Just words translate French
1,994 parallel translation
Just words. But they helped me to stand when all I wanted to do was to lie down.
Juste des mots, mais ils m'ont aidé à me redresser quand j'allais m'effondrer.
They're just words.
Ce ne sont que des mots!
I meant everything I said but I know that that's just words, you want commitment.
Je pensais tout ce que j'ai dit, mais ce ne sont que des mots. Tu veux de l'engagement?
And his confession is just words
Et sa confession ne repose que sur des mots.
I realized that I lived all these years just to listen to these words.
J'ai réalisé que j'avais survécu ces dernières années juste pour entendre ces mots.
Just a few words about ecologically responsible business practices.
Juste quelques mots à propos de la responsabilité environnementale des entreprises.
All of this because of a few little words that i wrote on a page. I know, and now you're just going to
Et tout ça grâce à quelques mots griffonnés sur un bout de papier.
Somebody could address the audience for the occasion. Just a few words.
Quelqu'un devrait s'adresser au public et dire quelques mots.
Sometimes just two words are enough to make your thoughts perfectly clear.
Parfois un seul mot suffit à rendre vos pensées très claires.
I just don't have the words yet.
Attends, ça va venir.
Just an address in Los Angeles and the words "Save Matt Parkman."
- Il n'y a qu'une adresse à Los Angeles et les mots : "Sauvez Matt Parkman."
Dr. Luyt just wants a few words, please.
Le Dr Luyt veut vous dire un mot.
We can't just mouth the words anymore.
On ne peut plus faire semblant.
There's certain words you just can't throw around up in the whip.
Y a des mots qu'on peut pas balancer comme ça.
Forgive me for asking you to repeat it, it's just that I've longed to hear those words.
Pardonnez-moi mon insistance... Mais je voulais encore entendre ces mots.
Yeah, I've looked and I just see a chart with a bunch of words.
- J'ai regardé. Je vois un graphique avec des mots, même pas de chiffres.
I can't even... My words are just coming out in tune.
Je sais pas pourquoi je chante, ça sort comme ça.
Those words, they just don't form in that order in my mouth without a lot of goddamned heavy lifting.
Ces mots sortent pas comme ça de ma bouche sans un putain de boulot.
They're just promises, words, maybes.
À vous de voir.
I have a few words I'd like to say. If I could just get all your attention.
Je vous le dis de suite, si ça devait arriver encore dans 5 min, dans 5 ans ou dans 15 ans, vous êtes toujours l'équipe de pompiers que j'aimerais avoir derrière, à côté de et devant moi.
It would just be so much easier if you said the words.
Ce serait plus facile pour vous d'avouer.
It just would be so much easier if you said the words... all I want you to do is tell the truth.
Ce serait tellement plus simple si tu le disais... Je veux juste que tu dises la vérité.
Listen, ladies. Because I'll just say once. And there are only three little words.
Écoutez, les filles, car je le répéterai pas et ça tient en 4 petits mots.
Don't just look at it as words.
Ne regardez pas seulement ses mots.
Just tell us the two words!
Contente-toi de nous dire les deux mots.
You know what? I'd actually like to just say a few words...
J'aimerais dire quelques mots.
I'm just a messenger who carries out his words.
Je ne suis qu'un messager. Je ne fais que l'écouter.
Okay so, you know, that scene we just read just do it again in your own words.
La scène qu'on vient de faire? Refaites-la, avec vos propre mots.
He wants to thank me. He just can't find the words.
Il essaye de me remercier mais il ne trouve pas les mots.
¶ I know the words to this song are real ¶ ¶ But, oh, I just wanna go home ¶ ¶ I know he's talking about the way I feel ¶
cette chanson est claire je veux rentrer chez moi elle dit ce que j'espère je veux rentrer chez moi
Just explain those two words
Expliquez juste ces deux mots.
Just three little words and it'll just
Trois petits mots
Okay, look, if you're grossed out By the words salmon skin, Let's just go back to the pork chops.
Si le saumon te dégoute, restes-en aux bouchées au porc.
In fact, I know I can't put it into words, but... just trust me.
Je sais que c'est indescriptible, mais fais-moi confiance.
I'm just showing you your choice of words.
Je t'explique le choix de tes mots.
"Just send us 500 words telling us what motherhood means to you."
"Décrivez en 500 mots ce qu'être maman signifie pour vous."
What's the contest? Just write 500 words about what motherhood means to me.
Je dois écrire ce que signifie être maman pour moi.
Now my words come out, and they just sound like bad ad copy.
Maintenant, ça ressemble plus à une mauvaise pub.
In other words, the antivenom is just as dangerous as the snakebite, Captain.
Autrement dit, l'antivenin est aussi dangereux que la morsure, capitaine.
Well, that was kind of neato, she just, whoop, flipped your words around on you.
C'était super comme elle vous a... retourné vos propres mots au visage.
I just want you all to know as I prepare to venture into "movie-dom", that an actor is only as good as the words...
Comme je m'aventure au cinéma, vous devez savoir qu'un acteur vaut autant que les mots...
We just, uh, have to have a few words.
Nous voulons seulement vous dire quelques mots.
7 : 15, 59th and Lex, " over and over, louder and louder until just saying the words isn't enough and he starts hitting himself and thrashing around and finally has to be subdued and tranquilized?
7 h 15, entre la 59e et Lex ". Sans arrêt, de plus en plus fort, jusqu'à ce que répéter ces mots ne suffise plus, et qu'il commence à se frapper et à tout casser, et qu'il doit être immobilisé et mis sous tranquillisants?
Thanks for the kind words, Colonel, but I wouldn't pop the champagne just yet.
Merci pour ces mots gentils, Colonel, mais attendez pour le Champagne.
'Cause i'll just mess up the words.
Je ne vais pas réussir à prononcer les termes.
If I could just go back and strangle myself as the words come out.
Si je pouvais revenir en arrière et m'étrangler à la sortie des mots.
It was just a glimmer. I couldn't put it into words.
Ce n'était qu'une intuition non-formulée.
Including your statement just now that after the events of today you feel, as you said in your very own words, sir, lucky.
Et cela comprend votre déclaration, après les événements d'aujourd'hui, vous vous sentez, comme vous l'avez dit, Monsieur... Chanceux.
We just dumped a text message from George's cell. Just two words.
On a intercepté un texto de George.
It's just the words.
C'est juste les mots.
So you just flash your million-dollar smile, say a few nice words, and pfft... it's like putty in your hands.
Alors, tu décoches ton sourire de star, Tu dis quelques mots gentils et pfft... C'est du gâteau.
words 313
words to live by 22
words like 23
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just be cool 104
just breathe 514
just relax 1151
words to live by 22
words like 23
just come home 43
just eat it 38
just do it 1237
just so you know 1100
just be cool 104
just breathe 514
just relax 1151
just be yourself 145
just me 553
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just me 553
just go 1748
just talk to me 109
just let it be 17
just kidding 689
just bear with me 31
just be honest with me 16
just like that 1429
just answer the questions 19
just a little 454
just be nice 17
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just a joke 49
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just before 43
just be nice 17
just eat 44
just a man 25
just be patient 84
just a joke 49
just us 261
just beautiful 39
just be quiet 102
just before 43