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Didn't make it Çeviri İspanyolca

4,657 parallel translation
- She didn't make it.
No lo logro.
It didn't make it irrelevant, what it's forced the post office to do is concentrate on their strengths and less so on their weaknesses.
No lo hizo irrelevante. Hizo que el sistema postal se concentrara en sus puntos fuertes. Y no tanto en sus puntos débiles.
Well, lucky for her she didn't make it today.
Bueno, por suerte para ella que ella no hacerlo hoy.
Ellie didn't make it.
Ellie no lo logró.
Well, we didn't know if you were going to make it.
Bien, no sabíamos si lo lograrías.
She didn't make it.
Ella no lo logró.
Jules didn't make it.
Jules no lo logró.
But when dad's girlfriend decided at the last minute that she didn't want to make it official...
Pero cuando la novia de papá decidió en el último minuto... que no quería hacerlo oficial...
Thomas didn't make it, I'm afraid.
Me temo que Thomas no lo ha conseguido.
If they didn't kill her, it doesn't make sense either.
Si no la mataron, que no tiene sentido tampoco.
I didn't make it today.
Hoy no pude.
Vic and Bubba didn't make it.
Vic y Bubba no lo hacen
I didn't think you were gonna make it.
No creía que fueras a hacerlo.
Mr. Camp, you couldn't make your wife love you, so that made you even more jealous, didn't it?
Señor Camp, no podías hacer que tu mujer te amara así que te volviste cada vez más celoso ¿ No es así?
He didn't make it?
- Dios... - Lo siento.
Just because he got away with that crime, does it make it right for him to rot in jail for another he didn't commit?
¿ Solo porque se libró de ese crimen es correcto que se pudra en la cárcel por otro que no cometió?
I didn't- - no, someone raided it, and damn it, we're gonna find them, and we're gonna make them pay.
Yo no... no, alguien lo asaltó, y me cago en la leche, vamos a encontrarlos, y vamos a hacerles pagar.
That didn't make a ton of sense, did it?
Eso no tuvo mucho sentido, ¿ verdad?
KELSEY : ( IN DEEPER VOICE ) Sorry, I didn't make it, Kelsey.
KELSEY : ( EN MÁS PROFUNDO DE VOZ ) Lo sentimos, pero no lo hice hacerlo, Kelsey
He was protecting me ; he didn't make it.
él me protegió ; él no lo hizo.
I didn't think you could make it.
- No creía que pudieras venir.
Sorry I didn't make it back for Charlie's funeral.
Lo siento, no volví desde el funeral de Charlie.
Hey, uh, sorry I didn't make it out last night but something's come up.
Oye, siento no haber conseguido llegar anoche pero surgió algo.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to, like, kiss and make it better.
Yo no quise, como que, besarte para que se te pase.
I'm sorry I didn't make it up here earlier.
Lo siento si no vine antes.
I didn't get it to make a lot of money.
No me la dieron para hacer un dineral.
- I'm sorry to tell you this, but, uh, your lady friend who was shot didn't make it.
Mira, siento decirte esto, pero, tu amiga que recibió un disparo.
- I didn't make it to the wedding.
No pude ir a la boda.
We didn't make it to Mount Weather.
No llegamos al Monte Weather.
He didn't make it. He's dead.
No lo consiguió, está muerto.
Yeah, we didn't make it through "The Killing Fields"
Sí, no conseguimos terminar de ver "Los gritos del silencio".
I didn't mean to make it seem like I wasn't.
No quiere decir que no lo estuviese.
He didn't make it, huh?
No lo logró, ¿ eh?
Somehow that didn't make it any less scary.
Sin embargo, eso no lo hizo menos aterrador.
But the magic didn't make you like it.
Pero la magia no te hizo así.
And it didn't make you lie to me.
Y no hizo que me mintieras.
But you didn't, and now I'm forced to make you keep it.
Pero no lo hiciste, y ahora estoy forzada a que la mantengas.
That would make sense if it didn't look like you just ate a fat camp.
Eso tendría sentido si no pareciera que te comiste un campamento para gordos.
I see the sheriff didn't make it out of town.
Veo que el Sheriff no llegó fuera de la ciudad.
She didn't make it.
No lo superó.
But it wasn't okay, and something told Lisa that if she didn't make a move, her relationship with Malik would end up like kid'n play's... over.
Pero no valía y algo le decía a Lisa que si no actuaba, su relación con Malik terminaría como Kid'n Play... Acabada.
Bit cheesy, but... 124 to Control, the male driver didn't make it.
Bastante cursi, pero... - Sí. - 124 a Central, el conductor no ha sobrevivido.
Didn't make it home?
¿ No habías vuelto a casa?
- Didn't make it?
- Y no lo logró.
I didn't want him to make that call to be in the room with my body, waiting... for it to become some ceremonial object apart from him, separate from who I was, someone he can only...
Que tuviera que hacer ese llamado. Que esté en la habitación con mi cuerpo aguardando. Que el asunto se volviera un objeto tan ceremonial que lo apartara separara de quien fui.
I take it Matteo didn't make it.
Entiendo que Matteo no ha sobrevivido.
- Rob Lowe, huh? It simply didn't make sense to me.
- Rob Lowe, ¿ eh? Simplemente no tenía sentido para mi.
She didn't make it up.
- No lo inventó.
Now, at first, it didn't make sense to me.
Al principio para mí no tenía sentido.
- At first he joked about it, he didn't make a big deal, he's been good, he's never put pressure on me.
- Al principio, bromeó al respecto, no hizo una gran cosa, ha sido bueno, nunca es ejercer presión sobre mí.
Well, my brother likes to make a big show, set them up, put their heads back on, pretend like it didn't happen.
Bueno, a mi hermano le gusta hacer un gran espectáculo, volver a montarlos, ponerle sus cabezas, fingir que no ocurrió.

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