Was he not translate Portuguese
6,065 parallel translation
Was he not somebody else's son, too?
Não era filho de alguém, também?
- After you talked about nothing, he left without a word and he just called to say he was spending the night at our hunting cabin and not to worry.
De nada. Depois de conversarem sobre nada, ele saiu sem dizer uma palavra e ligou agora a dizer que vai passar a noite na nossa cabana de caça e que não devo preocupar-me.
I reported my husband missing and I was told he's not officially missing for 48 hours.
Dei o meu marido como desaparecido e disseram-me que só está oficialmente desaparecido após 48 horas.
Or you'd be asking for money, not advice b ) He was murdered, corpse hidden Got caught in a shady deal. Came to a bad end c ) He's alive.
B ) Ele foi assassinado o cadáver escondido ficou preso num negócio obscuro.
I... I said that my-my daddy always said that Davis A plum tree. Was a courageous man but he should've put the capital in Montgomery and not Richmond.
O meu paizinho sempre disse que o Davis era um homem corajoso, mas devia ter estabelecido a capital em Montgomery, não Richmond.
He was there but it's not happening.
Ele estava lá, mas não vai acontecer outra vez.
He would never say exactly where he was from. He was certainly not French.
Ele nunca revelara as suas origens, francês não era certamente.
He's not here now, but there was a Chinaman.
Ele já não está cá, mas estava aqui um chinês.
He was not prepared for Mr. Vidal.
Não estava preparado para o Sr. Vidal.
He was realistic enough in 1965 to realize that he could not win.
Ele tinha bom senso suficiente em 1965 para perceber que não podia ganhar.
He was not satisfied if he didn't have something to fight against.
Só estava satisfeito quando tinha uma batalha para travar.
But perhaps not to him, because he was born the second.
Mas talvez não para ele, porque nasceu em segundo.
Hey, not to sound gay or anything, but I always thought he was just the shit.
Não quero parecer demasiado gay, nem nada, mas sempre o achei o maior.
I believe for WMCA, and, uh among all the police reporters I've known and I've known many, he was one of the best if not the best.
E... entre todos os repórteres criminais que conheci e conheci muitos, ele era um dos melhores se não o melhor.
'Though he was not usually intimidated by the working classes,'he agreed to sell half the club.
"Embora ele não fosse intimidado habitualmente pelas classes trabalhadoras," "ele concordou em vender metade do clube."
Not only did he sell Pablo to the authorities, he was stealing from him all along and selling his coke in Miami, too.
Ele não apenas entregou o Pablo às autoridades, mas também o estava a roubar vendendo a cocaína dele em Miami.
It unsettled my father to no end and he was not a man of many fears.
Isso assustou muito o meu pai e, ele não era um homem com muitos medos.
No, he was most assuredly not one of them.
Não, sem dúvida que não era um deles.
I'm not supposed to say it - all my boys are wonderful, but... .. he was my favourite.
Não o devo dizer, todos os meus rapazes são maravilhosos, mas... ele era o meu favorito.
He paused the program because he was not expecting them to stay.
Parou o programa porque não esperava que ficasse.
I am not saying, I made up my mind. But if he was going to cooperate, work with the government. He would have done it already.
Não digo que já tenha tomado uma decisão, mas se ele quisesse colaborar e trabalhar com o governo, já o teria feito.
He subjected to treatment that, however appropriate for a suspected enemy. It was not appropriate to a suspected criminal.
Foi sujeito a um tratamento que, embora apropriado a um alegado inimigo, não foi apropriado a um alegado criminoso.
Peter was always an honest man, and I know that if Peter were here with us today, he would say that he was not disappointed in Snapchat, and he would forgive you, Lev, for your misunderstanding.
Peter sempre foi um homem honesto, e sei que, se estivesse aqui hoje, diria que não ficou desiludido com a Snapchat. E perdoar-te-ia, Lev, pelo teu mal-entendido.
I just felt bad for the guy, and he was not doing well.
Tive pena dele, não estava nada bem.
For he would not allow anyone to stay with him unless he was a master of his own craft or pastime.
Pois ele não permitia que ninguém lhe fizesse companhia a menos que fosse um mestre no seu ofício ou ocupação.
Turns out that the guy who killed him was taken from his mother's womb, like a C-section, not natural birth, so technically, he is not born of a woman.
Acontece que o tipo que o matou foi retirado do ventre da mãe, tipo uma cesariana, não parto normal, pelo que tecnicamente, não foi parido por uma mulher.
- Because I believed he was dead. I'm not the only one, right? - No.
Porque julgava que ele estava não é?
He was not a Blockführer?
Ele não era um Blockführer?
He was not the man we are looking for.
Não era o homem de que estávamos à procura.
He was not well-thought of as a judge and had been censured once or twice, but had never been reversed on appeal because he was smart and also one of the boys.
