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Keep running translate French

1,383 parallel translation
So I keep running... as fast as I can.
Alors, je continue à fuir... Le plus vite possible.
You're just gonna keep running, aren't you?
Toujours la fuite, n'est-ce pas?
Keep running, you freak!
C'est ça, cours, taré!
- Keep running those stories and we'll end up with copycat vigilantes who'll get themselves killed.
- Avec vos articles, vous allez remplir la morgue d'apprentis justiciers!
Funny we keep running into each other.
C'est amusant, on ne cesse de se croiser.
I can't keep running around town on the sly and live like this.
Je ne peux pas continuer à me balader en cachette et vivre ainsi.
You keep running after that Chameli...
I can't keep running forever.
- Je ne peux pas toujours fuir.
Just keep running?
Continuer à fuir?
I don't know why I keep running into magic, but thanks to you two,
J'attire constamment la magie, mais merci.
Keep running.
Continue de courir.
That's the problem that we keep running into.
C'est le problème qu'on continu à rencontrer.
Keep running and you die, your friends die, everyone dies.
Continue de courir et tu mourras, tes amis mourront, tout le monde mourra.
You can't keep running away, Clark.
Tu ne peu pas continuer à fuir, Clark!
- You can't keep running.
- Fuir ne sert à rien.
We keep running that play.
Vous poursuivez la même stratégie?
He did it! Keep running! Keep running!
Continue à courir!
Sam, if we keep running, you will lose your army.
En fuyant, vous perdrez votre armée.
I'll go ask Aleksic if we keep running or go back.
Je vais voir Aleksic, savoir si on doit fuir ou rentrer chez nous.
Keep running, Carl!
Continue, Carl!
Yeah, keep running!
C'est ça, cours!
Keep running. - Thank you.
Continue de courir.
Now that I know that I don't have you anymore my thoughts keep running to you, but I am not letting them.
Maintenant que je sais que je ne t'aurai plus, mes pensées continuent à courir vers toi, mais je ne les abandonne pas.
You can't keep running.
Tu peux pas fuir tout le temps.
I'm running to keep up.
Moi, je galère pour tout.
So good luck, Bugsy, I'll keep the engine running.
Bonne chance, je laisse tourner le moteur.
I'll keep a running tab for you.
Et elle sera à toi, quelque soit l'heure.
I need you to take my bag back to the plane, keep the engine running.
J'ai besoin de toi pour prendre mon sac à l'avion, fais tourner le moteur.
You still keep on running around.
Toujours à courir, aussi... Je cours.
You want to stop and ask them or keep on running?
Tu veux t'arrêter leur demander ou continuer à courir?
Do I have to do everything myself to keep this fucking place running, god damn it?
Est-ce que je dois m'occuper de tout?
And I gotta keep this office running today, all right?
Et tout doit fonctionner au mieux, aujourd'hui, d'accord?
In order to keep this business running you have to keep this business running.
Pour faire durer ce business vous devez continuez à le gérer.
You are not going to keep running the company from in here, okay?
Tu vas arrêter de tout mener, compris?
You can keep on running, but I will keep coming. I will never stop.
Tu peux courir, mais je serai toujours derrière toi.
I guess they have to wear a lot of hats to keep those old ships running.
Ils doivent cumuler les emplois pour faire marcher ces vieux vaisseaux.
OK, let's just agree to keep all superheroes out of the running.
Éliminons les super-héros.
Since you're running this job on the side... you took pains to keep your presence here a secret.
Puisque vous faites cela au black... votre présence ici n'est connue de personne.
So I said to Kitty, " The only way to keep the butler from running away...
La seule façon de forcer le maître d'hôtel à rester...
I keep this house running.
- Je m'occupe de la maison.
I can't keep running. Benjy was right.
Benjy a raison.
How do you plan to keep the place running without an influx of cash?
Comment comptes-tu rester ouvert sans liquide?
Keep them D-tabs running.
Passe-moi encore des cachets.
My man's single, he's running drills to keep sharp.
Mon pote est célibataire, il s'exerce pour ne pas perdre la main.
To keep her from running out for a snack.
Pour l'empêcher d'aller bouffer.
Keep the meter running.
Laissez tourner le compteur.
I keep running through them all.
Je passe tout en revue.
So, you keep it running all the time? The camera?
Elle est toujours en marche, la caméra?
That kid I keep seeing running around the halls?
Ce gosse que je vois dans les couloirs.
- Keep those engines running!
- Laisser ces moteurs en route!
Yeah, got to keep the energy up, doing some hiking, staying fit, running around America, maybe, you know
Je dois garder de l'énergie. Faire de la marche, garder la forme, peut-être faire un marathon.

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