With a capital Çeviri İspanyolca
561 parallel translation
Well, with a capital'C', Carina is a constellation in the Southern Hemisphere.
Con una C mayuscula es una capital. ó Carina es una constelación en el hemisferio sur.
- Remember... my contract makes me boss with a capital B. What I say, goes.
- Recordad... mi contrato me hace jefe con J mayúscula. Se hace lo que yo digo.
Yes, with a capital "K".
Sí, con "C" mayúscula.
And spell "tenor" with a capital "T."
Y pon "normal" con mayúsculas.
You mean you need to be in love with a capital L.
Quieres decir que para hacerlo, tiene que haber amor, con mayúscula.
Dabbling away at being an artist, with a capital "a."
Apostando a ser artista con A mayúscula.
There was no café society in those days, only Society with a capital "S", and its doors weren't open to a young actress.
No existía la sociedad de los cafés, en aquel entonces. Solo la Sociedad con "S" mayúscula, y no solía abrir sus puertas a las jóvenes actrices.
"Beauty" with a capital B..
Belleza con "B" mayúscula.
For having remained faithful to the Idea, with a capital "I".
Por haber permanecido fiel a la Idea, con "I" mayúscula.
We are dealing with a capital crime.
Hablamos de un delito con pena de muerte.
And that word is spelled with a capital'B' - Janet...
Y lo digo en el peor de los sentidos.
Then you are set With a capital J
Estás a salvo con los Jets
Cartouche, with a capital "C"...
Cartouche, con una gran "C"...
- Yeah, with a capital "hung."
- Sí, una con mayúsculas.
It's a dollar with a capital "D".
Es un dólar con "D" mayúscula.
# They'll see that we've got class with a capital K
"Verán que tenemos clase " Con'C'mayúscula
Following the repeated failure of Inspector Juve in dealing with Fantômas, a violent press campaign erupted, which infuriated Jerome Fandor, reporter for'The Capital', and friend and collaborator of the policeman.
Después de repetidos fracasos para atrapar a Fantômas por el Inspector Juve, una violenta campaña de prensa se desata dejando afuera a Jérôme Fantor, periodista de "La Capitale", amigo y colaborador de la policía.
# I'll hurry to the capital with lightning speed,
# Alegraos y confiad. # Voy a la capital a la carrera,
See, I just slip it thru the customs without paying the duty then I've got a bit of capital to go on with.
Lo paso por la aduana, sin pagar impuestos, y tengo algo de capital para empezar. ¿ Entiende?
"would like to meet gentleman with sense of humor." How's that?
"Atractiva viuda con un pequeño capital conocería a hombre con sentido del humor".
- With the Croats... - Sure, with the Crabs. The King will remove his veto and recall the patriot ministers, and in two weeks, we will be eating sausages and sauerkraut in Vienna, the capital of Austria!
El Rey retirará su veto, llamará a los ministros patriotas y en quince días capital de Austria.
May I add, sir, it was with great amazement... that I found a copy of Karl Marx's Capital on your night table, sir.
Permítame agregar, señor, que me sorprendió hallar una copia de El Capital de Karl Marx en su mesita de luz.
Of course, right now while the farmers are looking on, we could start off with a nice, little state capital building.
Desde luego, ahora mismo mientras los agricultores miran... podríamos comenzar con una bonita y pequeña Casa de Estado.
This is Tattletale Tommy Keenan bringing you the latest news nonsense with a bit of naughty innuendo from the West Coast capital of the world.
Este es el chismoso Tommy Keenan trayéndoles las últimas noticias sin sentido, con un poquito de sucia insinuación, desde la capital occidental del mundo.
I'm sorry to have to be so blunt with you but you're one of a vast army of silly women. Capital S, capital W.
Lamento ser tan franco pero usted es una de un gran ejército de Tontas.
He sailed past Lima, capital of Peru... hugging the coastline with a tenacity of purpose... seldom found in a penguin.
Pasó de largo por Lima, la capital de Perú... pegado a la costa con una determinación... pocas veces vista en un pingüino.
A capital fellow. If you ask me, milord, he's a stench in the nostrils... a sewer of ugliness, and a gutter brimming with slop.
- Si me preguntáis a mí, es pestilente, una cloaca de fealdad repleta de bazofia.
A well-prepared letter with sound intelligent suggestions would've thrown his business our way.
Una carta bien preparada llena de oportunas sugerencias nos hubiera acercado ese capital.
Leave with me tomorrow for the capital.
Ven conmigo mañana a la capital.
Please, Mr. Emery, you must realize she is not just a woman, some woman, she's Woman with capital "W."
Por favor, Sr. Emery, debe saber que no es sólo una mujer, una mujer corriente, es una mujer con mayúsculas.
Well, with my 75 percent I have something to say about it.
Con mi 75 por ciento del capital, tengo derecho a opinar.
Lord Kiyomori entered the capital Kyoto with his troops and wiped out Nobuyori's rebels by the Gate of Taiken in Rokuhara.
El gran Kiyomori entró en la capital al frente de sus tropas, y derrotó... a los soldados de Nobuyori y Yoshimoto en la puerta de Taiken, en Rokuhara.
Had I had a small business to run it in my own fashion, with a minimal capital...
Si tuviera un pequeño negocio, que pudiera manejar a mi modo, con un capital mínimo.
A man with brains, courage and capital.
Un hombre con cerebro valor y capital.
