About you and me Çeviri İspanyolca
18,726 parallel translation
It was supposed to be about you and me.
Se suponía que fuéramos tú y yo.
In the meantime, how about you and me give the list a new name?
Mientras tanto, ¿ qué tal si tú y yo le damos a la lista un nuevo nombre?
And I really don't want to talk about it, but it was good to see you.
Y no quiero hablar de ello, de verdad, pero me ha gustado verte.
Okay, you must learn everything about me, meet immigration officer for next two years, live with me, and still pay for sex.
Vale, tenéis que aprender todo sobre mí, reuniros con el agente de inmigración durante los próximos dos años, vivir conmigo, y aún tendréis que pagar por el sexo.
He's downstairs right now and he was supposed to be on a date and he cancelled it and you know what's really bugging me about that?
Está abajo en este momento y se suponía que tenía una cita y la canceló ¿ y sabes lo que de verdad me molesta de eso?
And despite your fuck-if-I-care attitude, I know you care about your people.
Y a pesar de tu actitud me-importa-un-carajo, se que te preocupas por tu gente.
You think you're gonna fucking kill me and live to talk about it?
¿ Crees que puedes matarme y vivir para contarlo?
Because, he said he was gonna tell you about the video I showed him of me and my ex.
Porque dijo que iba a contarte del video que le mostré que hice con mi ex.
I'm sorry you got to worry about me so much, and that I'm a disappointment to you.
Lamento que hayas tenido que preocupar tanto por mí, y ser una decepción para ti.
You know, I like to get out and about.
Ya sabes que me gusta estar ocupado.
Ivan's told us a little bit about you and, you know, and that's what I'm here for.
Iván me habló de ti. Y por eso estoy aquí.
Were you thinking about his cabinet while you were fucking me? Were you fantasizing I had some sort of a goatee and was on the wait list for a liver? Seriously.
¿ Pensabas en su gabinete haciéndolo conmigo?
And you're just... the most pristine little church girl, ladling me soup, talking to me about Jesus.
Y eres justa la chica más original de la iglesia me llevabas comida, y hablabas de Jesús.
Or how about you humor me and let me pretend.
¿ O qué tal si me das el gusto y dejas que finja ser quien está a cargo por un segundo?
Well, I really do think that we need to update our wills, and I'd like to talk to you about Brandon having access to his hand money when he turns 18 just in case anything happens to the both of us.
Pues, sí creo que debemos actualizar nuestros testamentos, y me gustaría hablarte de que Brandon tenga acceso a sus fondos cuando cumpla los 18. solo en caso de que algo nos pase a ambas.
Lena, you didn't want me to get the mastectomy because... you were worried about our sex life and our intimacy and I might not like the way I look, that you might not like the way I look.
Lena, no querías que me hiciera las mastectomía porque... estabas preocupada por nuestra vida sexual y nuestra intimidad y porque tal vez no me guste como luzca, tal vez a ti no te guste como luzca.
And you know, I don't care about the surgery.
Y sabes, no me importa la cirugía.
But it gave me a chance to think about what you said, and yes, I am getting over someone, and sometimes that's easier to do when someone else comes along, but that doesn't mean that that person
Pero así tuve la oportunidad de pensar en lo que dijiste, y sí, estoy tratando de superar a alguien, y a veces eso es más facil de hacer cuando alguien más llega a tu vida, pero eso no significa que esa persona
I think I was wrong about you and Mr. Ross fabricating a letter of resignation.
Creo que me equivoqué contigo y con el Sr. Ross con lo de falsificar la carta de renuncia.
And she was wrong about me, and... I was wrong about you.
Ella se equivocó conmigo y... yo me equivoqué contigo.
She wanted me to come here and scare the shit out of you, tell you about everything that's gonna be happening to you inside.
decirte todo lo que te pasará ahí adentro.
But Harvey is coming back here tomorrow morning, and if you pick up that phone and call Charles Forstman, then I am gonna pick up the phone and tell that prosecutor all about me and you.
Pero Harvey regresará mañana en la mañana y si llamas a Charles Forstman, entonces yo llamaré y le diré a la fiscal todo sobre nosotros.
And that's what I love about you that you can do that.
Y eso es lo que me encanta de ti... que puedes hacer eso.
You are thinking about her waking up again and how much she'd love to find you've resurrected me.
Estás pensando en ella despertando otra vez y cuánto quisiera ella descubrir que me resucitaste.
And she doesn't have a shred of evidence proving that you knew about me.
No tiene nada de evidencia que que pruebe que sabía sobre mí.
Then you're gonna have to tell me the truth about everything right now, and it's not gonna be protected by attorney-client privilege, and you're gonna have to trust that I'm not gonna turn you in.
Entonces tendrás que decirme toda la verdad ahora mismo y no tendrá la protección del secreto profesional y tendrás que confiar en que no te delataré.
And you see the potential I'm talking about?
¿ Ves el potencial al que me refiero?
And I'm assuming you destroyed the affidavit that you had Rachel sign saying she knew the truth about me.
Y yo asumo que destruiste la declaración jurada que hiciste que Rachel firmara admitiendo que lo sabía.
No, no, no, Donna, I came in here because I care about you and I am...
No, Donna, vine porque me importas y porque...
