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Put that down Çeviri İspanyolca

4,151 parallel translation
Put that down...
Suelta eso...
Put that down, this is not a "western".
Guarde eso, esto no es un "western".
Put that down.
Put that down.
Suelte eso.
Put that down and listen to me.
Baja eso y escúchame.
Seems to me like you're just aching to put that down for a few and make me a sandwich.
Me parece que eres de esos que lo dejan para unos otros. Hazme un sandwhich.
Put that down before you shoot me.
¿ Quieres bajar eso? A ver si me vas a dar de verdad.
Put that down.
Baja eso.
Cos if you don't put that down, I'm gonna shoot you.
Porque si no bajas eso, voy a dispararte.
- Put that down. - It's just an old rag.
- Es solo un viejo trapo.
Put that down.
Esconde eso.
Timothy McBride, put that down!
¡ Timothy McBride, deja eso!
Can you put that down?
¿ Puedes bajar eso?
And put that down, you're killing yourself!
Y déjalo, ¡ te estás matando!
Well I think it's put down that they played something silly like 294 times.
Bueno, se dice que tocaron algo absurdo, como 294 veces.
The only people that were invited really were The Beatles themselves and The Beatles'families, and that was it, but Ritchie's family put me down as one of their family.
En realidad, a los únicos que habían invitado eran a los mismos Beatles y a los familiares de los Beatles, y a nadie más, pero los familiares de Ritchie me pusieron en la lista como familiar.
She would never sit down and put dinner on the table and discuss just idle chitter-chatter about what's gone on with The Beatles in the past, or anything like that.
Jamás se sentaba a cenar para charlar sobre lo que fuere de lo que sucedía con los Beatles en el pasado, ni nada parecido.
We suggested that, but she just put her foot down.
Se lo hemos sugerido, pero no quiere bajarse del burro.
Put that finger down.
Baja ese dedo.
I don't like that they gotta put the dog down so they can analyze it. I like dogs.
No quiero que maten al perro para que puedan analizarla.
Put that fucking phone down.
¡ Suelta ese maldito teléfono!
And the worst tragedy that has ever struck James is having to put down his golden retriever.
Y la peor tragedia que le ocurrió a James... es tener que enterrar a su golden retriever.
I suggest you tell Zero Dark Shithead over there to put down that piece.
Te sugiero que le digas a ese mierda de ahí que baje ese arma.
You kept a clear head, you read Daniella's signals, you did something that every fibre in your body was telling you not to do... you put down your gun.
Mantuviste una cabeza despejada, leíste las señales de Daniella, hiciste algo que cada fibra de tu cuerpo te decía que no hicieras... bajaste el arma.
It's a situation that you're in, and if you ever want to touch down on solid ground again, you're gonna have to put all your emotions aside and figure out how to do one thing.
La situación en la que uds. están, y si quieren tocar suelo otra vez, deberán poner sus emociones de lado, y pensar en sólo una cosa.
Are you kidding? Come on. That's just for show, put it down.
- ¿ Es una broma, es toda la escena.
- Put that needle down!
- ¡ Baje esa aguja!
Then put that pillow down..... and confess.
Entonces deja esa almohada y confiésate.
That animal would have likely been put down.
Ese animal probablemente se habría sacrificado.
And I know you may not be appreciated now, but I promise you, if you put down the knife, I will make sure that people see your art, and no one will be able to ignore it.
Y sé que puede que ahora no te lo reconozcan pero te prometo, que si bajas ese cuchillo me aseguraré de que la gente vea tu obra y nadie podrá ignorarte.
Necesitamos a tres de nosotros para manejarlo.
Well, I hope to put this unpleasantness behind us and I believe the only way to do that is for the three of us to sit down and face matters frankly - a constructive effort.
Bien, espero que pueda dejar este desagradable asunto detrás de nosotros y creo que la única forma de hacerlo es que los tres nos sentemos y hablemos cara a cara francamente... un esfuerzo constructivo.
If you're gonna go that low to put someone down, then you better make damn sure that they don't get back up.
Si vas a caer tan bajo para acabar con alguien, entonces mejor asegúrate de que no vuelve a levantarse.
Put that gun down.
Pon esa arma.
- Put that gun down!
- Pon esa arma!
Hey, honey can you put that damn camera down and wet my reel here for me?
Hey, cariño, ¿ puedes poner abajo esa maldita cámara y mojar el carrete por mí?
Put that gun down!
Baje esa arma!
Put down that gun.
Baja esa pistola.
Put down that pen, Danny.
Baja ese bolígrafo, Danny.
I'm just going to put it out on the web. You know, I don't have the resources to study and follow down every single angle that this opens up, but you know, maybe there is a listener out there who will be sufficiently intrigued by this to do the analyses themselves.
Sabes, no tengo los recursos para estudiar y seguir cada ángulo en que se abre esto, pero sabes, tal vez hay un observador allá afuera que estará lo suficientemente intrigado por esto para hacer el análisis por ellos mismo.
Put down that slice of bread.
Ponlo en la rebanada de pan.
Just put that helmet down.
Sólo ponte el casco hacia abajo.
- Never put me down. - But that means... when I fall, I fall hard.
- Pero eso significa que... cuando caigo, caigo fuerte.
You want to put Hal Hoover down as the main testimony backing that request?
¿ Quieres poner a Hoover como el principal testimonio de ese pedido?
Well, I guess if we're letting things out, I noticed when we checked in that you two put each other down as your emergency contacts.
Bueno, supongo que si estamos contando cosas, he notado cuando nos hemos registrado que vosotras dos os habéis puesto de contactos de emergencia.
I should have made sure... that he could put down that gun and have a normal life.
Debería haberme asegurado de que podía bajar el arma y tener una vida normal.
Calm the hell down. Here, hit this hash brown. That creepy old dude put his lips on it but- -
Toma, métele a la chicharra, el viejo ese le
Why don't you put that gun down, Darryl, okay?
¿ Por qué no bajas el arma, Darryl?
Put down the sword. Put it - - oh, that's so hot! Lion-O, what are you looking at?
¡ Si lo hacéis, seréis como animales, satisfaciendo locamente vuestros impulsos!
The best way for you to do that is to put that gun down.
La mejor manera de que hagas eso es que bajes el arma ahora.
Luther. Luther. Put that hand down.
Luther, Luther, guarda esa mano.

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