Underaged Çeviri İspanyolca
40 parallel translation
I assume you know that Charlotte is underaged, Dr Shannon?
Supongo que sabe que Charlotte es menor de edad, Sr. Shannon, ¿ no?
This guy is really outrageous having sex with underaged girls according to his statement said that the girl enticed him not his fault after enticing him, then blackmail him he is not willing to pay, of course he has to go to jail
Este tipo es un degenerado en serio teniendo sexo con chicas menores de edad. De acuerdo a eso siempre dijo que fue seducido por las menores que no era su culpa. Después de seducirlo, lo chantajeaban.
Since the defendant is underaged and has no monetary resources, it is the judgement of this court that 50 % of Stan Marsh's belongings are to be handed over to Eric Cartman immediately.
Como el acusado es menor de edad y carece de recursos económicos, este tribunal decide que el 50 % de las pertenencias de Stan Marsh sean entregadas a Eric Cartman inmediatamente.
She's been running a prostitution ring. A brothel, if you will.Servicing underaged clients!
Dirige un servicio de prostitución con clientes menores de edad.
Yes, we'd like to know if the artists draw using photographs of underaged girls.
Sí, nos gustaría saber si los artistas hicieron los dibujos usando fotos de niñas menores.
Adopting your underaged, unwed daughter's baby is not a crime.
Adoptar el hijo de tu hijastra impúber y soltera no es delito.
Is that what there was, son? A bunch of underaged kids running around through our house, no adult supervision?
Un montón de menores de edad corriendo como locos por la casa sin supervisión adulta?
I can write you each up a citation for open-container violations and probably an underaged.
Os doy un emplazamiento judicial por posesión de alcohol posiblemente siendo menor.
She looks underaged no matter how you look at it.
no importa como la mires.
You slept with an underaged model.
Dormiste con una modelo menor de edad.
Maybe you were getting your dick sucked by your underaged Nubian whore?
Quizá tu ramera menor de edad te lo estuvo chupando.
Stop it! He's underaged!
No, es pre-adolescente.
After the sudden death of Boris Godunov the power went to his underaged son Fedor, but his reign did not last...
Tras la imprevista muerte de Boris Godunov, su pequeño hijo Fiodor ocupó el trono, aunque gobernó por poco tiempo.
Looks like Moses finally made it to the land of milk and underaged honey.
Al fin llegó Moisés a la tierra de la miel menor de edad.
You're gonna get him off a rape charge by telling'em he was busy sleeping with an underaged girl at the time?
Van a acusarlo de violación, diciendo que estaba durmiendo con una chica menor de edad en ese momento.
Given the prevailing climatic conditions, using this lubricant is like trying to buttfuck a virgin underaged phutak whore with chalk... when KY is clearly called for, sir.
Dadas las condiciones climáticas, usar este lubricante es como tratar de darle por el culo a una virgen tailandesa con tiza... cuando sabemos que la solución es vaselina, señor.
A good person. So a good person goes online, attacks an underaged kid, while pretending to be someone else?
¿ Entonces una buena persona entra a internet y ataca a una menor mientras pretende ser alguien más?
We'd have been underaged.
Habríamos sido menores de edad.
[laughs] I got it underaged with, like, a note from my mom, which I very much regret now.
Lo hice cuando era menor de edad con una nota de mi mamá... y ahora me arrepiento.
But your crooked husband combined with you being worried about your underaged daughter coming home up the duff from some tormenting bastard - I cannot.
Pero tu marido corrupto combinado con tu preocupación por tu hija menor volviendo a casa acosada por algún maldito cabrón. No puedo.
This isn't about underaged drinking.
Esto no va sobre borracheras de adolescente.
He let's everybody in, underaged people, they were all underaged.
Dejó entrar a todo el mundo, a menores, eran todos menores.
Well, something tells me that Roger wasn't killed by a group of underaged college kids.
Bueno, algo me dice que a Roger no le mataron un grupo de menores de edad universitarios.
Underaged kid and her boyfriend.
Una chica menor de edad y su novio.
How underaged are we talking?
Que tan menor estamos hablando.
Why learn about the world when within seven seconds of opening your macbook, you could be in a photo-realistic grenade battle with an 8-year-old in saginaw or watching underaged Hungarian gangbang videos?
¿ Por qué aprender del mundo cuando en siete segundos abriendo su macbook, pueden estar en una batalla de granadas fotorealista con un niño de 8 años en saginaw, o mirando videos de sexo grupal de menores húngaros.
We raided a company producing underaged porn Back in'02.
Hicimos una redada a una compañía que producía porno infantil en el 2002.
Especially not with an underaged girl in the trunk of your car.
Especialmente con una menor en el maletero del coche.
Oh, but they're gonna let in an underaged girl?
Pero, ¿ van a dejar entrar una chica menor de edad?
The blonde work wife, the underaged brunette girlfriend.
La esposa rubia del trabajo, la novia morena de menor edad.
She was underaged, Dave.
Ella era menor de edad, Dave.
That was an underaged college girl who freaked out when I wouldn't marry her.
Eso fue una universitaria menor de edad... que se enfadó cuándo no quise casarme con ella.
He's underaged.
Es menor.
While my partner in justice removes your A / C, I'm gonna teach you boys about the dangers of ripping underaged bongs.
Mientras mi compañera justiciera quita vuestro aire acondicionado, voy a enseñaros los peligros de fumar marihuana con pipa siendo menor.
Mm-hmm, underaged.
- Menor de edad.
He sex-trafficked underaged girls.
El prostituyó a chicas menores de edad.
Ariel and three other underaged girls were found locked up, they were drugged, beaten, and raped.
Ariel y otras tres chicas menores de edad fueron encontradas encerradas, fueron drogadas, golpeadas y violadas.
The kids are underaged.
Los chicos son menores de edad.
You got underaged girls, you got drug dealers, you even have dead drug dealers.
inclusive tienes repartidores de droga muertos
Chateau Marmont Hotel, where I once engaged in the consensual murder of an underaged prostitute.
Sí, muy bien.
under 290
understand 2529
underground 88
underwear 81
understanding 63
undercover 116
underwater 36
understood 2547
underneath 75
underpants 29
understand 2529
underground 88
underwear 81
understanding 63
undercover 116
underwater 36
understood 2547
underneath 75
underpants 29
underwood 165
under the bridge 22
under the radar 23
understandable 121
under the bed 63
under the table 51
understand me 81
under the sea 16
understand this 55
under pressure 26
under the bridge 22
under the radar 23
understandable 121
under the bed 63
under the table 51
understand me 81
under the sea 16
understand this 55
under pressure 26