That night перевод на испанский
43,981 параллельный перевод
I remember that night.
Me acuerdo de esa noche.
Well, I'm not going to stop until I found out what happened that night.
Pues, yo no cejaré hasta saber qué pasó esa noche.
That man has a fancy suit and a fancy car and he was in a very big hurry that night.
Ese hombre tiene un traje elegante y un auto elegante y esa noche llevaba mucha prisa.
- That night that that boy...
- Esa noche que el chico...
That night that that boy...
La noche que ese chico...
Was killed that night.
La noche que lo mataron.
She saw something that night.
Ella vio algo esa noche.
So we'll work out who was driving it that night.
Así que indagaremos quién lo conducía esa noche.
You were here that night.
Usted estuvo aquí esa noche.
Huh? Tell me who was in the car that night.
Dime quién estuvo en el auto esa noche.
You act like you were the only one who was there that night.
Actúas como si fueras el único que estuvo ahí esa noche.
So it was an accident you had too much to drink that night?
¿ Así que fue un accidente que bebieras tanto esa noche?
I was not entirely honest that night.
No fui del todo sincero esa noche.
And for the record, I didn't even know those boys were going to the party that night.
Y para que conste ni siquiera sabía que esos muchachos irían a la fiesta esa noche.
Not that night, they weren't.
Esa noche no, no lo fueron.
Who I killed that night?
¿ A quién maté esa noche?
You showed your class that night.
Mostraste tu clase esa noche.
I don't know what happened that night.
No sé qué pasó esa noche.
I had a dream that night that...
Tuve un sueño esa noche. Entonces... estaba en su departamento.
But Harry saw Cooper come out of the lodge with Annie that night.
Pero Harry vio a Cooper salir de la cabaña con Annie esa noche.
Doc and Harry took him over to the Great Northern, but if the good Cooper is in the lodge and can't come out, then the one who came out of the lodge with Annie that night... was not the good Cooper.
El doc y Harry se lo llevaron a Great Northern. Pero si "el buen Cooper está en la cabaña y no puede marcharse" entonces quien salió de la cabaña con Annie esa noche no era el buen Cooper.
I'll always remember that night.
Siempre recordaré esa noche.
Now, supposably, Dennis didn't see Maureen that night, but remember that Maureen was once Dennis's...
Supuestamente, Dennis no vio a Maureen aquella noche, pero recordad que Maureen fue su
So, you see, Dennis totally saw Maureen that night.
Así que, ya veis, Dennis tuvo que ver a Maureen aquella noche.
What was the name of that dance that we were doing the other night?
¿ Cómo se llama el baile que bailamos el otro día?
And then when I go to sleep at night, I'm going to have an image of that spear going into that man's throat. Ugh!
Y cuando me vaya a dormir en la noche, veré la imagen de ese arpón atravesando el cuello de ese hombre.
Was that you last night?
¿ Eras tú anoche?
- No, that thing last night was fine.
- No, esa cosa de anoche estuvo bien.
Do you not remember what happened with the night that you left?
¿ No recuerdas lo que pasó con la noche que te fuiste?
- That was good, that, no one saw you all night.
Eso fue bueno, nadie te vio en toda la noche.
The other night at the hotel, what did you mean when you said that your relationship was the only thing you were good at?
¿ Qué querías decir la otra noche en el hotel cuando me dijiste que tu relación era lo único bueno que tienes en la vida?
Leaving at night, that's worse.
Huir de noche, eso es peor.
Look at that. Look, I had a late night with Amelia.
Mira, tuve una noche larga con Amelia.
-... in the middle of the night. -'Cause that shit happens.
Porque esa mierda sucede.
Andy, you told me that you'd be out for the night. I was scared.
Andy, me dijiste que estarías fuera por la noche.
- That's funny, I was just thinking this is the worst night of my life.
Es gracioso, estaba pensando que esta es la peor noche de mi vida. Sí.
You could've gotten stuck out there all night on that dark highway.
Podrías haberte quedado ahí toda la noche... en esa oscura carretera.
" But Son, I want you to know that I pray to God every night for your forgiveness and for your health and happiness.
Pero, hijo, quiero que sepas que todas las noches le pido a Dios... por tu perdón, tu salud y tu felicidad.
That's a lonely night on Google.
- Una noche solitaria en Google.
That black suit last night fit you perfectly.
Ese traje negro de anoche te quedaba perfectamente.
Do you remember that night?
¿ Recuerdas esa noche?
That last night you mentioned in there... Something I need to know about?
Sobre la última noche que mencionaste, ¿ hay algo que necesite saber?
That's why I brought you back here on this beautiful night, that's why I'm getting it on film.
Por eso te traje de vuelta en esta hermosa noche, y es por eso que lo estoy filmando.
- That's the night of my pageant.
- Es la noche de mi concurso.
That I work day and night so I can hand you something that's successful?
¿ Que trabajo día y noche para poder dejarte algo exitoso?
It's my sad duty to inform you all that... Lawrence Wilkins committed suicide last night.
Tengo la triste tarea de informarles que Lawrence Wilkins se suicidó anoche.
I know a good family therapist that could help, should any of you survive the night.
Conozco a un buen terapeuta familiar si acaso alguno sobrevive la noche.
I can almost smell the stew that Rabten keeps going day and night.
Casi puedo oler el guiso que Rabten prepara día y noche.
I found something last night of his that will prove everyone wrong.
- Claro que sí. Anoche encontré algo suyo que probará que todos se equivocan.
Whatever it is that you saw last night, this White Hat guy... could be connected to the people Danny and Colleen have been fighting.
El tal Sombrero Blanco y lo que hayas visto anoche podría relacionarse con gente que Danny y Colleen enfrentan.
I apologize that Christian was so curt with you the other night.
Lamento que Christian haya sido tan descortés contigo la otra noche.
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
night and day 58
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
night and day 58
nightcap 16
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
night moves 16
nighters 22
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night before last 19
night kiss 26
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
night moves 16
nighters 22
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night before last 19
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night thing 23
night sweats 22
night night 30
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
night thing 23
night sweats 22
night night 30
that all started with a big bang 89
that doesn't seem fair 27
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds fun 130
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that means a lot coming from you 16
that means a lot to me 54
that sounds good 394
that was close 355
that is not fair 93
that sounds fun 130
that sounds great 436
that one over there 16
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that way 1811
that is all 319
that was quick 252
that is right 117
that is not the point 62
that was stupid 112
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that way 1811
that is all 319
that was quick 252
that is right 117