You don Çeviri Fransızca
603 parallel translation
# Now you don't #
Maintenant vous ne le voyez plus
I don't know, you don't know. "
l don t know, you don t know.
Bana karşı böyle alçakgönüllü olmana gerek yok, zira gurura inanırım.
- Oui, comme ça. - Oh you don t have to be modest with me.
İzin verirseniz onu geri istiyorum.
If you don t mind, give it back.
l mean, you don't know me. l try to come off like l'm being cool all the time.
Tu ne me connais pas. J'essaie de toujours paraître calme.
How am I supposed to fuck you in the ass if you don't cooperate?
- ( Chanté ) Mais alors quand je recule... comment veux-tu que je t'encule?
I'd love your company, but you don't have my best interests at heart.
J'aime votre compagnie, mais vous n'avez pas mes intérêts à coeur.
You don't expect me to tell you?
Vous croyez vraiment que je vais vous le dire?
Fikrimizi veriyoruz, düşüncemizi söylüyoruz ama sen dinlemiyorsun.
Nous donnons notre opinion, but you don t listen.
Kadın "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" ı söylemeye başlayınca bu homo dizi kanamış küçük bir kız gibi ağlamaya başlıyor.
Quand elle commence à chanter "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" cette tapette se met à pleurer comme une fillette qui se serait écorché le genou.
You don't have any right to...
Tu n'as pas le droit...
"You'll never know if you don't know now"
Tu devrais le savoir depuis toujours!
And there's iron in the words that you ain't livin'if you don't know it. " Çok geç olmadan ChiefTen Bears'a dönelim.
Pense à ce que dit le Chef Dix Vison, penses-y vite.
Don't you know any better than to bring your brats here today of all days... when Senor Gallardo is about to make his first formal appearance... in his hometown?
Vous ne pouviez pas choisir un autre jour? C'est son premier combat dans sa ville natale.
Don't you remember? Allow me to introduce myself.
# Ya da kendi halindedir
Don't you know that it s worth
Neden gülümsemiyorsunuz?
- Why don t you smile, Patricia?
- İçki de mi içmiyorsun?
- You also don t drink?
Anlar mısın, anlamaz mısın bilmem Jerry ama ki umarım anlayabilirsin ;
- C'est le problème éternel des anciens Grecs. - I don t know if you are able to understand it, Jerry.
Paul sen arkada rahat etmezsin, bir taksi tutsan iyi edersin bence.
- Paul, you won t be comfortable back here, so why don t you take a taxi?
Neden bu akşam yemeğe kalmıyorsunuz? Evet ya da hayır?
- Why don t you stay for dinner, yes or no?
Neden bir şey söylemiyorsun?
- Why don t you say something?
Neden benimle villaya gelip onları baş başa konuşmaları için yalnız bırakmıyorsun?
- Why don t you come up to the villa with me and leave them here to talk?
O da bana dedi ki'Peki neden oynamıyorsun onlarla'
And she says yeah, man Why don t you play with it?
O da bana dedi ki'Neden çıkarmıyorsun'
And she says : Yeah, man Why don t you take it off?
O da bana dedi ki'Neden çıkarmıyorsun'
And she says : Yeah, man Why don t you slip it off?
Al şu çantaları.
I don t suppose you would remember me
l don't like to look like l'm hustling, and there l was next to you with a boner.
Je ne veux pas avoir l'air d'un coureur. Et là, j'ai eu le bâton!
Don't let me catch you again Now get lost!
Désormais, je vous interdis de la laver ici.
Why don't you tell these people you're sorry for bothering them?
Excuse-toi d'avoir dérangé ces messieurs dames. - Elle ne nous...
Listen, sweetheart, this may be butting in where I don't belong but don't you think someone should say something?
Je me mêle peut-être de ce qui ne me regarde pas, mais il faudrait en parler. Des saignements de nez?
So don't you sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed I'm here to answer all your midday prayers
Remonte la mâchoire T'as l'œil hagard J'exaucerai tes prières
- Don't you dare close your eyes
- Ne fermez pas les yeux
Now that you're here, they still don't know.
Maintenant que vous êtes ici, ils ne le savent toujours pas.
- I sure don't mean to imply you, sir. No.
- Je ne dis pas que c'est vous, monsieur.
There are many people, general, don't give a damn for a human soul, you know that?
Il ya beaucoup de gens, général, qui se fichent de l'humanité, vous savez?
"You got me so I don't know what I'm doing"
Tu m'as tellement que je ne sais pas ce que je fais.
"You got me so I don't know what I'm doing"
Tu m'as tellement que je ne sais pas ce que je fais
I don't want to kill you, Commander, but I will.
Je ne veux pas vous tuer, commandant, mais je le ferai.
Don't you realise they're going to kill us?
Vous ne voyez pas qu'ils vont tous nous tuer?
You think I don't know that?
Croyez-vous que je l'ignore?
I don't want you staying here any longer than you have to.
Je ne veux pas que tu restes ici plus de temps qu'il ne faudra.
Don't you see?
Ne voyez-vous pas?
Bir iğneyim ben, biliyorsun istemedim asla bir saman yığını olmayı istemedin mi hiç kalbini ikiye bölmeyi
l'm a needle, you know Never want to be a haystack Don't ever want to break your heart in two
# Don't forget to say you will
N'oubliez pas de le dire
# And if you ever leave me I don't want nobody else
Et si vous me quittez je ne veux personne d'autre.
You intended to give me a gift... and it was wonderful.
Vous vouliez me faire un don... et cela a été merveilleux.
Don ´ t you know anything?
Tu ne sais vraiment rien faire?
Don't lay your hang-ups on me, just'cause you lostyour mojo.
Ne rejette pas la faute sur moi juste parce que tu as perdu ton mojo. Ouch, baby.
Evet! "If there is some other way to prove that I love you" "I swear I don't know how"
S'il existe un autre moyen, de te prouver mon amour, je le connais pas.
/ / Seeminglylastless Don'tmeanyoucanask us / /
/ / Seemingly lastless. Don't me and you can ask us / /
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