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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He wants to talk

He wants to talk Çeviri İspanyolca

1,445 parallel translation
He wants to talk to the operating surgeon.
Quiere hablar con quien se encargue de la cirugía.
I know he wants to talk to you about some stuff, too.
Sé que también quiere hablarte de algo.
He wants to talk, I know it, but he's still scared to talk to me but I think he might open up to you.
Quiere hablar, lo sé, pero está muy asustado como para hablar conmigo pero creo que hablaría contigo.
Tony... this problem with the red-tag garbage dumping in Paden City... fuckin'Christmas, he wants to talk about medical waste?
El problema de papeles con el vertedero de Paden City... Es Navidad ¿ y quiere hablar de desechos médicos?
He wants to talk.
Quiere hablar.
If all he wants to talk about is where he's from where he went to school and his name, you're fine.
Si solamente quiere hablar de dónde nació dónde estudió y cuál es su nombre, estarás bien.
And listen, if he wants to talk to me, you tell him that there are four elevators and two flights of stairs that lead all the way up to the 12th floor.
Y oye, si quiere hablar conmigo dile que hay 4 ascensores y 2 escaleras que llevan al piso 1 2.
I know very well that it's Calvi and also who he wants to talk to.
Sé muy bien que es Calvi y también con quién quiere hablar.
Gus. He wants to talk.
Gus. el quería hablar.
Tell our little "vice president" he can drag his sorry butt to my place if he wants to talk to the Wolf Man.
Dile al vicepresidente que venga donde mí si quiere hablar conmigo.
He wants to talk to a supervisor.
Quiere hablar con el jefe.
He wants to talk to Dad.
Él quiere hablar con papá.
He's coming in by helicopter to meet us at the nearest port but he wants to talk to you.
Viene en helicóptero para encontrarnos en la pista mas cercana pero quiere hablar contigo.
Flecha's here. He wants to talk to you, open the door.
Flecha quiere hablar contigo.
No. Big Red is on the phone right now... actin'all crazy, sayin he wants to talk to you, man.
Rojo está al teléfono, como loco, preguntando por ti.
Excuse He wants to talk to you really.
Excusar ÉI quiere hablar contigo de verdad.
This is a policeman. He wants to talk to you. What about?
- Se trata de un oficial de policía que quiere hablar contigo. - ¿ Acerca de qué?
He's here, and he wants to talk to you. All right.
- Está aquí y quiere hablar con usted.
He wants to talk to me. Yeah.
Quiere hablar conmigo.
- Don't hate me. He wants to talk.
Quiere hablar con usted.
He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablar contigo.
Tell your boss if he wants to talk, I'll see him in court.
Dígale a su jefe que si quiere hablar, lo veré en la corte.
I know he wants to talk to you.
Se que quiere hablar contigo.
He wants to talk to Fox Mulder, only he won't say why.
Quiere hablar con Fox Mulder. No quiere decir por qué.
This guy that led you all over town last night says he wants to talk to Mulder, right?
Ese tipo que te tuvo dando vueltas por ahí dice que quiere hablar con Mulder, ¿ no?
Says he wants to talk to you, Miss. "
Dice que desea hablarle, señorita.
Honey, he wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablar contigo.
He wants to talk to you.
Quiere hablarte.
- He wants to talk to you.
- Quiere hablar con usted.
He wants to talk to Jack.
- ¿ A quién viene buscando?
He wants to talk about your loss of sensuality.
Quiere hablar sobre tu pérdida de sensualidad.
- He can talk to me if he wants.
- Si le apetece, puede hablar conmigo.
L-listen, tell your dad if he ever wants to talk sports, I'd be happy to.
Escucha, dile a tu papá que si alguna vez quiere hablar de deportes me alegrará hacerlo.
- He wants to talk to me about the War Crimes Tribunal.
- Quiere hablarme...
- All he wants to do is talk.
- Sólo quiere hablar.
He wants an answer, but I told him I had to talk to you first.
Quiere una respuesta, pero le dije que primero tenía que hablar contigo.
He wants us to go talk to Frannie... see what's up.
Lo trajeron de la costa oeste.
He wants to meetyou and talk aboutyour future with our network.
Quiere verte para hablar de tu futuro en nuestra cadena.
He wants to make you talk.
Él lo quiere hacer hablar.
He wants the money for the damages, and asked us to talk to the kid and persuade him...
Quiere el dinero por los daños y le pedimos que hable con el chico y que lo persuada...
Her family wants to talk to you, that's why I called you
Su familia quiere hablarte, por eso os he llamado.
He wants to know about it, so tell him I'm ready to talk.
El quiere saber qué pasó, dígale que estoy dispuesta a hablar.
He wants to talk to them.
Odio cuando hacemos esto.
He wants to meet to talk about today's little snafu.
Quiere que nos reunamos para hablar de la metedura de pata de hoy
I think maybe he just wants to talk to you.
Creo que quiere hablar contigo.
- He probably wants to talk to you anyhow.
- Igual seguro que quiere hablar contigo.
Adrian, he really wants to talk to you.
Adrian, de verdad quiere hablar contigo.
Dr Kelso, he also wants to hear Poison's Talk Dirty to Me once a day.
Dr Kelso, también quiere escuchar "Háblame sucio" de Poison una vez al día.
I'll talk to him, and I'll find out what he wants.
Hablaré con él y averiguaré qué quiere.
The FBI wants to talk to me now because of the way he died.
El FBI quiere hablar conmigo debido a la forma en que murió.
He wants to have a talk with you
Tienes un problema.

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