All I'm saying is that maybe you succeeded... Whether you're willing to see that or not.
Je dis seulement que vous avez peut-être gagné, que vous le vouliez ou non.
I mean, maybe you're not god enough to do it.
Tu es peut-être un trop petit dieu.
maybe not tomorrow 22
maybe not today 46
maybe not 1436
maybe not yet 20
maybe nothing 45
maybe not now 37
maybe not for you 21
not to you 139
to you too 24
to you 1078
maybe not today 46
maybe not 1436
maybe not yet 20
maybe nothing 45
maybe not now 37
maybe not for you 21
not to you 139
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your place 20
to your family 22
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your father 32
to your left 71
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your place 20
to your family 22
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe next week 45
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50
maybe 16487
maybe later 400
maybe one day 85
maybe it's better this way 17
maybe next time 255
maybe another time 111
maybe next week 45
maybe i do 116
maybe i don't 50