He would have Çeviri İspanyolca
12,367 parallel translation
If you hadn't pulled the trigger, he would have killed your mother and maybe you, too.
Si no hubieras apretado el gatillo... hubiera matado a tu madre y quizá a ti también.
And he would have been able to express those feelings to us here, secure in our location.
Y habría podido expresar sus sentimentos aquí, en nuestra ubicación segura.
I can't believe he would have harmed you!
¡ No creo que él le haya hecho algo malo!
He would have filed those. It's like he just stopped.
Es como si se hubiera detenido.
But he would have been cared for by the gray woman or the Templar.
Pero habría sido atendido por la Mujer Gris o el Templario.
He would have been in his mid - to late 30's in 2010.
Él habría estado en su mediados o finales de los 30 en 2010.
He would have wanted that.
Él lo habría querido así.
He would have been disappointed with a lot of things round here.
Estaría decepcionado de muchas cosas que pasan por aquí.
Then, he would have been able to inject him with a heroin overdose.
Entonces, él podía inyectarle la sobredosis de heroína.
No, then he would have needed put it differently.
No, debería haberlo dicho de otra manera.
Otherwise he would have reacted muchmore emotionally.
Debería haber reaccionado de una manera más emocional.
Remember... he would have been aware that you were under surveillance.
Recuerda... Debía ser consciente de que estabas bajo vigilancia.
If Martun would have seen that disrespect, he would have buried them right there.
Si Martun hubiera visto esa falta de respeto, los habría enterrado allí mismo.
Look, if you told Arthur you were the savior, he would have asked you to free Merlin.
Si le hubieras dicho a Arturo que eras la salvadora, te habría pedido que liberaras a Merlín.
If Darhk wanted to hurt Ray, he would have done it by now.
Si Darhk quisiese hacer daño a Ray, ya lo habría hecho.
And the blue bumbler never would have noticed if he didn't try to shut them off.
Y el bobo azul nunca lo habría notado si no hubiera intentado apagarlas.
We have been told that he made terrible errors in judgment... writing things off that the government would never allow, depreciating assets massively,
Nos han dicho que cometió errores horribles en el juicio... escribiendo cosas que el gobierno nunca hubiera permitido, despreciando accionistas
If we would have just done what he said...
Si hubiéramos hecho lo que dijo...
- Well, listen, I would be lying if I said I did not have a problem with Jeff.
- Bueno, escucha. Mentiría si dijera que no he tenido problemas con Jeff.
You know, I would have thought after all the years in the business, he'd be a little bit more professional than that, but...
Hubiera pensado que luego de tantos años en la industria... sería un poco más profesional que eso, pero...
I would have never noticed myself.
Yo nunca he dado cuenta de mí mismo.
But I would have given it all up if he'd asked me to.
Pero lo hubiera dado todo si me lo hubiera pedido.
For starters, I have spoken to CNN and they would love to interview you and Brian.
Para comenzar, he hablado con CNN y les encantaría entrevistarlos a ti y a Brian.
To be honest, this is something that my fiance would have taken care of, but he's gone now, and I am just struggling to keep it together, so... oh, great, you called security.
Para ser sincera, esto es algo que habría hecho mi prometido, pero ya no está, y está costándome mucho no derrumbarme, así que... oh, genial, has llamado a seguridad.
He usually has one low carb mocktail and switches to water, and then in the carriage, he conveniently didn't have a condom, but he knew that I would be such a drunk horn ball at that point, I wouldn't even care.
Normalmente él se toma un cóctel sin alcohol bajo en calorías y se pasa al agua. Y luego en la carroza oportunamente no tenía un condón, pero sabía que en ese momento estaría tan borracha y cachonda que no me importaría.
He's probably using it... to boost the transmission signal, but the source would have to be centralized.
Podría usarla... para aumentar la señal de transmisión, pero la fuente debe ser centralizada.
We would come up with a likely subject matter, technique and of course, you would have to use the exact supplies he would've used.
Después trabajaremos sobre el contenido, técnica y por supuesto, tendría que usar los suministros exactos... que el usaba. Lienzos del periodo...
If he hadn't come back, asking questions, none of this would have happened.
Y si él vuelve haciendo preguntas, nada de esto ha sucedido.
If he hadn't kept the Escarras'money, none of those people would have died.
Si no se hubiera guardado el dinero de los Escarras', ninguna de esas personas habría muerto.
You wanna follow this lunatic, be my guest. But know this : What he's gonna do with this blood is pedestrian compared to what I would have done with it.
Si quieren seguir a este demente, adelante, pero sepan que lo que va a hacer con esta sangre es vulgar en comparación con lo que yo hubiera hecho.