Não era considerado um bom Juiz e havia já sido censurado uma ou duas vezes, mas nunca teve uma sentença modificada em recurso, porque era esperto e também amigo das pessoas certas.
Jojo was not shot, he has a heart attack.
O Jojo não foi alvejado. Ele teve um ataque cardíaco.
Pablo called this accountant "Blackbeard," not because he looked like a pirate, but because his job was to map out where the treasure was hidden.
Pablo chamava Barba Negra ao contabilista, não porque parecesse um pirata, mas porque o trabalho dele era mapear onde o tesouro estava escondido.
I know he's not from Dallas, and I don't think that he was there to collect on a gambling debt.
Eu sei que ele não é de Dallas e não me parece que ele estivesse lá para cobrar uma dívida de jogo.
Assuming that Bill Pettigrew was what you said he was and not a casualty.
Assumindo que Bill Pettigrew era o que dizia ser e não uma casualidade.
After years of confinement, and torment, they were finally convinced he was not in fact mad, but possessed by the Devil.
Após anos de prisão e tortura, finalmente, convenceram-se de que ele não estava louco, mas possuído pelo Diabo.
Not since he texted me saying he was coming to meet and never showed the fuck up.
Mandou um SMS a dizer que vinha e nunca chegou a aparecer.
All he had to do was agree not to say a word to you.
Ele só tinha de concordar que não lhe diria nada.
So of course he's going to pretend Annabel was his lover, now she's not here to deny it.
Claro que ele queria que a Annabel fosse sua amante, mas ela já não pode negá-o.
He is not the man we thought he was.
Ele não é o homem que pensámos que era.
And not even the one he was sleeping with.
Nem sequer ele estava a dormir.
But long ago he died and the body was torn to pieces. So not worth resuscitate him. It is useless to invoke this strip.
No entanto, há muito tempo tempo, seu corpo Eu estava reduzida pequenos fragmentos E, portanto, uma ressurreição completá-lo é impossível Não há nenhuma razão para trazer a alma do sujeito, tal corpo.
He'd just get lost painting, or not want to stop if it was going well.
Ele perdia-se a pintar ou não queria parar se estivesse a correr bem.
That it was he who identified Compound 6 as a military target and not as a civilian target, as the prosecutor claims.
Que foi ele quem identificou o Local 6 como um alvo militar... e não como um alvo civil, como a procuradora afirma.
Not as interesting as the inch-thick file that he was keeping on you.
Não tão interessante como o ficheiro que tinha sobre ti.
He was talking about Amazon and Rick Ross CDs not getting to their customers.
Ele falou sobre a Amazon e os CD do Rick Ross não chegarem aos clientes.
[Sighs] Look... Roger did not exactly fill my heart with pride and joy, but he was my son.
Ouçam... o Roger não me encheu, propriamente, de orgulho e alegria, mas, era meu filho.
He described the Zapruder film in detail to a nation... that was not allowed to see it.
Andrew beyward presidente da CBS noticias Ele descreveu em detalhe o filme de zapruder para a nação... Não tinha permissão o ver.
Neither Lieutenant Colonel Harris or I feel we can rate First Lieutenant Bush... since he was not training with the 111th FIS since April 1972.
Nem o tenente-coronel Harris nem eu sentimos que podemos avaliar o primeiro-tenente Bush já que ele não estava a treinar com o FIS 111th desde abril de 1972.
But also, I would say that he was coming from the place of not being sure... if the memos were real or not, and then becoming confident that they were.
Mas também, eu diria que ele vinha de um local de onde eu não tenho a certeza... Se os memorandos eram reais ou não, e, em seguida, tornar-se confiante de que eles eram.
He was anointed by the Seven, not Renly.
Ele foi ungido pelos Sete, não Renly.
Jenkins, he's our judson. He's not here. But the thread of the labyrinth was right here.
O Jenkins, que é o nosso Judson, não está aqui mas o fio do labirinto estava aqui.
was he 408
was here 20
was he there 28
was he alone 24
was he right 18
nothing 25771
not allowed 48
note 183
noth 18
notice 40
was here 20
was he there 28
was he alone 24
was he right 18
nothing 25771
not allowed 48
note 183
noth 18
notice 40
notes 105
notebook 23
not yet 7691
notorious 29
not really 5709
nottingham 42
not at all 5606
noticed 24
nothin 482
notch 62
notebook 23
not yet 7691
notorious 29
not really 5709
nottingham 42
not at all 5606
noticed 24
nothin 482
notch 62
noted 237
nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
not me 3274
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
not anymore 2246
not tonight 725
nothing happened 754
nothing else matters 82
nothing to see here 87
not me 3274
nothing to hide 21
nothing much 304
nothing more 611
not anymore 2246
not tonight 725
nothing happened 754
not my type 47
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
not now 3813
nothing yet 509
nothing to worry about 339
nothing changes 92
nothing at all 597
not now 3813
nothing yet 509
nothing to worry about 339