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Translate.vc / İngilizce → İspanyolca / [ H ] / He wants money

He wants money Çeviri İspanyolca

556 parallel translation
He sends word through his secretary, Julia Wolf, when he wants money.
Se comunica mediante su secretaria, Julia Wolf, cuando quiere dinero.
He wants money, doesn't he?
¿ Quiere dinero, no?
" Gerard only comes when he wants money.
" Gérard no viene más que a pedirme dinero.
He wants money.
Quiere pasta.
He wants money for the ride.
Quiere dinero por el viaje.
He wants money From me.
Quiero dinero de mi.
- Chaplain, he wants money!
Señor cura, quiere dinero.
He wants money.
Quiere dinero.
He can make all the money he wants if he wants to.
Puede ganar mucho dinero.
Only he wants more money.
Pero quiere más dinero.
In fact, she never hears from him unless he wants some of her money.
Nunca sabe nada de él a menos que él quiera dinero.
All he wants is your money, Mrs. Pepperday.
Sólo quiere su dinero, Sra. Pepperday.
I'll give him as much money as he wants.
Le daré el dinero que pida.
Can you deny he wants the money for you?
¿ Acaso niega que Armando quiera la herencia para usted?
but he can spend his money the way he wants to now that's the limit!
¡ Puede hacer con su dinero lo que quiera! ¡ Ahora sí que es el colmo!
And now he's here and wants money
- Y ahora, él viene a pedir dinero -
- He wants a lot of money.
- Y quiere un montón de dinero.
He wants the money to buy the estate.
Quiere el dinero para comprar la tierra.
Antro is sitting there at the table, he wants to spend money.
Antro está sentado en su mesa. Quiere gastar dinero.
He wants to cash a check... one of them letters to where he's got money in the bank.
- Viene a cobrar un cheque. Una carta dirigida al banco donde guarda su dinero.
Pero quiere una gran cantidad de dinero.
Yano calls jujitsu "judo." He wants to make money off it. What a fraud.
Yano es un tipo astuto que quiere enriquecerse cambiando nuestro Arte de la agilidad por la Vía de la agilidad.
He wants our endorsement to make money.
Quiero nuestro apoyo para hacer dinero.
- He said that if he wants to keep eating his bread the clerk needs to come with some money in his hand.
- Dice que si quiere seguir comiendo su pan el funcionarioTravet, tiene que ir con el dinero al contado.
I didn't particularly trust him, so I paid him well, but he's unhappy. - He wants more money.
Yo pensé que no era de fiar y le pagué bien pero no está conforme.
He wants to give me My money's worth.
Quiere ser amable.
He wants to see the colour of your money.
Él quiere ver el color de tu dinero.
The first time he only wanted my money, now he wants my love, too.
La primera vez sólo quería mi dinero, ahora también quiere mi amor.
You think all he wants is my money. Hm.
Que lo único que quiere es mi dinero.
Caldwell said he was wrong. He wants to take your money.
Creen que ganó con cartas marcadas.
He has enormous amounts of money, he wants to marry me.
Me lo presentó Chantal. Tiene muchísimo dinero y quiere casarse conmigo.
It's not as much money as we were paying him, but that's what he wants to do, so we're all for him.
No le dará lo que le pagábamos, pero es lo que desea.
He wants his money back on a set of harness.
Quiere que le devuelva el dinero que pagó por los aparejos.
He wants to earn the money to cure her.
Quiere ganar dinero para curarla.
I think I'm going to buy a motorbike to get even with the mailman. I'm glad, because if he's giving you all that money, it means he wants to stay a while. I don't care about that.
Le daré en los morros al cartero y me compraré una moto
He wants the money for something crazy.
Quiere el dinero para alguna locura.
Did he give you the money? He said he wants to marry Marisa.
- ¿ Te ha dado las 300 mil? - No. - ¿ Qué te ha dicho?
He's more interested in money, but I think he wants then back.
Su único interés es monetario, y creo que desea volver a Alemania.
His money's gone, he wants to borrow money?
Su dinero se terminó, ¿ desea un préstamo?
If a man is hungry, a dictator gives him bread and cheese,.. .. while a democrat gives him money so he can buy what he wants :
Si un individuo tiene hambre, el dictador les da pan y queso mientras el democrático les da unas monedas para comprar lo que quieran :
He wants to marry her off For the money.
La quiere casar por dinero.
He can't use this money the way he wants.
- Es por el dinero.
Mrs. Lampert, he wants the money for himself.
- Sra. Lampert él lo único que pretende es conseguir el dinero.
He wants his money.
Quiere su dinero.
This is from a man who wants to know how much money he has in his pocket.
Este hombre quiere saber cuánto dinero tiene en su bolsillo.
He probably wants money.
Probablemente quiera dinero.
The lieutenant gets what he wants from the brothers, but not the money.
EITenlente obtiene... de los hermanos lo que quiere. Sólo no logra encontrarel dinero.
If he wants any money, give him any amount he wants, but I'm sure we'll get it all back from him.
¡ Querrá más dinero! ¡ Dáselo sin discutir! ¡ Pronto cerraremos su cuenta!
As long as he sends the money, he can write what he wants.
Mientras llegue el dinero, que diga lo que quiera.
He's being given all the money he wants and complete autonomy.
Se le dará todo el dinero que precise y completa autonomía.
Sinan Pasha agreed to take your money. He wants to see you.
Sinan Pasha está de acuerdo en tomar tu dinero.

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