"London." "With its bomb-proof ministries, became capital of Airstrip One." "A province of Oceania."
Londres, con sus ministerios antibombas, era la capital de la Franja Aérea 1, una provincia de Oceanía.
And you, Athenians, you citizens of the capital of the world, you representatives of its culture, you dignitaries, emissaries, whom I find in Persia still conspiring with Darius as you did against my father, you will be held with us as hostages for Athens'fickle favours.
Y vosotros, atenienses, ciudadanos de la capital del mundo, representantes de su cultura, dignatarios, emisarios, a quienes me encuentro conspirando con Darío igual que conspirasteis contra mi padre, os tomo como rehenes para conseguir los caprichosos favores de Atenas.
Maximilian sailed across the sea with the French Army to protect him and marched to the capitol and had himself crowned Emperor of Mexico.
Maximiliano cruzó el mar, con el ejército francés para protegerlo, y marchó hacia la capital. Y se coronó a sí mismo Emperador de México.
When a threatening power lands in our capital we don't meet them with tea and cookies.
Cuando aterriza un poder amenazador, no se le ofrece té.
Ethan, I gotta ask you and Martin to take a ride with me down to the state capital.
Ethan, tú y Martin tendréis que acompañarme... a la capital del estado.
He's also a dreamer a seeker for the meaning of life with capital letters
Señor, su búsqueda ha terminado.
He was born in the year 1835 with a little capital he built in the year 1860
Estabas tan equivocado de lo que dijiste de Galwood. Creo que lo hará muy mal en la política.
For example : " Yakutsk : capital of the Yakutsk... autonomous Soviet socialistic republic is a modern city, in which comfortable buses made available to the population, share the streets with powerful ZIMs, the pride of the Soviet automobile industry,
Por ejemplo " : Yakutsk : la capital de Yakutsk... de la república socialista soviética es una ciudad moderna, en que cómodos autobúses disponibles para la población, comparten las calles con ZIMs poderosos, el orgullo de la industria automovilística soviética, en el espíritu jubiloso de la emulación socialista,
"Would you consider meeting with the church committee and myself about bringing your revival to our fair city of Zenith, capital of America's Midwest?"
"Les invito a reunirse conmigo y con mi comisión para traer su obra evangelizadora a Zenith, capital del Medio Oeste".
In Abidjan, capital of the Ivory Coast I asked some students at the Cocody School to make a film showing what friendship could be with no racial complexes.
Fue en Abidjan... capital de la República de Costa de Marfil... donde propuse a los estudiantes del instituto de Cocody... rodar una película donde se mostrara lo que podría ser una amistad... sin ningún tipo de complejo racial.
With regard to the premeditated murder of Giacomo Garris, and in consideration of the evil motives, I ask for the death penalty by firing squad.
Pido por el homicidio de Giacomo Garris, con los agravantes de premeditación y alevosía, la pena capital, llevada a cabo mediante el fusilamiento.
Anyway, she's coming home, and I hoped to persuade you to let her live with me, part of the time in the capital, part of the time in New York, and of course, Newport during the season.
En fin, viene a casa... y esperaba convencerte para que la dejaras vivir conmigo... parte del tiempo en la capital, otra parte en Nueva York... y por supuesto, en Newport durante la temporada.
If it weren't for the good old band I'd own many a house and land With gardens of roses fair
Si no fuera por la banda de música... tendría ya tres mansiones en la capital... todas con un jardín de rosas.
I'd own many a house and land With gardens of roses fair
... tendría ya tres mansiones en la capital... todas con un jardín de rosas.
Well, one day, one day after a brief struggle, capital will blend with government.
Un día, después de una confrontación, el capital se fusionará con el gobierno.
Here in Rheims, capital of Champagne, the town is bubbling with excitement. Excitement for the start of the 35th Monte Carlo Motor Rally which is not being made any easier by the difficult weather conditions.
Rheims, la capital del champán, será la capital del motor con la salida de la 35ª edición del Rally de Montecarlo que será uno de los más duros a causa de la meteorología.
We are about to formalise with our signatures a great piece of legislation, establishing here in our capital city a new Centre of Culture and Enlightenment.
Estamos a punto de formalizar con nuestras firmas... un importante acuerdo... que establecerá aquí, en nuestra capital, un nuevo centro de cultura e ilustración.
with all due respect 1080
with all my heart 134
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with a 297
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with all my heart 134
with a knife 24
with a twist 22
with a 297
with anyone 35
with a friend 35
with a smile 21
with all respect 40
with a man 43
with a gun 52
with a little help 17
with all this 27
with any luck 181
with a woman 42
with a big 18
with an 90
with a little luck 33
with a bit of luck 31
with a kiss 16
with a little help 17
with all this 27
with any luck 181
with a woman 42
with a big 18
with an 90
with a little luck 33
with a bit of luck 31
with a kiss 16
with a girl 41
capital 116
capitalism 17
with you 1138
with me 1243
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
capital 116
capitalism 17
with you 1138
with me 1243
with you by my side 17
with your family 23
with your permission 239
with men 23
with your 48
with your mother 23
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
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with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with this ring 42
with your wife 28
with your help 124
with your dad 25
with pleasure 453
with your father 34
with her 211
with whom 203
with that in mind 45
with us 243
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
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with it 82
with that said 19
with that 162
with what 706
with him 285
with your hands 23
with good reason 53
with your life 24
with it 82
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with that 162
with what 706
with him 285