About yesterday Çeviri İspanyolca
2,327 parallel translation
About yesterday, you were wrong.
Sobre ayer, estabas en un error.
I don't feel very good about yesterday, and I was hoping we could maybe talk about it a little bit.
No me sentía muy bien por lo de ayer, y esperaba que quizás podríamos hablar un poco de eso.
You're here to apologize about yesterday?
¿ Estás aquí para disculparte por lo de ayer?
Um, listen, about yesterday, you know, I was thinking about it and I barely know Declan.
Em, escucha, sobre lo de ayer, ya sabes, estube pensando en eso y apenas conozco a Declan.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
Siento lo de ayer.
I had mentioned to john about yesterday, Almost getting killed at the capital grand.
Le mencioné a John sobre ayer, que casi me matan en el Gran Capital.
Because of that summer music program in New York I told you about yesterday, the one that offered me the scholarship and housing and living expenses and everything.
Por el programa de música en Nueva York. Te conté de esto ayer, del que me ofrecieron la beca, el hospedaje y alimentos y todo.
Sorry about yesterday.
Perdón por ayer.
I am so sorry about yesterday.
Lo siento por lo de ayer
Uh, more about yesterday.
Uh, más bien sobre lo de ayer.
Anyway, I brought in some of those movies we were talking about yesterday.
De todas formas, traje algunas de las películas de las que estuvimos hablando ayer.
And I'm sorry about yesterday...
Y siento mucho lo de ayer...
About yesterday...
Respecto a lo de ayer...
Sorry about yesterday.
Siento lo de ayer.
I've been sitting in the car all night thinking about yesterday.
Estuve toda la noche sentado en el coche pensando en el pasado.
I wanted to talk to you about yesterday.
Quería hablarte lo de ayer.
About yesterday... I'm sorry.
Acerca de ayer... lo siento.
I'm sorry about yesterday.
Siento lo de anoche.
About yesterday... thank you.
Sobre lo de ayer gracias.
I'm sorry for what I said about your family yesterday. I didn't mean it.
Siento lo que dije ayer sobre tu familia no quería decir eso.
Yeah, Billy brought that truck in for service yesterday, About 7 : 00 A.M.
Sí, Billy trajo ese camión para servicio ayer, como a las 7 : 00 AM.
When I saw her at the hospital yesterday, she seemed sincere about giving money to the clinic.
Cuando la vi en el hospital ayer, parecía sincera sobre dar dinero para la clinica.
We buried a good friend yesterday and I was worried about how Barney would handle it.
Enterramos a un buen amigo ayer y yo estaba preocupado por cómo Barney lo manejaría.
Maybe I should have made the time to corner you yesterday to talk about this with Ashley because we really need to talk about this.
Tal vez debía haber hecho el tiempo para arrinconarte ayer para hablar acerca de esto con Ashley porque realmente necesitamos hablar de esto.
Like we talked about in class yesterday.
Como lo hablamos ayer en clase.
I thought about telling her, but I was having such a good day yesterday.
Pensé en decírselo, pero estaba teniendo un buen día ayer.
I know how serious you were about Suzie, considering you go all the way back to yesterday.
Se lo en serio que ibas con Suzie, teniendo en cuenta que ir todo el camino de regreso al ayer.
Yesterday evening Southern police prefecture received an anonymous tip about unnamed person planning to go on shooting spree this morning in Tartu Commercial Gymnasium.
Ayer por la tarde, en el Sur la prefectura de policía recibió, una denuncia anónima sobre una persona que estaba planificando, la matanza de esta mañana en Tartu Commercial Gymnasium.
A poll was published yesterday, asking public's opinion about how tough a sentence they'd prefer. 60 per cent of the respondents went for the maximum sentence.
Una encuesta publicada ayer, en la que se pidió a la opinión Publica que sentencia pedirían, el 60 % de los encuestados dijeron que la pena máxima.
How would you feel about me taking a quick shower to wash some of this vomit out of my hair... from yesterday?
¿ Qué te parece si me tomo una ducha para quitarme algo del vómito de este pelo de ayer?
And this is all I care about. He was in here day before yesterday, wasn't he?
El estuvo aquí anteayer, ¿ no?
I'm talking about you being tired and mad, standing in the middle of two rich guys who took it on the chin yesterday.
Estoy hablando de ti estando cansado y loco, estando en medio de dos tipos ricos que aguantabas ayer.
What about what they ate yesterday?
¿ Qué pasa con lo que comieron ayer?
Richard told me he was with you yesterday when you found out about your dad. Oh.
Richard me dijo que estuvo contigo ayer cuando descubriste lo de tu padre.
They haven't released it to the press yet, but apparently there was something rather unusual about that earthquake yesterday, as small as it was.
No lo han comentado a la prensa aún, pero aparentemente hubo algo inusual acerca de un terremoto ayer, tan chico como haya sido.
Something happen since yesterday that I don't know about?
Algo pasa desde ayer que no sé lo que es?
Bjørn tried to talk to you yesterday about the polls.
Bjørn traté de hablar contigo ayer sobre las encuestas.
It's about you disappearing to the pub yesterday.
Es acerca de tu desaparición al bar de ayer.
How about the thing that I bought you yesterday?
¿ Qué te pareció la cosa que te compré ayer?
I'm sorry about what I said yesterday.
Siento lo que dije ayer.
You hear about the rally yesterday?
¿ Viste el diario ayer?
So what was yesterday's fight about?
Entonces ¿ por qué os peleabais ayer?
Yesterday for the first time, I caught myself thinking about Antonia without suffering.
Ayer me pegué pensando en Antonia por primera vez sin sufrir.
I heard about what you're going through and I just found out yesterday that my wife has cancer and I was wondering if I could talk to you about it. Oh. Is that your husband?
Escuché lo que le pasa y justo me enteré ayer de que mi mujer tiene cáncer y me preguntaba si podría hablar contigo sobre ello. ¿ Es ese tu marido?
You've no doubt heard About councilman Fitzpatrick's sexcapade yesterday.
Seguro que has escuchado sobre la aventura del concejal Fitzpatricks de ayer.
Yesterday I was just another worthless cripple that nobody cared about because I wasn't pretty enough for mainstream media.
Ayer era sólo otro despreciable inválido Del que nadie se preocupaba Porque no era lo suficientemente lindo para los medios establecidos
Let's move on to another controversial case about the explosion at the opposition party yesterday.
Sigamos adelante hacia otro caso controversial acerca de la explosión en el partido de la oposición ayer.
I can't believe that you gave me that whole entire lecture yesterday about cheating.
No puedo creer que me diera toda esa larguísima charla ayer sobre hacer trampas.
It's even better than the one yesterday about the guys who...
Es incluso mejor que la de ayer de los tipos que..
About Prosecutor Ma, it was a little shocking yesterday, wasn't it?
Sobre la Fiscal Ma... fue un poco escandalosa ayer, ¿ no?
I'm into new things and I wanna think about tomorrow, not yesterday.
Me interesan cosas nuevas y quiero pensar en el mañana, no en el pasado.
yesterday 1815
yesterday morning 105
yesterday at 16
yesterday afternoon 72
yesterday evening 39
about 2987
about last night 149
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
yesterday morning 105
yesterday at 16
yesterday afternoon 72
yesterday evening 39
about 2987
about last night 149
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about what 2516
about yourself 16
about time 287
about that 749
about your mother 24
about the wedding 20
about it 81
about you and me 17
about you 267
about what 2516
about yourself 16
about time 287
about that 749
about your mother 24
about the wedding 20