Really pretty Çeviri İspanyolca
2,263 parallel translation
Look, you're great, and you're much nicer than anyone thinks you are, and you're really pretty.
Mira, eres genial Y mucho mas amable de lo que cualquiera podria pensar que eres Y tu eres un encanto.
Really pretty.
Realmente eres encantador
It was story after story after story, and it was really pretty much owned by "The Washington Post."
Fue articulo tras articulo tras articulo, y realmente fue básicamente propiedad del "Washington Post".
You're really pretty, you know that?
Eres muy bonita, ¿ lo sabías?
Well, it's actually really pretty.
Bueno, en verdad es muy bonito.
'Oh, she's really pretty, I should talk to her.
Es muy bonita, debo hablarle.
Our waitresses are really pretty.
Nuestras meseras son muy bonitas.
Still tall and... really pretty, I see.
Aún alta y... muy bonita, veo.
If you see someone that's really pretty good and has a chance to do something, yeah, you're gonna wanna help them.
Si ves a alguien que es bastante bueno y tiene la posibilidad de hacer algo, querrás ayudarlo.
You're really pretty.
Eres muy guapa.
And I said you were really pretty.
Y he dicho que estabas bastante bien.
That's really pretty.
Es realmente bonita.
Yes. Yeah. And, uh- - and a really pretty blue.
Y de un azul realmente bonito.
She was really pretty.
Ella era muy bonita.
'Cause I think I look really pretty like this.
Porque realmente pienso que es bonito así.
I mean, I feel really pretty like this, and I feel like having sex like this.
Me refiero a que me siento muy linda así. y me siento como si fuera a tener sexo así.
♪... It's really pretty, but I need you to emote.
Suena lindo, pero necesito que expreses más tus emociones
She was really pretty.
Era muy guapa.
That's a really pretty ring.
Es un anillo muy bonito.
Really pretty good.
De verdad muy bueno.
Uh... It... it looks like you used to... used to be a-a really pretty girl.
Es que parece que eras...
Those feathers are really pretty.
Esas plumas son muy bonitas.
We have these, sort of, attempts to build more wind power and to maybe do something with Tide... we've got attempts to make our cars a little bit more efficient but there's nothing which really looks like a revolution coming along - these are all pretty minor and that I think is pretty frightening.
Tenemos esta especie de intentos de generar más energía eólica y quizás hacer algo con la mareomotriz... tenemos intentos de hacer nuestros coches un poco más eficientes, pero no hay nada que realmente haga parecer que se acerca una revolución - todo esto tiene muy poca relevancia,
Because I bought a really, really expensive suit, and I'm pretty sure I lost the receipt to it. Yes, we're still getting married.
Porque ya me he comprado un traje realmente caro, y estoy seguro de haber perdido el recibo.
Well, that's all I really had in my notes that matter, but I have a pretty good memory, Ted.
Bueno eso es todo lo que tengo en mis notas que importa, pero tengo muy buena memoria, Ted.
We don't know them really from a hole in the wall, so it was pretty easy to say no at that point.
No las conocemos lo suficientemente bien, así que en estos momentos fue fácil decirles que no.
I don't know what kind of game you're playin', pretty boy, but you're really gettin'under my skin.
No sé qué clase de juego estás jugando, niño bonito, pero estás consiguiendo que se me erice la piel.
Hell, when you really look at it in the cold light of day, you're pretty much dead already.
Diablos, cuando realmente miras en la fría luz del día, Ya estás bastante muerto
"Meet us in Montauk!" I think it's pretty clear between the sign and the note we are actually going fishing. To have the opportunity to just get out of the Top Chef kitchen and go to the water and fish, if that's really what's coming,
"encontrádnos en Montauk" creo que es bastante obvio entre la firma y la nota que nos vamos a pescar tener la oportunidad de salir de la cocina de Top Chef e ir al agua y pescar si eso es realmente lo que nos espera
Am I really so shallow that I can only quote words written by people not pretty enough to be in front of the camera?
¿ Soy realmente tan superficial que sólo puedo citar palabras escritas por gente no lo suficientemente guapa para estar delante de la cámara?
Not really. I'm pretty much a wedding and funeral singer.