There would have been such symmetry if he'd finished what Herr Hitler started.
Se habría alcanzado cierto equilibrio si él hubiera acabado lo que Hitler empezó.
Do you think... When all the trouble I went to in order to have surgery that I would risk my career and my daughter's life by having cocaine anywhere near me or my family?
Creen... con todos los problemas que he tenido para operarme que pondría en riesgo mi carrera y la vida de mi hija teniendo cocaína cerca de mi familia?
He would never have come out here if he hadn't heard from her.
Él nunca hubiera venido si ella no lo hubiera contactado.
And you never would have asked him to take this case if you didn't trust that he would do just that.
Y nunca le habrías pedido a tomar este caso si no confías en que iba a hacer precisamente eso.
Let's just say that you wanted me to do this like Harvey would have and not like I would have, but I did the best of both.
Solo digamos que querías que lo hiciese como Harvey quería y no como yo quería, pero he hecho lo mejor para los dos.
If he finds out that he might have a son that grew up without even knowing him, it would crush him.
Si descubre que puede tener un hijo que creció sin siquiera haberlo conocido, eso lo destrozaría.
A smarter man would have known he was getting the brush-off, but Dad was so hooked on her, and so stupid, he took it as a challenge.
Un hombre listo hubiera sabido que no le estaban dando bola, pero papá estaba tan enganchado a ella, y era tan estúpido, que se lo tomó como un desafío.
I wouldn't have killed him, he would've killed me.
De no haberlo matado yo, me habría matado él.
Once he handled your divorce, I would have thought you'd want him to handle everything.
Como llevó tu divorcio, pensé que querrías que te lo llevara todo.
I may have done some office backstabbing, but I have never done anything to indicate to you that I would do something illegal.
Puede que haya dado alguna puñalada pero nunca he hecho nada que te indique que haría algo ilegal.
Zoom would have killed me just like he will kill Barry if you lead him down this path!
¡ Zoom podría haberme matado así como matará a Barry si lo llevas por este camino!
Well, I'm sure he would rather have his footstool than have me share that little secret.
Bueno, estoy segura que preferiría tener su reposapiés a que comparta ese pequeño secreto.
When he hit the water he was going 86 miles an hour, so there's a good chance his neck would have snapped or his skull would have been crushed.
Cuando toca el agua iba a 138 kilómetros por hora... por lo que hay una probabilidad de que se haya quebrado el cuello... o que su cráneo se aplaste por el impacto.
Someone made him do something he never would have done.
Alguien le hizo hacer algo que nunca habría hecho.
Over the long centuries, I would dream of you, my bright light in an ocean of darkness, a kindred whose despair mirrored my own and whose love brought me a joy I had not felt and have never felt since.
A lo largo de los siglos, soñaba contigo, mi luz brillante en un océano de oscuridad, un linaje cuya desesperación se reflejaba en mi y cuyo amor me trajo una alegría que no había sentido y nunca he sentido desde entonces.
But even if he's dead, his estate would still have to pay his debt.
Pero incluso si está muerto, su estado aún tendría que pagar su deuda.
He's never gonna believe that. Rachel, Katrina would have been on board with this from day one.
Rachel, Katrina se habría apuntado a esto desde el día uno.
And however did you get him to do that? Let's just say that you wanted me to do this Like Harvey would have and not like I would have,
Solo digamos que querías que lo hiciese como Harvey quería y no como yo quería, pero he hecho lo mejor para los dos.
Francis and I have an agreement that he would never force me to marry.
Francisco y yo tenemos un acuerdo, que él nunca me obligaría a casarme.
Well, the girl I've loved my whole life never would have treated me this way.
Bueno, la chica que he querido toda mi vida nunca me hubiera tratado así.
I would have sacrificed my life to have him back with his wife and his son.
Me he sacrificado mi vida de tenerlo de vuelta con su esposa y su hijo.
he would have been 19
he would have killed me 16
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't say 50
he would have killed me 16
he wouldn't hurt a fly 20
he wouldn't do that 83
he wouldn't listen to me 16
he wouldn't dare 22
he wouldn't have 16
he wouldn't 192
he wouldn't tell me 33
he wouldn't say 50
he would never do that 37
he wouldn't listen 42
he would 208
he would be 16
he would never 36
he would say 35
have some 140
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
he wouldn't listen 42
he would 208
he would be 16
he would never 36
he would say 35
have some 140
have 400
haven 52
have a wonderful day 25
have a nice day 823
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530
have a good day 670
have a nice weekend 44
have a good day at work 18
have you eaten yet 24
have a good weekend 70
have a good week 16
have a great day 179
have a good flight 33
have a good night 530