And don't you dare try to tell me you didn't know about Mike Ross, because we both know you did.
Y no te atrevas a intentar decirme que no sabías nada sobre Mike Ross, porque ambos sabemos que lo sabías.
I also taught you if you're gonna take a swing at someone, you better knock them out, and if we pull the shit that you're talking about and get caught, all that happens is I get thrown off this case,
También te enseñé que si le vas a dar un golpe a alguien, más vale que los noquees y si hacemos la mierda de la que estás hablando y nos atrapan, lo que pasará es que me correrán de este caso
And, believe me, when it comes to this, I really don't give a shit about me or you.
Y, créeme, cuando se trata de esto, me vales mierda tú o yo.
I was thinking about what you said about me not admitting things to myself and I wanted to talk to you about it.
Estaba pensando en lo que dijiste sobre que no admito las cosas - y quería hablarlo contigo.
It ended because I wasn't ready to confront what was wrong with me, and I don't know if I'll ever be ready, but... I've been seeing someone, and I wanted to tell you about it.
Terminó porque no estaba listo para enfrentar mis errores, y no sé si algún día lo estaré, pero... he estado yendo a terapia y quería decírtelo.
You worry about your shit, and I'll worry about mine.
Uno se preocupa de su mierda, y me tendra que preocuparse acerca de las minas.
And you know what that makes me think about you?
¿ Y sabes lo que me hace pensar acerca de usted?
I'm not Mike Ross, and the way I see it, there's no reason for me not to tell Gibbs about your shady past unless you give me a reason.
Yo no soy Mike Ross y como yo lo veo, no hay razón para que no le diga a Gibbs sobre tu turbio pasado a menos que me des una razón.
Louis Litt, what a coincidence, I was just about to call your office, say I was your cousin, and ask if you'd decided to take me up on my offer.
Louis Litt, qué coincidencia, estaba a punto de llamar a tu oficina y decir que era tu prima para preguntarte si decidiste aceptar mi oferta.
I'm talking about you graduating, and then you're gonna stand before the Character and Fitness Committee of the Bar.
Me refiero a que te graduarás y te presentarás frente al Comité de Carácter de Abogados.
There are about a million things with this wedding that aren't going as planned, and I'm fine with that, but I'm not gonna jinx it by having you see me in my dress.
Hay un millón de cosas de la boda que no serán como lo planeamos... y acepto eso, pero no voy a permitir que lo arruines viéndome con mi vestido.
About Boston and us and... the little one. Just promise me that you'll keep an open mind.
Solo prométeme que mantendrás la mente abierta.
I read what you wrote about me in the status report, and I just wanted to thank you.
Leí lo que escribiste de mí en el informe de estatus, y solo quería agradecerte.
I like you guys a lot, and you're probably too polite to ask about it, but you do know about my past?
Ustedes me gustan mucho, y posiblemente sean muy corteses para preguntarlo, pero, ¿ conocen mi pasado?
You want me to stand here and spew... So you can feel good about the guy you married? Huh?
Quieres que me ponga de pie y vomite... para que puedas sentirte bien por el hombre con el que te has casado? Leslie quería que te dijese...
And I was just taught, you know, express myself and have things to say and everyone will care about them.
Me enseñaron a expresarme y a tener cosas que decir, que todos escucharían.
♪ And not care What you think about it ♪
Y me da igual lo que te parezca a ti
The case you were telling me about? Mm-hmm. And I saw you in the surveillance footage at the baby store.
¿ El caso del que me contaste? Y te vi en la grabación de vigilancia en la tienda de bebés.
You know, I'm just thinking about what you said earlier, and, you know, they're really liking me at the place and they said that I can have a full time job interview tomorrow so
Ya sabes, sólo estoy pensando en lo que ha dicho antes, y, ya sabes, que están realmente me gusto en el lugar y me dijeron que puedo tener una entrevista de trabajo a tiempo completo por lo que mañana
See, things have changed since you was a fucking bad boy, it's all about the money now, and me, I've got a few million in a safe at home.
Ver, las cosas han cambiado desde que era un niño malo puta, es todo sobre el dinero ahora, y yo, que tengo unos cuantos millones en una caja fuerte en casa.
It was about me loving you, despite myself loving you, but for the sake of me and my kids, I'm not coming back into this mess.
Se trataba de mí amarte, a mi pesar de amarte, pero por el bien de mí y de mis hijos, yo no voy a volver a este desastre.
Find me, and we'll chat about whatever you want.
Encuentrame, y vamos a charlar sobre lo que quieras.
about you 267
about yourself 16
about your mother 24
about your dad 25
about your 17
about your age 24
about your father 21
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
about yourself 16
about your mother 24
about your dad 25
about your 17
about your age 24
about your father 21
you and me 2253
you and me both 228
you and me together 41
and merry christmas 27
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and men 25
about 2987
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
and meanwhile 86
and me 1014
and mean 19
and me too 52
and me included 17
and men 25
about 2987
about last night 149
about yesterday 53
about this morning 24
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about what 2516
about time 287
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about a year ago 138
about me 284
about damn time 21
about an hour ago 126
about it 81
about what 2516
about time 287
about that 749
about the wedding 20
about a year ago 138