Soy básicamente un cantante en bodas y funerales.
Really? I'm pretty sure I've got a tank full of really, really fast, athletic swimmers.
Estoy bastante seguro de que tengo un acuario lleno de nadadores atléticos muy, muy rápidos.
Really, give it a pretty in pink kinda treatment?
De verdad le vas a dar una oportunidad al rosa?
And I'm also pretty sure that I'm the only one who knows how smart you really are.
Y estoy bastante seguro de que soy el único que sabe lo inteligente que realmente eres.
None of us had any idea that it was gonna completely change my life and their lives. But I knew that they sounded really tight and pretty focused, and that they had written some amazingly powerful songs.
No nos habíamos ni imaginado que nos pudiera cambiar la vida, pero yo sabía que sonaban muy bien, que estaban centrados y que habían escrito canciones con muchísima fuerza.
Pretty simple, really.
De hecho ha sido muy fácil.
But to really experience it, to understand it, you have to do something pretty extreme.
Pero para experimentarla realmente, para entenderla, tenéis que hacer algo bastante extremo.
I'm really nervous because i cut my foot pretty badly.
Estoy muy nervioso porque me corté el pie bastante feo.
That street was a pretty insane street. It was really crowded.
Estaba repleta de verdad, pasaban muchas cosas.
It's really pretty.
Me gusta. Es muy lindo.
But you're only doing it to yourself, because you're smart and pretty... and sort of funny in a way that I don't really get... but other people seem to enjoy. So you can either start fresh next year... or be the freak who flipped off her class.
Pero sólo lo haces porque eres lista y guapa y divertida de un modo que no entiendo pero otra gente parece disfrutar, así que puedes empezar de nuevo el año que viene o ser la rarita que atacó su clase.
You really think I'm pretty?
- ¿ De verdad crees que soy guapa?
- Pretty quick - That was really good.
Si, bastante rápido.
Oh, it's pretty simple, really.
ah, de hecho es muy simple
I'm a pretty damn good cook, but I'm used to cooking with really extravagant things.
Soy un buen cocinero muy muy, pero yo estoy acostumbrado a cocinar con cosas muy extravagantes.
Paul, honestly, you really are pretty perfect.
Paul, de verdad que eres bastante perfecto.
He really tries to keep the whole royalty thing pretty quiet.
Realmente trataba de mantener fuera toda lo relacionado con la realeza bastante tranquilo.
Really? You always seem pretty sure about Dani, what she would and wouldn't do.
Siempre pareces tan seguro sobre Dani, de lo que haría y lo que no.
Well, Hot Space in Queen terms was pretty disastrous, really.
"Si alguien hiciese una lista de realeza en el rock'n'roll, Queen debería estar en la cima"
Really not much point trying to see if it'll start because some pretty important bits are missing.
En realidad, no ganamos mucho tratando de ver si enciende porque le faltan algunas cosas.
You know, I'm pretty good at reading people... and it sounds like you and your lady really need to talk this out.
¿ Sabe? , se me da bastante bien entender a la gente, y parece que usted y su mujer tienen que hablar todo esto.
pretty 763
pretty please 116
pretty little liars 50
pretty girl 128
pretty little thing 17
pretty cool 211
pretty bird 24
pretty boy 183
pretty amazing 49
pretty sure 147
pretty please 116
pretty little liars 50
pretty girl 128
pretty little thing 17
pretty cool 211
pretty bird 24
pretty boy 183
pretty amazing 49
pretty sure 147
pretty good 760
pretty bad 77
pretty lady 91
pretty one 24
pretty awesome 32
pretty much everything 22
pretty impressive 59
pretty nice 37
pretty soon 246
pretty much 800
pretty bad 77
pretty lady 91
pretty one 24
pretty awesome 32
pretty much everything 22
pretty impressive 59
pretty nice 37
pretty soon 246
pretty much 800
pretty close 43
pretty big 22
pretty well 90
pretty sweet 49
pretty neat 25
pretty weird 28
pretty smart 38
pretty funny 30
pretty girls 22
pretty women 25
pretty big 22
pretty well 90
pretty sweet 49
pretty neat 25
pretty weird 28
pretty smart 38
pretty funny 30
pretty girls 22
pretty women 25